Was break dancing invented by black Americans? Did MJ ever break dance?

It was invented by black Americans, and MJ once skipped it.


Break dancing originated in the United States, and its founder is the black singer James Brown from the East Coast of the United States. When he sang a new song on TV in 1949, he created a strange and eccentric movement. Young people imitated it and held dancing competitions in the streets. After this dance spread to Los Angeles on the West Coast, dances imitating the movements of puppet robots appeared. The two major schools of street dance on the east and west coast of the United States combine and are very popular among young people. Because this kind of dance is mostly performed on the streets, it is also called "street dance".

The moonwalk is the famous break dance

The so-called "spacewalk" (also translated as "moonwalk", Moonwalk) can actually be divided into four categories (back slide, side slide, In-place skating, rotating skating), the name "moonwalk" was first named by Michael Jackson. The backward sliding step is a visual illusion effect, giving people a magical vision of walking backwards while clearly walking. The history of this dance step can be traced back to 1955, but at that time it was just a simple back slide and not the "moonstep" that was later modified and perfected by Michael Jackson. The back slide became popular around the world when Michael Jackson performed "Billie Jean" and became one of his trademarks. Michael Jackson's autobiography published in 1988 was also titled "Moonwalk."