The big rabbit was sick, the second rabbit looked, the third rabbit bought medicine, the fourth rabbit boiled, the fifth rabbit died, the sixth rabbit carried, the seventh rabbit dug a pit, the eighth rabbit buried, the ninth rabbit sat on the ground and cried, and the tenth rabbit asked why he cried. The nine rabbits said, the five rabbits never came back!
The egg was incubating on the cliff
It was incubating and it fell off,
Even if all the king's horses were gathered,
even if all the king's subjects were gathered,
the egg could not be restored to its original state...
A man died...
A man died...
A man died...
A man died...
A man died...
A man died...
A man died...
A man died. Man,
A man who had no talent,
and was too lazy to do anything about it to put him in a grave.
Head rolled under the bed,
Limbs strewn about the room
"Mama Killed Me"
Mama killed me,
Daddy ate me,
Brothers and sisters sat under the dining room table,
Picked up my bones,
Buried them in a cold stone grave.
Solomon? Grandy"
Solomon? Grandy
Born in Lunar曜日
Baptized in Fire曜日
Married in Water曜日
Got sick in Wood曜日
Golden曜日 got sicker
Died in Earth曜日
Buried in the earth on Sun曜日
This is the life of Solomon? Grandy's life
Three Blind Mice
Three blind mice! Look at the way they run!
They chased the farmer's wife,
and she cut their tails with a table knife.
Have you ever seen anything like this in your life?
As much as three blind mice.
There Was a Tiny Man
There was a tiny man, and he had a tiny gun,
and the bullets had lead, lead, lead in them,
and he killed Jonny. Shrek,
through his wig and hit him in the head, head, head.
"Lizzie Borden Takes the Axe"
Lizzie Borden took the axe,
and chopped Daddy forty times.
When she realized what she had done,
she chopped her mother forty times.
A Twisted Man, Walking a Twisted Mile
A twisted man, walking a twisted mile.
With a twisted sixpence in his hand, stepping up twisted steps,
Buying a twisted cat, the cat catches twisted mice.
Together they live in a crooked cottage.
Sing a Song of Sixpence
Sing a song of sixpence,
The bag is full of rye;
Twenty-four black paintbrushes,
are baked inside a pie!
When the pie was peeled,
The paintbrush began to sing;
Wouldn't that be a very tasty meal to put at the king's table,
a very tasty meal to put at the king's table,
and a very tasty meal to put at the king's table?
The king was counting his money in the tent;
the queen was eating bread and honey in the parlor.
The maid was sunning herself in the garden;
A black paintbrush flew in and
pecked away her nose.
"Jack the Ripper"
Jack the Ripper is killed;
Pauline and Siffy are walking in the white church;
Snipers' footsteps sound;
Jack the Ripper is coming.
The Black Sheep
Baa - baa - baa
Black Sheep, Black Sheep, have you any wool on you?
Yes, yes, there are three bags,
one for the master, one for the lady,
and the last, for the young master crying by the roadside.
Bloodstained Mary
What can a boy play?
Frogs, snails, and puppy dog tails.
What can girls play?
Granulated sugar, pans, and other goodies.
What about me? What can I play with?
I can play scary games!
Ten Little Negroes Out for a Meal
Ten little niggers out for a meal;
One chokes to death and there are nine left.
Nine little negroes stayed up late;
One overslept leaving eight.
Eight little negroes were on a trip to Denman;
One said he'd stay there seven left.
Seven little negroes were chopping wood;
one cut himself in half six left.
Six little negroes playing with a beehive;
One wasp stung one leaving five.
Five little negroes enter the court;
One is left behind four remain.
Four little negroes go to the sea;
A red herring swallows one leaving three.
Three little black men went into the zoo;
A big bear took one leaving two.
Two little negroes sat in the sun;
One died of heat leaving only one.
A little black man felt so lonely;
Not one left after he hanged himself.
The Boys and Girls Come Out to Play
The boys and girls come out to play.
The moon is bright as day!
Leaving dinner and sleep behind,
Traveling the streets with friends.
With a whistle,
With a call,
With a good will, or simply none at all.
Boys and girls come out to play,
The moon is bright as day!
Leaving dinner and sleep behind,
Traveling the streets with friends.
With a shout, with a call,
With a good will, or simply none at all.
Climb the ladder and jump off the wall,
Half a loaf of bread is all you can eat;
You've found the milk, I've found the flour,
Half an hour to make pudding.
Butterfly, Butterfly
Butterfly, butterfly,
Where do you come from?
I don't know, I don't ask,
Never had a home.
Butterfly, butterfly,
Where are you going?
Where the sun shines,
Where the buds grow
The shaver, the shaver, shaves the pig
The shaver, the shaver, shaves the pig!
How many hairs does it take to make a head wig?
Twenty-four, that's enough!
Give the shaver a pinch of snuff.
A Cat Creeps Out of the Barn
A cat crept out of the barn,
with a pair of bagpipes under her arm.
She couldn't sing anything except for a chaotic tic-tac-toe.
The mouse married the bumblebee,
Bagpipes, the cat; dance, the mouse;
We're going to have a wedding in the good house.
"The Cats Go Out and Serenade"
The cats go out and serenade,
Playing wonderfully on a banjo;
On this summer night they climb the tree,
Singing, "My love, oh, come to my arms!"
"Come to the Window"
Come to the window,
My baby, join me,
and see the stars,
Shining on the sea.
There are two little stars,
They play hide-and-seek
And two little fishes
Far out in the deep;
Two little frogs,
Calling, "Little Tide, Little Tide, Little Tide;"
I see a dear darling baby
It was time for him to go to bed.
"Choco? Rocks"
Gully? Rocks, Choco? Rocks,
Will you be mine?
You don't have to wash the dishes,
You don't have to feed the hogs,
But sit on a cushion
Seam up the cracks firmly,
Take a bite of the strawberries,
Bring the sugar, and the cream
The Thistle Cut in May
The thistle cut in May,
They grow in a day;
Cut the thistle in June,
that would be too soon;
cut the thistle in July,
they die.
"Klaus Patch, Painting the Door Plugs"
Klaus Patch, painting the door plugs,
sat by the stove and the spinning-wheel;
took a cup of tea, and drank it all up,
and then called in the neighbors.
Do You Listen With Drooped Ears
Do you listen with drooped ears?
Do they waver?
Can you tie them in a knot?
Can you tie them into a bow?
Can you throw them over your shoulder
like an infantryman?
Do you hang your ears and listen?
"Elizabeth, Elspeth, Bettes, and Beth"
Elizabeth, Elspeth, Bettes, and Beth,
They went together in search of a bird's nest;
They found a nest with five eggs in it,
they took one and kept four.
"Elsie Mary"
Elsie Mary grew up so pretty and healthy,
that she would not go to feed the pigs when she was grown up,
except to lie in bed till eight or nine o'clock!
Lazy Elsie? Mary.
"Mimi's Little Spider"
Mimi's Little Spider
Climbed up the sprinkler;
The rain came down
Washing away the little spider;
The sun came up
The sun dried up all the rain;
Mimi's Little Spider
Climbed up the sprinkler again.
Mommy, Daddy, and Uncle John
Mommy, Daddy, and Uncle John
Go to the fair one after the other.
Daddy fell down -!
Mommy fell down -!
But Uncle John kept going, and going,
and going,
and going,
and going,
and going,
and going ......