If he is, the custom there is to divide the banquet into two parts: the man's side pays for the banquet, and the woman's side pays for the banquet. There is a bride price, but the dowry is usually doubled.
If your boyfriend is inside Shanghai, the banquet should be done together with the money from the man.
If your boyfriend is in Shanghai, the banquet should be held together with the money paid by the man.
There is no bride-price, but the dowry is optional.
If the man is in your name, you can pay for the decorations and the furniture and appliances in the house. If you don't have your name on it, then the decoration should be done by the man. You only pay for what you can move (that is, what you can take with you) as dowry.
But everything is negotiable, depending on each family's situation. There's no such thing as a "how-to"
But everything is negotiable, depending on each family's situation.