In which city is North Jia Cun located?

North Jia Cun is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Jia Cun Town, Wangdu County, Baoding City, Hebei Province. The urban-rural classification code is 12 1, which is the central area of the town. The zoning code is 13063 1102200, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are130631. The postal code is 07 1000, the long-distance area code is 03 12, and the license plate number is Ji F. North Jia Cun is adjacent to South Jia Cun, West Jia Cun, South Han Zhuang Village, North Liu Xu Village, South Liu Xu Village, Dongxin Village, Xixin Village, Xiaozhaizi Village, Wangwen Village, Zhang Guo Village, Jian 'an Village and Xinjian 'an Village.

20 19 12 3 1, the State Forestry and Grassland Bureau announced the second batch of countries, forest village, and North Jia Cun was on the list.

There are some tourist attractions near North Jia Cun, such as the mural tomb of Suoyao Village, Yao Mu's hometown, green flower and tree base, Wang Du People's Square, Yao Mu's mausoleum site and so on. There are also some specialties, such as Wangdu Zanthoxylum bungeanum, Yang Jiao Zanthoxylum bungeanum, Wang Du Jujube, Hebei Zanthoxylum bungeanum and Wang Du Caoyu.