July is the month of fire, September is the month of clothing. On the first day of the month, the zurna, and on the second day, the chestnut; how can I die without clothes and without brown? On the third day of the month, I will be in ploughshares, and on the fourth day I will lift up my toes. I will carry food to the farmers in the south, and they will be very happy to see me.
July is the month of fire, September is the month of clothing. In the spring, the sun rises, and there is a sounding of a barn. The woman was holding a basket, and she followed him on his way, seeking the soft mulberry. The woman's heart was sad: Will she ever be able to return with the Prince?
July is the month of fire, August is the month of reeds. The month of silkworms, take their axes and axes, in order to cut the far Yang, interfering with their female mulberry. The shrike in July, the performance in August, the Xuanzhai Huang, I Zhu Kongyang, for the male clothes.
Polygala in April and products in May. In August, they were harvested, and in October, they fell. The first day of the raccoon, to take their fox, for the Duke fur. On the second day of the month he carries on his journey to Wugong, and offers his little pig a 3-year old pig to the Duke.
The katydid moves its stock in May, the cockerel in June. In July, the crickets are in the field, in August, in the house, in September, and in October, the crickets are under my bed. The dome is filled with smoky rats and plastered with mud. I am sorry to say that my wife and son have changed the year, and that they have entered this room.
June food Yu and azulene, July Hen Kwai and beans, August peeling jujube, October rice. For this spring wine, in order to intermediate eyebrow life. July food melon, August broken pot, September Shujo. The first is a kind of simarouboubouli, which is a kind of tea, and the second is a kind of simaroubouli.
September to build a garden, October to harvest crops. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty. I am a farmer, and my crops are the same, so I will go to the palace. The daytime is in the thatch, the night time is in the cord; urgently its multiplication of the house, the beginning of the sowing of hundreds of grains.
Two of the day chiseling ice Chongchong, three of the day in the Lingyin, four of the day of its flea, offering lamb sacrifice leek. September frost, October clean field. The first day of the year is the day of the first month of the year, and the second day of the year is the day of the first month of the year. The first thing you need to do is to get into a public hall and call it a rhinoceros horn: "Long live the world.