1. All successful people have goals. If a man doesn't know where he wants to go and what he wants to be and what he wants to do, he won't succeed. --Norman Vincent Peale
2. The higher the goal of a man's endeavor, the faster his talents will develop and the more effective he will be for society. --Soviet Union
3. Only he who proposes great ideals to himself and strives for them with all his strength is the happiest. --Galinin
4. Firmness of purpose is one of the most necessary sources of strength in character, and one of the sharpest tools for success. Without it, genius would have labored in vain in the lost paths of paradoxical amorphousness. --Sir Justfel
5. One must never turn one's back and try to escape when danger threatens. If one does so; it only doubles the danger. But if one faces it at once without flinching, the danger will be halved. Never run away from anything, never! --Winston Churchill
6. The height of a fountain does not exceed its source; a man's achievements do not exceed his beliefs.
7. The significance of a man does not lie in what he has achieved, but rather in what he hopes to achieve. --Kahlil Gibran
8, When people feel that they are not capable of great success, they will despise great goals. --Warwick Nagel
9. It is not enough that every step leads to a goal that is finally to be reached, but every step should be a goal, and every step has its own value. --Goethe
10, For a blind ship, the wind in all directions is a headwind. --England
11, a noble goal, if pursued unswervingly, will become a feat. --Wordsworth
12, believe in yourself first, then others will believe in you. --Roman Roland
13, our life is like a trip, the idea is the guide, no guide, everything will stop. The goal will be lost and the power will be reduced to nothing. --Goethe
14, Life is an arrow -- so you have to know what target to aim at and how to carry the bow, and then pull the bowstring enough to let the arrow fly! --Van Dyke
15, Don't make insignificant plans, for it has no charm to make one's blood boil. --America
16, the ultimate value of life lies in the ability to awaken and think, not just survive. --Aristotle
17, Great energies are produced only for great purposes. --Stalin
18, A man who has a premonition of a bright future, when he advances on the arduous avenue of life, is like an innocent prisoner approaching the execution ground, and need not be ashamed at all. --Balzac
19. With what purpose a man travels, in his travels he knows nothing but the acquisition of knowledge relevant to his purpose. --Rousseau
20, as a person, if you have not experienced the sorrows and joys of the world, and have not fought with life, it is impossible to understand the meaning of life. --Yang Shuo
21, I have always hated people who plan for their own subsistence. People are above subsistence. --Gorky
22, the realization of the unattainable is the true sign of extraordinary perseverance. --Zweig
23, man can only have to dedicate himself to society, in order to find out the meaning of that actually short and risky life. -- Albert Einstein
24, Those who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed. --Louis Hammes