Yangzhou City Language Subject Leader. Major awards: second prize in the National Classroom Competition, first prize in the Video Lesson Competition; first prize in the Provincial Classroom Competition, special prize in the Lecture Competition; first prize in the Municipal Classroom Competition. Municipal "Excellent Teacher", "Advanced Individual in Teachers' Morality", "Advanced Individual in Moral Education", "Teaching Master". The first is the "excellent teacher".
Mathematics teacher Xu Shoukou
Graduated from the Department of Mathematics of Yangzhou University Teachers College in 1996, he is currently the head of the mathematics teaching and research group of Yangzhou High School in Jiangsu Province, four rounds of cyclic teaching, and the graduation class taught by the high school entrance examination results are outstanding. A number of education and teaching papers were published, won awards. He has been awarded by the Municipal Education Bureau, the third-class merit, excellent party member and other honorary titles.
English teacher Tang Wei
Yangzhou Middle School, director of the Academic Affairs Department, member of the English Education Association of Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou City, English subject leader, has been in the United States, Britain, Canada, South Korea exchanges and learning, won the title of excellent educators in Jiangsu Province, the National Outstanding English gardener award, Yangzhou City, excellent class teacher, and has been awarded by Yangzhou City, Yangzhou City, Education Bureau, many awards.
The senior three language summer tutorial lecture synchronous training ①
Pre-course pre-study accumulation content:
I. Commonly similar words pronunciation analysis 80 groups (on)
1. Confession (chàn) repentance, annihilation (jiān), road (qiān) strangers, Qian Qian (qiān) Mangmang, fiber (qiàn) rope, fluttering (piān), spry (xi) ān)
4. 鲠(ɡěnɡ)在喉、粳(jīnɡ)米、便(biàn)宜行事、便(pián)宜、大腹便(pián)
6.央請(měi)、产产(miǎn)、挽(wǎn)拯救、冠冕 (miǎn)堂皇
9.讴(ōu)歌、沤(òu) 肥、呕(ǒu)心沥血(xuè)、怄(òu)气、伛(yǔ)偻、佝(ɡōu)偻(lóu)
14.亵(xiè)渎(dú)、渎(dú)职、案牍(dú)、穷兵黩(dú)武、买椟 (dú)还珠、赎(shú)罪
17.阐(chǎn)明、箪(dān) 食壶浆、殚(dān)精竭虑、肆无忌惮(dàn)、禅(shàn)、让婵(chán)娟
19.言简意赅(ɡāi)、垓(ɡāi)下之战、骸(hái)骨、弹(tán)劾(hé )
22.侥(jiǎo)幸、不屈不挠(náo)、蹊(qī)跷(qiāo)、妖娆(ráo)、骁(xiāo )勇善战、饶(ráo)恕
25.瞅(chǒu)见 、啁(zhōu)啾(jiū)、揪(jiū)心、铁锹(qiāo)、愀(qiǎo)然
26.秕(bǐ)谷、先妣(bǐ)、包庇(bì)、纰(pī)漏、砒(pī) 霜、枇(pí)杷、毗(pí)连
27.颁(bān)布、颔(hàn)首、下颌(hé) 、颀(qí)长、硕(shuò) 果、妙语解颐(yí)
32.佛龛(kān)、田垄(lǒnɡ)、得陇(lǒnɡ)望 蜀
35.椽(chuán) 子、掾(yuàn)吏、不容置喙(huì)、以蠡(lí)测海、篆(zhuàn)书
36.绸(chóu)缪(móu)、倜(tì)傥(tǎnɡ)、啁(zhōu) 啾(jiū)、啁(zhāo)哳(zhā)
37.稗(bài)官野史、纵横捭(bǎi )阖(hé)、俾(bǐ)使、髀(bì)骨、裨(pí)将、脾(pí)气、啤(pí)酒、碑(bēi)碣(jié)、睥(pì)睨
38.狙(jū)击、沮(jǔ)丧(sànɡ)、咀(jǔ)嚼(jué)、龃(jǔ)龉(yǔ)、趔(liè)趄(qiè)、趑趄( jū)、租(zū) 赁(lìn)、诅(zǔ)咒、人为(wéi)刀俎(zǔ),我为鱼肉
40.翎(línɡ)毛、翩(piān ) dancing (xiān), flying (xiánɡ), boast (xǔ), lifelike (xǔ)
2. 80 examples of common and most easily misused idioms (above)
1. It is often misused as "once" and "I don't know when".
2. "Uneducated and unskilled" means "not having the ability to learn". Can not be added before the "all day" "month" and other modifying words. The word "learn" is a noun, often mistakenly used as a verb.
