The Gyro World is real, here's why it's real.
Rationale one, the gyro world official in November this year around invited a number of dividend dragon winners to record a video, inside the people in all shapes and sizes, up to more than 50 years of age aunts down to more than 20 years of age white-collar workers are interested in can go forward to turn over the official circle of gyro go to see it.
Reason two, I added a lot of gyro world community and circle, there are a lot of dividend dragon winners and most of the time there is a new dividend dragon output when someone will claim, is someone's disciple or grandson and so on.
Rationale 3, each output of a bonus dragon, the official just pay 250 or so a day's expenditure, a month is also more 7000 dollars of expenditure. And how lucrative is the gyro, I'll just randomly do the math for you guys. Because I've learned a little bit about this before.
An active user in the gyro world generated advertising revenue if 2 dollars, that to his invitation to the hands of the money of up to 50 cents, I add a high-end group, the group is close to 500 people, each person's daily earnings are more than 200, here is 100,000, and the gyro official earn three times ours, that is, 300,000 yuan.
The output of the dividend dragon: I think it is the official control, the control here does not mean that it is designated to a certain person, but to control the number of outputs of the most difficult to come out of the Fuxi dragon every day, for example, every day only 100 outputs of Fuxi dragons and happy dragons, which leads to the extremely low probability of the output of the dividend dragon.
To summarize: although the conditions are harsh, but just because you did not get the dividend dragon, you can not say he is fake, at least I know so many real dividend dragon winners.