2 . The Generation of Jun P13, 17
3 . Henery Mancini's "Dear heart" (Naoko's favorite piece) P42, 341
4 . Brahms Symphony No. 4 (Naoko's favorite) P43
5 . Sgt Pepper's lonely hearts club band. (record) P45, 350
6 . Bill Evans Waltz for Debbie (record) P45
7 . Simon Morrison & Miles Davis (photos of the singer) P58
8 . Ayumi Ishida (song coming from outside) P78
9 . Seven Daffodils (folk single) P81
10 . The Lemon Tree (folk song) P90
11 . Powder Puff (folk song) P90
12 . Five Hundred Miles from Home (folk song) P90
13 . Where Have All the Flowers Gone (folk song) P90
14 . Row Yo Michelle (folk song) P90
15 . Renard Bastille (album collection) (Chatting Like a Flower Girl) P96
16 . Mabin Ki & Bee Keith (In the Snack Bar) P99
17 . Mahler's Symphony (Naoko's Sanatorium) P107
18 . Will Evans [Piano Pieces] (the same recording from Naoko's night of weeping) P129
19 . Bach's Fugue P130
20 . Bach's Miniatures (played by Rei) P130
21 . Michelle P130
22 . The Man Without a Home P130
23 . Julia P130
24 . Bach, Mozart, Scarlatti (Reiko) P145
25 . Bach's Ideas (Gay Girls) P148
26 . Proud Mary (Reiko's Whistle) P161
27 . "The Flying Wheel" by Brad Shute Andress P165
28 . "Cream's" The White Room P166
29 . Simon & Garfunkel Band "The Sound of Silence" P166
30 . The Beatles The Sun Rises from Here P167
31 . Brahms Piano Concerto (in stereo broadcast) P175
32 . Booker Hoss & Puma P175
33 . Barton Pavello, Seronius Monk (jazz piano) P181
34 . Not the Finale and The Maid of Ipanema, Berklaku, Lennon, McCartney P193
35 . Flying Spring Shadows by The Rolling Stones (at the request of middle school girls) P197
36 . Tony Bennett (tedious for hippies) P197
37 . Jim Morrison "People are strange when you are a stranger "P202
38 . Seronius Monk's "Honeysuckle" P203
39 . John Coltrane P214
40 . Ornette Coleman & Barton Pavello (record) P237
41 . Miles Davis (Records) P258
42 . Tender Blue (Sunday Morning Letters to Naoko) P260
43 . Shana Boone (in conversation with Midori) P265
44 . Driftaz Climbing to the Roof P290
45 . Mozart & Ravel P303
46 . Mozart's Piano Concerto played by Robert Casadesch P303
47 . Karlos Jobim's Not the Finale P332
49 . Naoko's Funeral:
Babe, Norwegian Wood, Yesterday, Michelle, There's One Thing, Fool on a Hillock, J. Lennon, P. McCartney, G. Harrison, Drizzle, Blackbird, Julianne, Sixty-fourth of the Year, The Man Who Didn't Come Home, And I Love Her, Hey Jude, Climbing to the Roof. P341
Ravel's Peacock Dance for the Late Princess, Debussy's Moonlight, Berklaku: Through You, Wet as Rain, Walking in Time, The Wedding Song 342,
Bossa Nova, Rodgers and Hart, Gershwin, Bob Dylan, Chavez, Carole King, Beezus, The Beach Boys, Up, Blue Swan. Upward, Blue Velvet, Greenfield, Juliana Ligupi P342
Norwegian Wood, The Last Song (#51) - Bach's Fugue (often played by Reiko) P343
Bibliography & Writers:
1 . Claudel, Racine, Eisenstein P34
2 . Truman Capote, John Apodaiku, Scott Fitzgerald, Lemonte Chandler (Watanabe's favorite writer in college)P35
3 . Kazunori Takahashi, Kenzaburo Oe, Yukio Mishima, or contemporary French writers (read by other students) P35
4 . Aperdaiku's The Centaur, Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby (18 year old "me"'s favorite book) P35
5 . Balzac, Dante, Joseph Conrad, Dickens (Nagasawa's favorite authors) P36
6 . Osamu Dazai's novel (the girl with many tongues after intercourse) P50
7 . Euripides' Electra (first encounter with Midori) P59
8 . Conrad, Master Jim P65
9 . War and Peace, The Man of Sex, The Catcher in the Rye (not available at Kobayashi Books) P74
10 . Thomas Mann, The Magic Mountain (read in the snack bar) P99
11 . A Thousand and One Nights P149
12 . Capitalism P211
13 . Faulkner, Light in August P237
14 . Hermann Hesse, Under the Wheel P276
15 . Bonda & Barres (favored by students working in a restaurant) P303