1. Catching a rabbit, a grandfather surnamed Gu, went to the street to play vinegar and buy cloth. He went to the street to buy vinegar and cloth. After he bought the cloth and vinegar, he turned around and saw the eagle catching the rabbit. He put down the cloth, put down the vinegar, and went after the hawk and the rabbit. The hawk flew away, the rabbit ran away, and he spilled the vinegar, and the vinegar wet the cloth.
2. Two tigers, two tigers, running fast, running fast, one has no ears, one has no tail, real personality, real personality.
4, fan fan cool, fan summer not fan winter, you have to ask me to borrow, to pass the middle of August
5, small snowflakes small snowflakes, floating ah floats, the earth tree branches in white robes, I came to sweep out a road, we walk slippery not fall.
6. I'm a painter, I'm a strong painter, I'm going to paint that new house, I'm going to paint it beautifully, I'm going to paint the roof and the walls, I'm going to be busy with the brushes, and I'm going to be busy with the brushes, and I'm going to be busy with the brushes.
7. Duk Duk Duk, buy sugar congee, three catty walnuts, four catty kernels, eat your meat, but also your shells, Zhang's old man came and asked you to ask for a small flower dog.
8. The Songjiang Songjiang is a great place to visit, and the wontons are a great place to eat, so don't worry about it.
9. There are a group of Smurfs on the other side of the mountain and the sea, they are smart and lively, they are brave and clever, they live freely in the green forest, they are kind and brave, they are happy with each other, oh lovely Smurfs, oh lovely Smurfs, they work together and use their brains to defeat Gargamel, they sing and dance happily and happily.
10. The moon in the sky was full and round, like a big disk. The sky dog came to take a bite, and the moon lost half of its face.
11, bath song clear water, clattering, soap bubbles, white flowers, small towel, wipe wipe, love clean, good doll.
12. The giraffe is tall and has a long, thin neck, and it's easy to eat the leaves, so it sticks out its neck and eats them all.
14, the rain, closed, the minibus chili meeting ~ ~
15, the sun shines incense burner purple smoke, look at the lamb skewers hanging in front of the river, the hala left three thousand feet, a touch of the pocket did not bring money.
16, petunias climb high buildings, high buildings climb the treetops, treetops long climb the east wall, the east wall slippery climb fence, fence fine dare not climb, sitting on the ground blowing the trumpet.
17, your head, like a ball, a kick kick to the department store, the department store, there is a fan, a fan fan to the train station, the train station, there is a train, to you rolled a broken.
18, big head big head, rain does not worry, people have umbrellas, I have big head.
19. The road is wide and wide, and the police stand in the middle, stopping when the red light is on, and moving forward when the green light is on.
20, I have a small donkey I never ride, one day I have a whim to ride to the market, I hold a small whip in my hand I heart how pleased, suddenly between the clattering fall all muddy.
Expanded Information
The clapping game was invented by students in the Jing'an district of Shanghai, mainland China, and has been perfected over the years. The game is very extremely popular on campuses in China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, and has even spread to Japan and Korea.
The reason for this is that it uses hand gestures to convey information, is easy to play against, and does not violate school rules!
The basic skills are divided into three categories: inhaling (also known as gathering anger), defense (blocking) and attack (offense).
Gathering Rage increases Rage.
Offense requires the consumption of Rage.
Defense also consumes rage, but less than attack.
Some low-level defenses don't even need Rage.
All of the above skills are supplemented with hand gestures and words move names when they are made.
For the synchronization of the gestures, each turn before the moves are clapped, both single and double, so called the clapping game.
The process is as follows.
Clap your hands → make a move while shouting out the name of the move → clap your hands → make a move ......
until the opposing player dies.
Walking around the campuses of mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, you can always see some "clappers". They play while walking, while reading comics, while eating,......, and even use it to decide who is in charge of a matter!
So start, join us and become a "warrior" who is well versed in "hand-to-hand combat"!