3. Incomprehensible: "can not be reasoned to understand", often misused as "unbelievable".
4. It is often misused as "do not think", which means "do not take it to heart" and "do not care".
5. Waiting for the rabbit: pejorative term, refers to "do not take the initiative to work hard, the heart of fluke, hoping to get a windfall", often misused to describe the public security police resourcefulness.
6. ear to ear: positive words, describing the teacher eager to teach. It is often misused as a derogatory term.
7. "Can't bear to read": "can't bear to finish reading", describing the article's "sadness". Often misused to describe a poorly written article.
8. Diligent help; honorific word, refers to the help of others to themselves. Often misused to indicate one's help to others.
9. wasted time: to waste time. It is often misused to describe "hard, hard years".
10. Fame for a while: It means to be very famous at that time. It is often misused as a derogatory term.
11. The originator: the person who started a certain bad trend. Often misused as a pejorative.
12.not win: a derogatory term referring to the inability to tolerate its tediousness. It is often misused as "not tired of it".
13. It is often misused to describe "pejorative", a derogatory term.
14. On the surface, it seems to be that there is no other specialty, but in fact, it means that there is nothing else, describing that there is nothing else.
15. "The eye is not able to see the whole cow" refers to a person's skill and ability, and is easily mistaken for a lack of a holistic view of the world.
16. Ghostly craftsmanship: describes a person's skillful craftsmanship, and is often misused to describe natural landscapes. The same can be said of "skillful craftsmanship".
17.求全责备:指对人苛求完善,后面不能带宾语,与这类相似还有 "indifference"。
18. To turn a deaf ear to a person's opinion is to plug his ears and not to listen, which describes an unwillingness to listen to others' opinions. It is easy to be misused to describe a person who is too preoccupied to hear.
19. Guatian Li Xia: describes a place where suspicion is easily aroused. It is easy to misuse it to describe the idyllic life.
20. Zhuoer Buqun: describes very good, beyond the norm. It is easy to misuse it to describe a person's character.
21. It is easy to misuse it as a description of listening out of the blue.
22. Dengzhiwei: It is a metaphor for learning skills from the shallow to the deep, step by step, to reach a higher level. It is easy to misuse the word "enter".
23.like sitting in the spring breeze: describes being well educated. It has nothing to do with "scenery".
24. To be questioned in court: to be questioned in court. It is easy to misinterpret it as "to argue, to distinguish between right and wrong".
25. Respect each other as if they were guests: a special reference to husband and wife's respect and love for each other. It is also known as "to raise one's case to the same level as one's eyebrows".
26.Walking the horse and watching the flowers: a metaphor for roughly observing things, emphasizing the process, easy to be confused with "skimming the surface". The latter refers to the impression is not deep, emphasizing the results.
27. The teacher's heart is in his own hands: it describes stubbornness and self-righteousness. It is easy to misuse as "good at learning and borrowing, for my use".
28. The opposite of this is easily understood.
29. The crime is not punishable by death: it describes the crime that is so serious that it is synonymous with the term "deserve to die". It is easy to misunderstand that the crime has not reached the level of being killed.
30. It is easy to misinterpret it as "no success".
31.无所不至:It means that everything that can be done has been done (used for bad things). It is similar to the phrase "to do nothing".
32. Anzhi Ruosu: It means that when one is in adversity, encountering difficulties or suffering setbacks, one can take it calmly, just as usual. The same kind of similarity is also "Tai Ran Yuyi".
33. Kanye: describes talking straight and calmly. It is easy to be confused with "娓娓谈"(describing the talk is not tired or talk beautifully).
34. It is easy to mistakenly refer to stammering.
35. It is easy to misinterpret as inconsistent behavior.
36. It is often misinterpreted as "exhausting one's mind and energy" (用心精力,费尽心力).
37. sideways glance: to describe fear and resentment, easily misunderstood as respect.
38. It is easy to be mixed with "beyond the reach of the whip" (meaning that the power cannot reach).
39. Change of course: a metaphor for reforming a system or changing a policy. It is easy to confuse with the phrase "to change the direction or practice".
40.I don't know what I'm talking about: I don't know what I'm talking about, meaning that the language is disorganized or empty, and it refers to the speaker. It can be misinterpreted as "the listener does not understand".
