Where you can download some pieces for flute and information about them.

Facts about flute composer Koehler

ERNESTO KOEHLER was a famous Italian flute player and composer. ERNESTO KOEHLER was a famous Italian flutist and composer, born on December 4, 1849, in Modena, northern Italy, where his father was the principal flutist of the Modena court orchestra, and was Koehler's teacher. As a teenager, K?hler began to show talent on the flute. For two years after 1869 he was principal flutist at the Carl Theater in Vienna, and in 1871 he moved to St. Petersburg, Russia, where he performed at the Imperial Ballet. In 1871, he moved to St. Petersburg, Russia, as a flutist at the Imperial Ballet Theatre at the age of 22. From 1900, he was principal flutist at the Imperial Opera House, where he became the most prestigious flutist in Russia, and died on May 17, 1907, in St. Petersburg. He died on May 17, 1907, in St. Petersburg.

K?hler was not only an outstanding flutist, but also an influential flute composer and educator. He composed solos, duets, and quartets for students at the intermediate level, difficult and magnificent concert solos and fantasies for performers, and excellent beginner's flute tutorials, intermediate and advanced flute exercises for educational purposes. All of these pieces and exercises play an important role in the development and education of the modern flute and have a far-reaching influence.



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Scores for Flute Solo

Scores for Flute Solo

Doc. Size

( Kb)

Polonaise, Bach 30 download

Harmonies, Bach 35 download

Platoon, H?ndel 43 download

Elf Dance, Gluck 43 download

Elf Dance, Gluck 43 download

Elf Dance, Gluck 43 download

Elf Dance, Gluck 43 download

Elves Dance, Gluck 43 download

Gavotte, Gossek 22 download

Panfare, Mozart 91 download

Serenade, Schubert 19 download

Spring Song, Mendelssohn 33 download

On the wings of song, Mendelssohn 54 download

Ride on the wings of song On the Wings of Song, Mendelssohn 54 download

Fantasia, Schumann 19 download

Adagio, Gounod 20 download

The Swan, St. Ignatius 16 download

Minuet, Bizet 58 download

Interlude, Bizet 27 download

Scene, Bizet 27 download

Humor, Dvorak 35 download

Meditation, Masnay 50 download

Wild Bee Dance

Rimsky. Korsakov 65 download

Sicilian Dance, Fauré 47 download

Lullaby, Cora

50 download

Hungarian Idyll Fantasy 198 download

Flute Reprising Scores

Flute Reprising Scores Doc. Size

( Kb)

Little Star 29 download

God Bless Me 25 download

The Enchanted Horn Player 28 download

Singing Bird 21 download

Old Grandpa 21 download

The Little Birch 30 download

By the Don 24 download

The Forest Song 29 download

The Nightingale 36 download

The Cossack Lullaby 22 download

The Song of the Cargo 31 download

Hometown 24 download

Sailing Away 23 download

Friends 33 download

Beautiful Steppe 46 download

Waves Crashing on the Shore 40 download

An Evening in Moscow 60 download

Night in Moscow 60 download

Tartar Dance 80 download

Londonderry Minor 53 download

Hometown Loved Ones 56 download

Sax & Flute Scores Doc.Size

( Kb )

Acapulco 1922, Acapulco 1922, Jitterbug 57 download

Papa Aime Maman, Papa Loves Mama, Cha-Cha-Cha 55 download

You Belong to Me, You Belong to Me, Slow Four Step 60 download

Old Black Joe, Old Black Joe, Jitterbug 55 download

My Blue Heaven, My Blue Heaven, Jitterbug 59 download

Goodbye Jimmy Goodbye, Goodbye Jimmy, Slow 3 Step 62 download

Carolina Moon, Carolina Moon, slow triple step 50 download

Edelweiss (from "the sound of music"), Snowdrops, The Sound of Music episode, slow triple step 54 download

My Foolish Heart, My Foolish Heart, slow quadruple step 64 download

Dear Hearts and Gentle People, 高貴的人,快四步 62 download

Goodnight My Love, 晚安,亲爱的,慢四步 64 download

A Home on the Range,牧场上 A Home on the Range, 3 slow steps 74 download

Hey! Judy, Slow Four Step 68 download

Kiss the Boys Goodbye, Kiss Goodbye, Jitterbug 61 download

Lemon Tree, Lemon Tree, Jitterbug 68 download

Cuban Lullaby, Cuban Lullaby, Samba 49 download

A Home on the Range, Slow Three Step 64 download

Hey! download

Maria Elena, Maria. Maria Elena, Rumba 57 download

Adios Mariquita, Goodbye Mariquita, Rumba 65 download

Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa, Slow Four Step 56 download

