Because some people say, "What you used to listen to is the melody, but what you listen to now is the lyrics. Before listening to the song to listen to is the reality, is inspirational, is the passion, now listen to all is tasteless chicken soup" Yes! The songs of more than ten years to what have what, now the songs, in addition to the lyrics of the rest of the mess.
Everyone knows that the song consists of "lyrics" and "song". Once a song is devoid of a "song", it's no longer a song, and the lyrics can't support a good song at all. Moreover, nowadays the "lyrics" are not as beautiful as in the past, and many people nowadays only distinguish between staccato and staccato and the strength of the volume when they sing, and they should know that the lyrics of a song are good in the case of a good score, and they should sing the song according to the score with their emotions. That's the difference between songs from a decade ago and songs today.
Of course, the voice of the person who sings, although it will have a certain degree of influence on a song, but this so-called influence is also based on a beautiful melody. Nowadays the so-called pop songs, in addition to a few individual can take, now a lot of pop songs are mostly mouthfuls of songs.
Do you know what a spit song is? It's a song that doesn't have a beautiful melody but only boring lyrics and a change in the high and low tones according to a certain set of rules to produce a song, this kind of song is a spit song.
Nowadays, there is a general lack of beautiful melody in the songs, and even some of the melody of the songs are still taken from the melody of other songs, and even the change is less. Don't say it's hard to create, if it's really hard to create, how did the songwriters of more than ten years ago live? No means no, don't give yourself excuses.
Nowadays, songs simply don't follow the law of reading with light and heavy sounds that songs should follow. Songs are read with light and heavy sounds on strong beats and light on weak beats. Songs nowadays are basically read lightly on strong beats and heavily on weak beats. How to listen to this kind of songs?