Post-course consolidation and improvement:
I. Complete the following sets of training questions about the sound of words
1. The punctuated words in the following words are pronounced accurately. B. Tubo (fān), bì (bì), jammers (jiān), gū (gū)
C. Tiě (tiě), fán (fán), hèng (hèng), nà (nà)
D. Liàn (liàn), chuāng (chuāng), dào (dào), sleeps like a flower (niān)
2. A. workshop (zuō) heart wide body fat (pán) prescription (chǔ) give help (jǐ)
B. yanshan (yān) war veterans (zǒng) fall asleep (lào) exceptionally exciting (fēn)
C. (yìng)
D.泡桐(pāo) 济济一堂(jǐ) 空余(kòng) 作者附识(shí)
3、 . The following words in the punctuated word reading
tone, all accurate group is ()
A. wipe (kāi) oil spasm (jīng) contracture dimple (yè) 物阜(fù)民安
B.泥(ní)古, soldier (zhèng) friend fishy (qī) stilts 羽扇纶(guān)巾
C.滂(pāng) tuo (沱) 摈(bìng) abandon
B. 赡(zhān)养 聳紿(zī)趄不前 聳 莅(lì)临 夙(sù)兴夜寐
C. 冻馁(něi) 暴殄(tiǎn)天物 禅(chán)让 惴(zhuì)惴惴(zhuì) uneasiness
D. indica (xiān) 聳籼(xiān) rice 残羹冷炙(zhì) 残羹冷炙(zhì) purification(bá)除 perish (yǔn) 聳罹(yǔn) body does not care for
5. >5. In the following words, each of the pairs of punctuated words does not have the same pronunciation.
6. The punctuated words in the following words are pronounced exactly the same in each pair ()
A.遮蔽/弊弊, 囹圄/聆听不挠不挠/饶有情趣.
B. timeless/fondly remembered stung/ yawning/ shackled tersely sighing/ failing to make a success of the endeavor.
C.Serving/Eating Auspiciousness/Shortcuts Backtracking/Early sleep.
D. Rubble/clerical standing/twitching Perseverance/The outline.
7. The punctuated words in the following words are pronounced differently in each pair ( )
A. fake / swaying profile / indignation throat / choking
B. trace / long-cherished longing vision / pupil mansion / Xiamen
C. deliberation / screening metric / sudden polarization mold / model
D. debatable / securities hot / irritation descending / subdued < /p>
8. The words punctuated in the following words are all accurately pronounced
A. qīng 倾慕 qīng 俊彦 yàn 渲染 xiàn 嘉言懿行 yì
B. xuān 轩昂 xuān 萦绕 yíng 酽茶 yòn 枸然心动pīng
C. mucous membrane nián 囊包náng 笃信dǔ 桑榆暮景mù
D. D. spine jí screening zhēn 晋谒 yè 披肝沥胆lì
A.眷顾 Serving (cì) 怯生生(què) 不揣冒昧(chuǎi)
B.糅合 芙蓉色(yùn) 闹别别(biè) 閉目塞聽(sè)
C. Selection 舛误(chuǎn) 煞风景(shā) 飞扬拔扈(hù)
D. Doing Stalking 咋舌(zé) Prescription Drugs(chǔ)唧唧櫸(chā)
A.纤弱(xiān) 翩跹(qiān) 庇荫(bì) 先妣(bǐ)
B.蹊跷(xī) 恣(zì) 罹(lí) 拜谒(yè)
C.狙击(jū) 踽(jǔ) 巨擘(bò) 薄暮(bó)
D.氛围(fēn) 分外(fèn) 朔风(shù) 溯流(sù)
1. >1.In the following sentences, the use of the punctuated idioms is inappropriate ( )
A.Research results show that those who are calm, cheerful and broad-minded are 50 percent less likely to suffer from mental disorders than those who are sad, lonely, nervous and worried.
B. The rival's strategic adjustments have left the company with a choice: either to join forces with industry giants and force the rival's hand, or to withdraw, cash out, and return to the software market.
C. United was surprisingly unable to take control of the game for five minutes after Park Ji-Sung's break in the third minute, while Arsenal lined up a mountain of high-speed, frenetic attacks that pressed United for breath.
D. The new version of the TV series "The Fourth Generation" has aroused controversy, with some arguing that the show has added too many modern elements, turning a picture of old Beijing's city life into a southern accent and losing the soul of the original.
2. In the following sentences, the use of idioms is inappropriate ( )
A. Ma Jinfeng's voice had no advantage when she started her career as a young girl, but she became famous for her bright voice, and in her old age, her voice is still high and pleasant, so how many mysteries are there to explore in her 81 years on the stage?
BThe Nobel Prize-winning novel One Hundred Years of Solitude by Garcia Marquez, the "master of magical realism," was once missing from major bookstores in China, reportedly because of copyright issues.
C Some foreign companies don't say they're laying off employees, but instead give them several options that are hard for them to accept, so that they have to take the initiative to resign, which some people say is a sign that they're trying to get out of their jobs in the dark.
D. A crumbling city wall can be seen on a distant mountain peak, and there is a deep valley below the mountain, with strange rocks and fast-flowing streams, with no way through, as the saying goes.
3. In the following items, the use of the words is inappropriate ( )
A. Just woke up on the ground, curling smoke filled the open, far away from the barking of the dogs, everything seems so quiet.
B.History is like a long river, flowing continuously from its source, with each stage marked by its own distinctive features.
