Distribution characteristics of teleconnection

Winter teleconnection type in northern hemisphere

1) Pacific-North America teleconnection (PNA): It indicates the teleconnection type that the circulation situation of the Middle East, the Pacific Ocean and the North American continent remains unchanged, and the Aleutian region is inversely correlated with the eastern United States at 500hpa. The positive Pacific-North America teleconnection type corresponds to the strong ridge control on the west coast of the North American continent and the upper trough control in the North Pacific and eastern North America. The corresponding situation of negative Pacific-North America teleconnection type is different. The whole North American continent is controlled by a high-altitude trough, while the North Pacific ridge obviously exists.

2) Western Atlantic teleconnection (WA): teleconnection (50 W ~ 60 W) of 500hPa potential height variation between the North Atlantic and tropical Atlantic and Western Europe. At 500 HPA, the true teleconnection pattern of the western Atlantic shows a weak trough on the east coast of North America and a weak jet in the western Atlantic. The negative teleconnection pattern of the west Atlantic corresponds to the strong development of the east coast trough of North America and the strong jet of the west Atlantic.

3) East Atlantic teleconnection (EA): teleconnection type of 500hPa geopotential height variation in subtropical East Atlantic, North Atlantic and Europe. Generally, the North Atlantic has an unusually high altitude of 500hPa, while the subtropical East Atlantic and Eastern Europe have a low altitude of 500hPa, which shows the teleconnection type of the East Atlantic. or vice versa, Dallas to the auditorium

4) Telecorrelation in the Western Pacific (WP): the teleconnection type of 500 HPA geopotential height variation relative to the surface pressure oscillation in the North Pacific (150 e ~160 e). What is the circulation situation of 500 hectopascals? If the Aleutian region is a weak trough of low pressure and the upper jet over Japan is also weak, it corresponds to the teleconnection type in the western Pacific. On the contrary, it is negative western Pacific teleconnection type.

5) Eurasian-Pacific teleconnection (EUP): The teleconnection of Siberia, Europe and Japan at 500hPa potential height has obvious zonal characteristics. Under the circulation situation of 500hPa, the positive teleconnection between Europe and Asia-Pacific corresponds to a strong upper trough near 30 E, and the Siberian high is relatively strong. The negative Eurasian-Pacific teleconnection corresponds to a strong upper trough near 60 E, and the Siberian anticyclone is weaker than normal.

Telecorrelation types in the northern hemisphere in summer

1) Japan-Pacific teleconnection type (P-J type) or East Asia-Pacific teleconnection type (EAP type): Huang et al. (1987) revealed the East Asia-Pacific teleconnection type (EAP type) excited by convection activities near the Philippines. Nitta( 1987) defined a cloud cover index and correlated it with the height field of 500hpa in the northern hemisphere. It was found that there was a teleconnection wave train that started from the moving ocean surface of the Philippines and reached North America, which was called Japan-Pacific teleconnection type (P-J type).

2) Asia-Pacific Circulation (APO): A seesaw phenomenon in which the temperature of tropospheric disturbance lies between the middle latitudes of Asia and the Pacific in summer. When the troposphere in the mid-latitude region of the Asian continent is cold, the troposphere in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean is warm, and vice versa. This teleconnection also occurs in the stratosphere, but its phase is opposite to that of the troposphere.

3) Global teleconnection (CGT): Circulation anomalies in the North Atlantic and Europe can lead to circulation anomalies in the Asian subtropical jet, and interact with the Indian summer monsoon to form teleconnection waves from Pakistan to North America via East Asia and the Pacific Ocean.

4) Tokyo-Chicago "Express Train" and Shanghai-Kansas "Express Train": It is pointed out that summer precipitation in East Asia is closely related to North America, and summer climate anomalies in Europe, Asia and North America are regulated by the North Pacific.