Where is Lijiaping Village?

Lijiaping Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Pan An Town, Gangu County, Tianshui City, Gansu Province, with the urban-rural classification code of 220. The zoning code is 620523 10 1263, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 620523. The postal code is 74 1000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0938, and the license plate number is Gan E. Lijiaping Village is adjacent to Peijiaping Village, Xiejiaping Village, Wujiaping Village, Dongbao Village, Sishipu Village, Xinzhuang Village, Dazhuang Village, Yuhuangdian Village, Nanjie Village, Yan Jia Village, Dongjie Village, Shijia Village, Beijie Village and Dongping Village.

There are many tourist attractions near Lijiaping Village, such as Gangu Daxiangshan, Jiangwei Cultural Park, Jianshan Temple Forest Park, Gupo Grassland and Cai Jia Temple. There are also special products such as Gangu pepper, Gangu onion, Gangu embroidery, Gangu spine beast, Gangu pot tea and so on.