C.Speech is an art. The powerful eloquence and eloquence of a speech may not win a highly intelligent audience.
D.The surface of the water is set in a high gorge and deep valley, smooth as satin, and with a little shaking, the ripples ripple up, exquisite and charming.
4. The idioms punctuated in the following sentences are not used appropriately ( )
A. Morality is the social soil in which all systems operate, and morality and law are interdependent in a country's civilized framework.
B. Although the scope of computer application is getting wider and wider, having it does not mean that all the work will be so easy and easy to do with a single stroke.
C. Traditional festivals are a significant and special part of the national cultural heritage, and their cultural connotations and related customs should not be out of step with modern society.
D. By spitting out my memories of the past on paper, I realized that I had accomplished the most important act of my life, and that I was destined to live for memories.
5. In the following famous sentences, the idioms that are punctuated are used appropriately ( )
A. Some people call those who only read without thinking "bookcases", while others call them "bookworms", Some people call such people "bookworms", "bookworms", "bookworms", "bookworms", "bookworms", "bookworms", and "bookworms".
B. Almost every page of this man's great work on modern European culture has words that thrill me to the point where I can't help but clap my hands.
C.The outlaw who died suddenly at the scene of his crime while extorting a large sum of money from a man who had lived a life of evil, really deserved to die.
D.The response to his speech, in which he gave an in-depth and condescending account of the relationship between the future of youth and the cause of modernization of the country, was very enthusiastic.
6. In the following sentences, the use of idioms is not appropriate ( )
A.The New Year's banquet opened with joyful music, and the atmosphere of joy filled the banquet hall with a mixture of drinks, laughter and clamor.
B. If the general reader does not find my pamphlet to be overstated, and the editor and publisher feel that it has something to offer, then I will be satisfied.
C.At present, in some areas, "traveling" is becoming something that some scholars are happy to do, because it can not only increase the popularity, but also bring a lot of economic income.
D. It's a bit hard to believe that they work day after day, year after year, and live on this vast land.
7. In the following sentences, the appropriate use of the punctuated words is ( )
A. Although these university graduates lack work experience and practical ability, they are determined to start their own business and create a new career with the support of the relevant national policies.
B.One morning in March, more and more tourists came to Yibin's Hejiangmen Square, where an old man was performing taijiquan, attracting countless pedestrians to watch.
C.On May 9, 2009, China's famous comedian Li Wenhua died suddenly, which made his old partner Jiang Kun feel the loss of his life and invade in extreme grief.
D.Lin Hejing, who lived in seclusion in Hangzhou's Lonely Mountain with his wife and son in plum blossoms, was certainly very noble, but he also had to write a masterpiece, "The water is clear and shallow, and the moon floats in the dusk of a dark fragrance," before he could become a celebrity.
8, the following statements, the use of the appropriate use of the words is ( )
A, he is a prudent person, has always practiced the principle of gentleman's friendship is as light as water, so few friends, even if there are friends, but also do not want to interact with too deep.
B, the AFC Champions League group stage, Luneng Taishan another opponent of South Korea's Seoul FC pair to 6 : 1 victory, from the current form, Taishan team's AFC Champions League trip extraordinarily treacherous.
C, Pingyao people in the past outside the business is very much, earned money, to send home, it is very unsafe, but also to hire bodyguards, so they gave birth to this ticket, specializing in the exchange of silver money.
D, Lao Zhang in accordance with the usual buy back shrimp and pork were weighed, only to find that he bought shrimp was jerry-built, a full half a catty less.
9, the following sentences, the punctuation of the idioms used appropriately is ( )
A. Many cities in China have set up a food quality reporting system, which regularly publicizes to the community the results of the inspection by the relevant departments, so as to make it difficult to escape from those poor quality food.
B.The jade crafts displayed in the exhibition hall of the fair were favored by merchants from all over the world.
C.When the fan in the actor's hand flickered, a vivid and vivid face of the drama flew away, and the Sichuan opera's face-changing skill won the audience's applause.
D.Nowadays, many parents are too eager to see their children grow up, and they often make unrealistically high demands on their children, which often turns out to be a mistake.
10.In the following sentences, the punctuated idioms are used appropriately
A.After the publication of that book on learning methods, it was warmly welcomed by primary and secondary school students and their parents, and became expensive for a while.
B.The convenience brought about by the development of science and technology is indisputable, and greetings from thousands of miles away can be accomplished in an instant with a single text message.
C. In time, we can make a name for ourselves and develop a large number of novel and chic tourism projects to add luster to the scenic spots.
D. After studying his advanced deeds, every one of us young people should go back to our roots and see how well we have done.
(Answers to be announced in the next issue)
The preview
The video of this classroom teaching will be broadcast on Yangzhou TV 3 sets of life channel at 7:45 a.m. on August 3rd.