Moon River, Moon River, Slow Three Step 60 download

Moonlight Bay, Moonlight Bay, Medium 4 Steps 60 downloads

La Novia, La Novia, Fast 3 Steps 75 downloads

La Paloma, Pigeon, Tango 75 downloads

Plaisir D'amour, Love's Delight When the Saints Go Marching In, (theme from "Doctor Who") 58 downloads

The Shadow of your Smile, (theme from "My Love") 60 downloads

Some Where My Love,(theme from "Doctor Zhivago"),重逢有日,(电影 "日瓦格医生 "插曲)快三步 59 download

South American Way, South American Way, South American Journey, Rumba 54 download

Spanish Eyes. Spanish Eyes, rumba 58 download

Tico Tico, Costa Rica, tango 69 download

MARCEL MOYSE 24 pcs of etude & variation Doc. variation Doc.Size

( Kb )

Part I Part I 916 download

Part II Part II 859 download

Part III Part III 694 download

Part IV Part IV 557 download

Thanks to W. Pony, who studied abroad, for providing us with 24 small exercises and variations on the melodies of MARCEL MOYSE, which he recommended as a good textbook for practicing the tones. He suggests that we try to practice according to the requirements of the score carefully, such as the contrast of strength and weakness, as well as gradual strength and weakness, this textbook on the tone, volume, spitting technique to improve a lot of help!

Hans Berninger Flute Basic Etudes

Hans Berninger Flute Etude Doc.Size

( Kb )

C Major Fingering Exercises C Dur Studien 796 download

D Major Fingering Exercises D Dur Studien 716 download

E major fingering exercise E Dur Studien 1030 download

E flat major fingering exercise E flat Dur 663 download

F major fingering exercise F Dur Studien 707 download

G major fingering exercise F Dur Studien 707 download

< p>G Major Fingering Exercise G Dur Studien 785 download

A Major Fingering Exercise A Dur Studien 730 download

A Flat Major Fingering Exercise A flat Dur 763 download

B Major Fingering Exercise B flat Dur 646 download

B Flat Major Fingering Exercise B flat Dur 646 download

Basic Etude Basic Etude 2643 download

Flute Tremolo Fingering Chart Tremolo skill 350 download

Front & back cover front & back cover 597 download

Thank you! Mr. Glass from Dalian for providing this material, hope it can lay a solid foundation for beginners! (mainly basic scales and fingering exercises)

Flute Examination Tutorial from Centre music Institute

Flute Examination Tutorial from Centre music Institute Doc. Size

( Kb )

Tutorial cover 50 download

Preface 72 download

Fingerings Chart 224 download

Catalog of Exam Pieces 219 download

Pieces for Grade 1 90 download

Pieces for Grade 2 226 download

Pieces for Grade 3 517 download

Practice Pieces for Grade 4 650 download

Practice Pieces for Grade 5 712 download

Practice Pieces for Grade 6 1495 download

Practice Pieces for Grade 7 1393 download

Practice Pieces for Grade 8 1546 download

Practice Pieces for Grade 9 1969 download

Scores from Netfriends

Scores from Netfriends Doc. Size

( Kb )

The 12 Telemann Fantasies (thanks to Mr. Yang Chao Ying for scanning this material for us) 4156 download

The 12 Telemann Fantasies (thanks to Mr. Yang Chao Ying for scanning this material for us) 4156 download

The 12 Telemann Fantasia from Netfriends Doc. p>Koehler Etudes Op.93 8540 download

Scores from Netfriends

Scores from Netfriends Doc.Size

( Kb )

Deligo serenade Drigo serenade 131 download

Finland Finnish folk song 153 download

Finnish folk song Finland folk song 82 download

Exercises etude 165 download

Exercises in e minor e minor etude 486 download


Spanish Matador Espanol matador 153 download

Moonlight Clair de Lune 371 download

Autumn Whispers whisper in Autumn 745 download

from " pimpinone " 68 download

Silence silence 98 download

Sonata sonata 296 download

Turkish march turkish march 85 download

Casablanca casablanca 147 download< /p>

Serenade (Andante Cantabile from String Quartet No. 8) - Franz Joseph Haydn, Hob. III: No. 17 332 download

