What's the song with the lyrics "Let's rock and roll together"?

Title: Let's Swing Together

Lyrics, Songs and Vocals: Wang Feng

Give me your hands and your waistline and let's melt in the rhythm

Don't care about yesterday's sadness Don't pay attention to the promises that have not been fulfilled

Let's swing together Let's swing together Let's forget about all the pain and come together to swing together

What's going to happen tomorrow Who knows what's going to happen? Who knows what's gonna happen tomorrow, so let's rock and roll right now

Forget the sunscreen, forget the tax bill, forget last summer's bad love

Forget the rose gold, forget the fur dresses, forget all those drunken sweet lies

Let's rock and roll, let's rock and roll, let's rock and roll, let's forget all the pain and come on out

How about we rock and roll, how about we rock and roll, right now? Let's rock and roll together?

Don't look forward to people who won't come back, don't wait for things that can't come true

Looking back at all those long nights, do you realize the tears that flowed silently into the bottom of your heart

Let's sway together, let's swing together, let's forget all the pain and let's rock together

What's going to happen tomorrow, who knows? So let's sway together, let's rock together

Let's sway together. Wang Feng wrote more than 60 songs for this new album, and the style of "Swing Together" is something Wang Feng has not tried in the past, but it still has the mark of Wang Feng's music, which is still not free from the brand of rock and roll, but just has the qualities of entertainment and pop.

The song has a pop veneer, but it is a pure blues rock, with a simple and powerful melodic arrangement, behind which is Wang Feng's confidence in his creativity nowadays, proving once again that Wang Feng's ability to handle rock. Wang Feng said that this is what he wanted to express, a more relaxed, released, even crazy Wang Feng.