Zheng Doyan from South Korea a time to fat loss exercise enlisted countless girls heart, Zheng Doyan gymnastics series has been derived from a lot of versions of a lot of jumping, like gymnastics, need to lose weight girls can seriously learn, if you can stick to it on the better, the effect is more obvious oh. So which set of Zheng Doyan weight loss gymnastics good effect? Here to see my recommendations.
Zheng Doyan weight loss dance belongs to the general aerobic fitness exercise, each Zheng Doyan weight loss dance is about 40 minutes, a 60kg body weight of people jumping a section of Zheng Doyan weight loss dance, the consumption of calories is about 240-300 calories. On the basis of normal diet, if you can dance one session of Zheng Doyan Dance every day, you can lose 1kg of fat in a month. If you ask which set of effect is good, I think each set has its own slimming effect, specifically to thin where, it depends on your choice.
1. Reduce the whole body fat series
"Zheng Doyan Little Red Riding Hood aerobics local + whole"
"Zheng Doyan big ball drill flexibility training"
Little Red Riding Hood's whole + local course is most suitable for the whole obese sister, big ball drill in the training of flexibility at the same time also stretching the muscles, to play a whole body weight loss effect. However, it should be noted that before doing gymnastics must be warmed up, otherwise it is easy to strain.
2. Reduce arm fat series
"Zheng Doyan dumbbell exercise women's light instrument training"
"Zheng Doyan small gray hat gym upper body shaping"
Dumbbell exercise role is to lean arm fat, many people are worried about the muscles. Don't worry, dumbbell exercise with just 0.5kg dumbbells, men with 10-15kg want to practice chicken meat to be very slow, women with 0.5 will not have bulky muscles, if you want to have better results, you can buy 1kg dumbbells to do.
3. Slim legs and abdomen series
"Zheng Doyan aerobics waist and abdomen, thin legs"
"Zheng Doyan mat drill stretching thin legs"
"Zheng Doyan mat drill lower body shaping"
Aerobics drill knee flexing action is more, mainly on thin thighs and calves are useful for girls with thick legs. The mat exercise is mainly for the hips, positive abdomen, side abdomen and lower abdomen, and after doing it, you will feel the abdomen is very tight. The mat exercise is very powerful, as long as you can insist on jumping down 5 times, you have succeeded. All the exercises in there almost all work the visceral part of the abdomen to prevent sagging.
Above according to the difference between the body localization, introduced three series of Zheng Doyan weight loss exercise. There are other series, interested friends can learn more about themselves. For those who do not want to run to lose weight, jumping weight loss exercise is a way of exercise that can be easily adhered to, I recommend that you take action immediately, set a good plan goal, towards the weight loss goal unremitting efforts oh.