Chicken dance simple tutorial decomposition

Chicken chick dance simple tutorial decomposition is as follows:

1-2 mother hen from the left hand "chicken dance posture", eyes look at the left hand 3-4 chick to do the mother hen's mirror action 5-6 mother hen from the right hand "chicken dance posture ",1-4 flat foot step right foot start, one beat twice, turn head to look at one point 5-8 chicks learn to fly dance posture twice, at the same time legs flexed and stretched.


"Chicken Little Chicken" is a mainland pop female singer Wang Rong lyrics, music and sing a song, this song in the creation of the song, the song. Melody part of the lyrics from beginning to end no more than five words, chickens, hens, roosters, cooing day. song subversive use of imitation animals of various cries, so that people's mind to relax, stress relief, and even through the vigor of the "spit" to bring people pleasure and coziness. The song is not just a piece of music, but an entertainment product.

The Chicken Dance is a funny dance that imitates the movements of a chicken. It has been seen in square dancing, variety entertainment. When waiting in line, once someone dances the "Chicken Dance", others will follow and dance happily.In November 2014, the official dance version of the "Chicken Dance" MV was released, and this time, Wang Rong's "Chicken Dance - The Official Official Dance Version", is a complete and pure dance from start to finish. The complete and pure Chicken Little dance from beginning to end will allow everyone to fully and completely appreciate the perfect combination of this divine song with divine dance.