What kind of dance is good for six people (girls) in a cultural performance in school?

Based on the different style characteristics of the dance, it can be roughly divided into the following categories:

1. Classical dance

Classical dance is based on the traditional dance of the national folk, through the refining, organizing, processing and creation of the generations of professional workers, and after a long period of testing of the artistic practice, handed down, is considered to be the most canonical significance of the dance and the characteristics of the classical style. Generally speaking, classical dances are characterized by strictness and rigor. Generally speaking, classical dances have strict programs, standardized movements and superior skills. Many countries and nationalities in the world are characterized by their own unique styles of classical dance. Classical dance in Europe, generally refers to ballet dance.

2, modern dance

Modern dance, is the nineteenth century wood and the early twentieth century in Europe and the United States the emergence of a school of dance, its main point of view is to oppose the classical ballet because of the old-fashioned, detached from the real life and the pursuit of skills of the tendency of formalism; advocate to get rid of the classical ballet is too rigid action program of the bondage of the law of natural movement of the dance, the freedom of expressing the true feelings of the people, emphasizing the importance of the art of dance. It emphasizes that the art of dance should reflect modern social life. Its founder, recognized as the American dancer Isadora Duncan.

3, folk dance

Folk dance is a form of dance created collectively by the working people in the long-term history of the process of continuous accumulation and development, and widely circulated among the masses. Folk dance and the people's life has the closest connection, he directly responded to the working people's lives and struggles, expressed their thoughts and feelings, ideals and aspirations. Due to the differences in the way of life of the people of various ethnic groups and regions, historical and cultural mentality, customs and habits, as well as the natural environment, thus forming different national styles and regional characteristics.

4, popular dance

Popular dance generally refers to the dance of life, that is, in people's lives have a direct and close contact with a variety of utilitarian purpose is relatively clear, everyone can participate in a wide range of mass dance activities. Including self-entertainment dance, social dance, customary dance.

5, international dance

International dance is the international standard social dance. There are ten types of international standard dance, modern dance five for the waltz, Vienna waltz, tango, foxtrot and quickstep, Latin dance five for the rumba, cha-cha-cha, samba, bullfighting and cowboy dance. Social dance is also known as ballroom dance, it as a simplification of the national standard dance, the requirements are not very strict, suitable for the masses. Including slow three, fast three, slow four, fast four, tango, rumba, cha-cha-cha, etc.

6, square dance

Square dance is mainly relative to the theater dance folk dance. Square dance and theater

The difference between the dance is not only in the performance space is different, but also in the square dance dancers are often non-professional dancers. At the same time in its semi-performance dance with a great deal of self-indulgence. Personally, I think cha-cha-cha is better