Read: Mikel Ruffinelli is a plus-size model and *** nanny. She weighs 190 kilograms and her hip circumference is over 2.4 meters, setting a Guinness record for the world's largest hip. Behind her are her husband and daughter.
Mikel Ruffinelli is a plus-size model and *** nanny. She weighs 190 kilograms and her hips have a circumference of more than 2.4 meters, setting a Guinness record for the world's largest hips. Behind her are her husband and daughter.
Kayla Freebairn plays with her dog "Charlie" at the Royal Easter Show on March 29, 2013 in Sydney. Charlie is a Golden Retriever who, according to Guinness World Records, has the world's loudest bark at 113.1 decibels.
Thousands of people gather at the stadium of the National University of Political Science and Law in Pathum Thani province, outside Bangkok, Thailand, on February 12, 2013, to spin hula hoops at the same time. In doing so, Thailand broke the record previously held by Taiwan for the most people simultaneously spinning hula hoops.
*** 4,483 people participated in the event, which lasted seven minutes. The event was organized by Thailand's Ministry of Health with the aim of encouraging all people to exercise and stay healthy.
Athlete Philippe Croizon (L) from France dives to the bottom of a 33-meter pool with the help of special diving equipment on January 10, 2013, at the Nemo33 diving center in Brussels. This is the deepest pool in the world and is used for professional diving training. He suffered a serious electric shock in March 1994 and lost his arms and legs.
Kim Song-ho, buried in snow and drinking a beer, performs an endurance show on January 12, 2013 in Yanji, Jilin province. According to local media reports, on January 17, 2011, Kim Song-ho set a Guinness World Record for the longest time spent naked in the snow at 46 minutes and 7 seconds.
On January 28, 2013, in Hawthorne, New Jersey, the birthplace of bubble wrap, 366 high school students gathered to simultaneously squeeze 8,000 square feet (743 square meters) of bubble wrap in honor of the 13th annual Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day. The process was completed in under two minutes, setting a new Guinness World Record.
On November 15, 2012, Kenichi Ito, the Japanese "Monkey Man," ran the 100 meters in 17 seconds and 47 seconds, setting a new Guinness World Record for the fastest person in the world on all fours.
Brad Bambusch takes part in a massive snowball fight on January 12, 2013 in Seattle, Washington, USA. There were 5,834 participants in the official record***, setting a new Guinness World Record.
Guinness World Records officials watch as chef Drew Deckman adds cheese as the latter makes the world's largest fried chili patty at the State Fair of Texas on October 1, 2012 in Dallas, United States. The entire patty, which weighs more than 600 kilograms, was specially made to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Fritos fritters.
On October 2, 2012, Gabriel Guallo, from the Quichua tribe in Ecuador, had a tarantula placed on his face. He plans to set a new Guinness World Record in February 2013 by placing 250 tarantulas on his body for 60 seconds during a special celebration. The original record was 240 tarantulas for 30 seconds.
On September 28, 2012, at the Topsfield Fair in Rhode Island, USA, organizers announced that Ron Wallace had won the top honorary award. He grew a pumpkin that weighed 2009 pounds (about 911 kilograms), breaking the world record.
The exact date of the image was not provided in the 2013 Guinness Book of World Records. Zeus, the Great Dane shown drinking from the kitchen faucet, lives in Otsego, Michigan. It is recorded as the tallest dog in the world at 3 years old, standing about 1.12 meters tall from feet to shoulders, and 2.23 meters tall if standing on its hind legs.
September 3, 2012, in the United States, the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, Massachusetts, in order to celebrate the return of students to school, the chefs set up a heavy 1-ton, nearly 4.3-meter diameter pan, cooked a pot of sumptuous seafood feast. The seafood cooked in the pan weighed about 3 tons, beating last year's record of 1.82 tons.
Beekeeper She Ping, 32, is covered with a thick "bee coat" as his apprentice smokes the bees away from his face on April 18, 2012, breaking the previous world record (26.8 kilograms) set by a Jiangxi man in 2008, and the previous record (26.8 kilograms) set by a Jiangxi man. The world record (26.8 kilograms) was previously set by a Jiangxi man in 2008.
On October 15, 2006, at the 100th International Import and Export Commodities Fair in Guangzhou, one of the world's largest trolley cases was on display. It was 175 centimeters long, 115 centimeters wide and 46 centimeters thick.
Chris Walton, "The Duchess", shows off her long nails outside the New York Public **** Library on September 14, 2011 in New York City. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, she has had her nails about 3.1 meters long on her left hand and 2.9 meters long on her right hand for 18 years.
On October 27, 2006, 74 scuba divers gathered at the Aquatic Center in Sydney's Olympic Park to set a Guinness World Record for the most people dancing underwater. The dance lasted 10 minutes and the donations raised went to charity.
Workers push a ball made of rubber bands onto a scale to be weighed in front of a Guinness World Records certifying official on November 21, 2006 in Chicago. The ball weighed 2084 kilograms, breaking the previous world record of 1415 kilograms.
A couple is kissing in the square in front of the Parliament in Budapest, Hungary, on June 9, 2007, as they attempt to set a world record for the most people kissing at the same time. Organizers say ***6,400 couples took part in the event, which lasted several seconds, and managed to reach their goal.
People dressed in inflatable sumo suits take part in a 5km charity run on June 19, 2010 in Battersea Park, London. Organizers say the annual event has set a new world record for an oversized sumo costume party.
The world's longest cigar, on display in Havana on May 3, 2011, measures 81.8 meters in length, nearly the width of a soccer field. The cigar now sits in El Morro, a Spanish-style fortress overlooking Havana Bay. After being featured in the Guinness Book of World Records, the cigar eclipsed the original record holder (45.38 meters).
On May 20, 2011, Hercules from Estonia towed the Baltic Queen. This is a passenger ship weighing 21,746 tons. Organizers claimed that the athletes had set a world record for human-powered towing.
Children lean against trees on June 5, 2011 in Kathmandu, Nepal. *** Eight hundred and seventy-nine people took part in this World Environment Day event to convey the message of protecting the environment. The event also set a world record for the most people "hugging" trees. The event lasted two minutes.
Grower Pete Glazebrook smiles as he holds his 8.15 kilogram onion at the Autumn Flower Show on September 16, 2011 in Harrogate, northern England. This is the heaviest onion in the world. The Harrogate Flower Show has been held for nearly 100 years and has seen many huge vegetable plants.
On September 26, 2011, German Lutz Eichholz was riding over a beer bottle in an attempt to break the world record. The record he ended up setting was riding over a distance of 8.93 meters long, made up of 127 beer bottles. The original record was 7.99 meters, according to organizers.
On October 2, 2011, Marie and Gabrielle of the Vaudremer family were celebrating their 101st birthday at the Chateau Sous-Bois retirement home in Spain. According to Guinness World Records, these are the oldest twins in the world.
German Rolf Bucholz shows off his 453 piercings on October 24, 2011 in Dortmund. He is in the Guinness Book of World Records for the "highest number of piercings".