Symbolism of the Six Character Heart Sutra of the Buddhist Song


Om represents the Buddha's heart, which represents the three bodies of Dharma, Revealer and Transformation, and can also be described as the Three Vajras (Body Vajra, Speech Vajra, and Meaning Vajra), which are the wisdom body, speech and mind of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

Mani It represents the heart of the treasure department, that is, the Mani jewel, inexhaustible, inexhaustible, as desired, unquenchable, praying to it will naturally get the spiritual needs and all kinds of material wealth.

Ba-mi means the Lotus Heart, which is the lotus flower that comes out of the mud but does not get stained, indicating that even though modern people are in the cycle of the five turbid worlds, by reciting this truth, they can get rid of their worries and gain purity.

Un Indicates the Vajrayana mind, which means praying for fulfillment, and that one must rely on the power of the Buddha in order to progress step by step, practice diligently, universalize all sentient beings, achieve all things, and finally attain the realm of the Buddha.

The Six Character Mantra[2] Om Mani Padme Hum is the mantra of the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion and Great Mercy, originating from the Sanskrit language, symbolizing the compassion and support of all Bodhisattvas. The Six Character Mantra is an expansion of the three characters "Om", which is exceptionally rich, subtle and supreme, containing the great power, wisdom and compassion of the universe. This mantra is the subtle original mind of Guanyin Bodhisattva, who herself practiced to become a Buddha by holding this mantra a long time ago, under the name of Dharma Ming Rulai.

Om Mani Padme Hum, also known as "Om Ma抳钵讷铭吽", has a subtle and incredible virtues, but also has infinite samadhi, all the vajra protectors, the eight heavenly dragons, all like to embrace the Buddhist belief that, if this mantra in the body, touch in the hand, hidden in the home, or the book in the door, all will be able to turn good luck in the face of adversity, the encounter with auspicious, and everything you want. The Buddhist belief is that if this truth is written on the door, it will bring good luck and good fortune, and will satisfy all your needs.

The four-volume Sutra of the Buddha on the Mahayana King of Majestic Treasures is written in the original language as "Om (唵), 么抳, 钵ネ铭(二合), Un (吽)".

Reciting this mantra is a special invocation of the Great Compassionate Goddess of Mercy.

Om, Mani, Nai, Ba, Mimi, Un, each word represents a different meaning, but each word represents an endless amount of merit, even if you practice only one or two of the words, you will receive a great deal of merit. This is the reason why some mantras can be read inaccurately and still receive merit. Goddess of Mercy incarnated as a fly and went to the animal path to deliver the living beings. When the pigs in the pigsty heard the "buzzing" sound of the fly incarnated as Goddess of Mercy, they were instantly liberated with just this one word. Every word has great benefit, and this truth should be understood.

Om is white in color, symbolizing the wisdom of the Buddha, which belongs to Bhumi Paramita, and is capable of eliminating arrogance; the white light of Equanimity purifies pride and egoism in the celestial path, and eliminates the sufferings of degradation and transmigration.

The green color is a symbol of His Holiness' compassion, which belongs to the nectar of observing the precepts and removes jealousy; the green color is the color of Vajradhara's dharma; and the green color of the light of the wisdom of becoming is the light of wisdom, which removes jealousy in the path of the asuras, and eliminates the sufferings of struggles.

The yellow color symbolizes His Holiness' body, speech, mind, career, and merits; it belongs to the nectar of patience and humiliation, which eliminates the mind of greed; the yellow color is the Dharma color of Vajradhara; and the yellow color of the light of the self-generated wisdom purifies ignorance and greed in the human path, and cuts off the plagues of birth, old age, sickness, death, and poverty.

Ba is blue, symbolizing His Holiness' great happiness, belonging to the Paramita of Refinement, which eliminates foolishness; blue, the dharma color of the Infinite Light Buddha; the blue light of the Dharma Realm's physical wisdom purifies foolishness in the animal paths, and breaks the darkness (àn4, darkness. Darkness) of dumb suffering.

Mi is red, symbolizing His Holiness' great happiness, belonging to meditative Paramita, which eliminates miserliness; red, the Dharma color of the non-empty accomplished Rudra; and red, the light of the Wonderful Observant Wisdom, which purifies miserliness in the paths of the hungry ghosts, and breaks the suffering of hunger and thirst.

