National sports community industry development status is what kind of future development should pay attention to what?

The influence of community sports factors favorable and unfavorable factors, favorable factors are national advocacy support, the masses need and actively participate in; unfavorable factors are, funding; guidance personnel lack; lack of contact and communication, there are certain limitations; fitness means of singularity and unscientific and so on. Community sports to solve the problem of funding and guidance, to improve the communication between the community to learn from each other, the prospect will be very good.

Transforming the concept of community sports construction. In the development of community sports should be the guidance of community sports and community building unity. In our country the rise of urban community building in essence refers to the strengthening of community elements, the development of community organizations, enhance the vitality of the community, and improve the standard of living of community residents of the activities, all involved in the improvement of the quality of life of the residents should be the content of community building.

China's imminent entry into a moderately prosperous society, which marks the increase in consumption demand for culture, entertainment, fitness and education of urban residents, the development of community sports should become an important element of community service, recognizing that the development of community sports and community construction to promote the unity of the entire community construction, as an important aspect of community construction, the overall promotion, which will be conducive to the full mobilization of social resources to develop community sports, thus making community sports construction. development of community sports, thereby adapting the development of community sports to the needs of society.

Improving the organization and management of community sports. Community management in our country at present presents the trend of administrative, there is the problem of government and society are not divided, this situation directly leads to community management organizations and grass-roots government in sports organization management functions entangled, the powers and responsibilities of the problem of unclear. Community sports want to enter a healthy development track it is necessary to clarify the role of the government and the community residents committee in the social management. First of all, we must clarify their respective functions, institutional innovation, change the community sports management subject and management concepts.

Let the community be able to exercise the sovereignty of management, self-management, self-development, self-service, clear positioning of the functions of each subject, the residents' committee to exercise the management function, the government let go of the exercise of guidance, coordination, service of other functions, to help the community to solve the problems encountered in the management of sports.