Apple ipad weibo friends sent square dance video before can watch now can not open how to do

Want to see friends in the circle of friends sent the video, but can not open how to do? Here to teach you encountered WeChat friend circle video can not play when how to solve!


1, check whether the video file format in WeChat is the format supported by the phone.

2. Shoot a video through your cell phone and store it in your phone.

3. If you can play the video, we suggest you receive other video files through WeChat or download the video in other ways, to rule out whether it is caused by the corruption of the video file or different video encoding.

4. Try to update your WeChat software version.

5, re-download the WeChat software to observe.

The next time you encounter a video can not be played, in accordance with the teachings of the above methods one by one experiments to solve it
