Ordering is a kind of food in Japanese restaurants, which belongs to rice, that is, rice is set at 250g, and the ingredients in it are standardized, such as pork cartilage, eel, pork chop and tempura, which are basically at10010g.
Its main features are simplicity and economy. When guests come to the restaurant, they can get the food, soup and vegetables they ordered on a plate, which can meet the requirements of customers who have to go to work after lunch or are pressed for time. Japanese ordering is generally based on a certain dish, accompanied by side dishes, rice and so on. Sauce soup, pickles.
The way of serving can be determined according to the situation of the dishes, but the main course must be placed above the plate, with a small table in front of the middle, because the guests want to eat the table, rice and pickles on the left, miso soup on the right and chopsticks on the middle and lower. This arrangement is the same, but the side dishes should be placed in the gap.