The first point: when dancing cha-cha-cha, you should relax, stand firmly in the center of gravity, bearing in mind that the center of gravity is always on the straight leg, so that the pace can be more sharp and compact.
The second point: cha-cha-cha is a back-and-forth step, pay attention to the rhythm. When stepping forward, the center of gravity is in the front foot, the back foot toes on the ground, the instep is straight; when stepping backward, the center of gravity is in the back foot, the front foot toes on the ground, the instep is straight.
The third point: the cervical spine should be upward force, the shoulders down, the arm naturally swing with the rhythm, do not run through too much power.
The rhythm of cha-cha-cha dance is basically the same as that of rumba, and it is characterized by a lively, warm and playful style due to the accompaniment of dance music and the light speed of dance steps. Its footwork music four beats per bar to walk five steps: slow, slow, fast, fast.
There are a lot of steps, not in detail, a brief introduction
1. basic step. 2. fan step. 3. alemana. 4. field hockey step. 5. three cha-cha-cha-cha. 6. right spiral turn step. 7. natural unfolding step. 8. closed twisted arm step. 9. hand in hand. 10. fixed turn. 11. rhythmic step. 12. New York step. 13. shoulder to shoulder. 14. 13. shoulder to shoulder. 14. left gyro turn step. 15. unfolding step from left gyro turn. 16. aida step. 17. spiral turn step. 18. open twisted arm step. .....