Where is Dabietou Village?

Dabietou Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of fenghuang town, quanzhou county, Guilin, Guangxi, with the urban-rural classification code of 220. The zoning code is 450324 1 10205, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 450324. Postal code 54 1000, long-distance telephone area code 0773, license plate number Gui C. Damatou Village is adjacent to Qili Village, Wang Gao Village, Shuixi Village, Shantou Village, Xinmin Village, Wanli Village, Panpi Village, Sanli Village, Heping Village, Daping Village, Shisha Village, Tangdi Village, Tangsan Village and Palm Tree Village.

Near Dabeitou Village are Quanzhou Xiangshan Temple, Quanzhou Tianhu, Quanzhou Sanjiangkou, Yanjing Hot Spring Scenic Area, Fanzhongyan Garden and other tourist attractions, and there are Quanzhou honey pear, Quanzhou Wenqiao duck, Xiangshan wine, Dongshan pig, Quanzhou flower fish and other specialties.