There are time steps, Cuban breaks, forward locking steps, backward locking steps, fixed-point turns, New York steps, cha-cha-cha steps, zig-zag steps, and changing the center of gravity in place.
The cha-cha-cha steps are derived from jazz, with the hips moving on the first beat and the feet moving on the second beat, similar to rumba. Pay attention to the twisting of the waist and hips in the overall dance behavior.
International standard Latin dance also refers to sports dance, divided into rumba, cha-cha-cha, cowboy, samba and bullfighting five dances.
1. Stand with your feet naturally and easily close together.
2. Chest out, spine straight, no shrugging.
3. Take a step to the side with either foot, straighten the other foot that supports the center of gravity, and shift all your weight onto it so that the pelvis can move to the side, and so that you feel the weight is on the heel of the supporting foot, with the knee locked back. The amount of pelvic movement should be such that it does not affect the posture of the upper body.