The Un is black, symbolizing His Holiness' compassion, which belongs to Praj?a Paramita, and can eliminate anger (chēn1, Sam. Staring) and anger (huì4, 会. Indignant) mind; black, the dharma color of the five caste Buddhas*** who suppress all evils together, in order to foretell the extinguishing of the hatred of all beings in the three realms; the black light of the Great Perfect Mirror of Wisdom, purifying the anger in the hells, and breaking off hot and cold sufferings.

Remembering "Om Mani Padme Hum" can remove the six kinds of worries, including greed, anger, dementia, arrogance, jealousy and miserliness, block the doors of the six paths, transcend the six paths of reincarnation, and be reborn in the Pure Land to attain Bodhi.

Note: "Om Mani Padme Hum" is a six-character mantra.

Om, Mani, Padme, Un

Some people translate it as: Ah! May my merit and virtue be complete and merge with the Buddha! Or it is translated as: Ruyi Bao ah, Lotus Flower yo! Guo Zhuo Mao explains it as, "Ruyi Lotus Yo, let me take you to ferry all beings!" I am Buddha i.e. Bodhisattva. "Om" means "Buddha's heart", recite the mantra and face the Buddha, the body, mouth and mind become one with the Buddha, in order to achieve fulfillment; "Manganese", which is Sanskrit for "Ruyi Bao", means "treasure heart", it is said that this treasure out of the brain of the White Dragon King, if you get this pearl, into the sea can be no treasure not gathered, on the mountain can be no treasure can not be, so it is also known as the "Gathering of treasures"; "Abracadabra", meaning "Lotus" in Sanskrit, represents the "Lotus Heart", which is a metaphor for dharma nature as pure and flawless as the lotus flower, which is free from mud and dirt; Un", meaning "Vajradhara mind", means "praying for fulfillment", i.e., one must rely on the power of the Buddha in order to attain "right enlightenment", accomplish everything, spread all sentient beings, and finally realize the wish of becoming a Buddha.

This is the first time that a Buddhist monk has been sentenced to death.

"Om Mani Padme Hum" is the translation of the six-word mantra by Mr. Zeng Jushi:

Om, what is the nature of its own, such as the precious pearl, can give birth to a hundred million laws.

Ah, the mind is like a lotus flower, which can emerge from the mud without being stained.

Ah, infinite sentient beings, speedily realizing, the path of supreme enlightenment Buddha.

The Six Character Truth represents the compassion and empowerment of the Bodhisattvas, and is exceptionally rich,

infinitely subtle, and supreme, and is regarded as the root of all blessings, wisdom, and actions.

Engraved on stones, it has become the most common decoration in Tibetan areas, and is rich in interpretation, which is translated by Choi Ai Fang as "the treasure on the lotus of purity to all sentient beings".

Truth Meaning

Tibetan Buddhism regards these six words as the root of the classics, and advocates that believers should chant them over and over again in order to accumulate merit, and that they will be liberated only when their merit is complete. The latest research by Tibetan scientists is said to suggest that the six words of truth translate as, "Ah! May my merit be complete and merge with the Buddha, Amitabha!" Other Tibetan medical writings suggest that the poetic interpretation of the Six Character Truth is: "Ho-Wa! The treasure of the Lotus Lake!"

Related Buddhist Words

The Six Character Flood Name, Namo Amitabha, is as influential in Buddhism as the Six Character Truth.

Meaning of the Six Character Hung Name:

Nanwu ------ conversion and acceptance;

A ----- Infinite Light (health);

Mi ----- Infinite Consciousness (wisdom);

Dharma ----- Infinite Life (longevity);

The Buddha ----- the message of Infinite Light, Infinite Consciousness and Infinite Life.

The meaning of the Six Character Name "Namo Amitabha Buddha" is: I am willing to receive Infinite Light, I am willing to receive Infinite Wisdom, I am willing to receive Infinite Longevity.

Six True Words

Om: eliminates the suffering of birth and death in the heavenly realm,

Mani: eliminates the suffering of non-heavenly struggles,

Nui: eliminates the suffering of birth, old age, sickness and death on earth,

Ba: eliminates the suffering of animal servitude,

Mi: eliminates the suffering of hunger and thirst of the hungry ghosts,

Hum: eliminates the suffering of the hells of cold and heat.