Mozart Flute Concerto in C Major

Morzat C Major Concerto 373 download

Colors of the Wind,provided by Hong Kong Guy 264 download

Fishing Boat 215 download

Mozart Flute Concerto No.2 in D Major Concerto No.2 in D Major

Morzat D Major Concerto No.2 ( courtesy of Green Jasmine ) 3420 download

Mozart D Major Concerto No.2 flute solo ( courtesy of Green Jasmine )

Morzat D Major Concerto No.2 flute solo score

1240 download

Courtesy of Shuro Tsukasa [Morning], from "Peer Gynt" flute sheet music, Edvard Grieg, Op 46, Trans./Arranged by Jonathan C. Forster. 52 download

Morzat D Major Concerto No. 2 flute solo. Forster. 52 download

Shirley's friend in Taiwan provides us with the piano sheet music of Beethoven's [Moonlight Sonata] (Moonlight Sonata - L.van Beethoven Op 27 No.2) 48 download

Greensleeve variation

Greensleeve Variation 502 download

[Flute Rhythm] by Zhang Xiren, thanks to the mysterious flute from Shaanxi for providing us with this sheet music. 898 download

Concierto Pastoral (J.Rodrigo) Thanks to Mr. Yang Chaoying from Shanghai for providing us with this sheet music. 2293 download

Baroque Guitar Duet sheet music, thanks to Mr. A Ming from Hubei for providing this sheet music for us.

(After unzipping, you need to use Adobe Reader to open it) 681 download

The Swiss Shepherd ( P. Morlacchi ) Flute & Piano

Thanks to Mr. Yu Tong for the sheet music 3625 download

Scores provided by Mr. Frank in Hong Kong Doc.Size

Allegro from The Faithful Music Master - Telemann 214 download

Flute Sonata in C (Bach) 1081 download

Guitar Sonata in C (Bach) 2122 download

The Girl I Left Behind (Traditional) 1488 download

Presto from The Faithful Music Master ( Georg Philipp Telemann,1681-1767 ) 447 download

Baby Elephant 1200 download

The pink panther 513 download

Scores provided by a friend in Hong Kong Doc.Size

Disney's original score for 'Colors of the Wind for Flute' 747 download

Disney's 'Mulan' 'R' for 'Mulan' 747 download

Disney's 'Mulan' 747 download

Disney's 'Mulan' 747 download

Disney's 'R' for 'Mulan Reflection' from Disney's 'Hua Mu Lan' 292 download

Disney's 'Lion King'

'Can you feel the love tonight' 434 download

Flute sheet music provided by David Wang: Doc. Size

Grand Polonaise Op.16

Grand Polonaise (flute)

574 download

Grand Polonaise (flute)

Grand Polonaise (flute part)

Grand Polonaise (flute part) 271 download

Flute Sonate 80 download

Paul Hindemith Sonate (1936), B.Schott's Sohne. Mainz

Morning - Edvard Grieg,Op 46, Trans./Arranged by Jonathan C. Forster ( courtesy of Ningbo SL ) 58 download

Theme song from the movie "Titanic" [My Heart Will Go On] courtesy of Siyue

My Heart Will Go On, from the movie "Titanic" 199 downloads

The Sakura Variations, courtesy of Bel Yin

Sakura partita 96 download

Scores from Finland

Scores from Finland


( Kb )

before the beginning of time, for flute alone ,beyond time and space, composed by Finnish composer Herbert Lindholm. furioso: powerfully 37 download

born from the seafoam at copper island, born in the waves of copper island. Composed by Herbert Lindholm, Finland. adagio: soft, come cadenza: florid 44 download

canzona No.1, Movement from the suite "canzoni per flauto e pianoforte" ( original opus: Quattro Canzona No.1, Movement from the suite "canzoni per flauto e pianoforte"). original opus: Quattro Canzoni per flauto e organo ) Suite No.1, Movement from the suite "canzoni per flauto e pianoforte" ( original opus: Quattro Canzoni per flauto e organo ) for piano and flute, (original work: fifteenth-century European Renaissance works for flute and piano) by the Finnish composer Herbert Lindholm. recitativo: recitativo 34 download

variations on " crying flute ", sad flute variations, Crying flute is a song by Oskar Merikanto, op. 52/4, which is taken from Oskar. Merikanto, op. 52/4, a song by Oskar Merikanto, op. 52/4, composed by Herbert Lindholm, Finland, Moderato: Allegro 42 download

satyr of phrygia, Myth of Phrygia, composed by Herbert Lindholm, Finland. allegro passionato: passionate Allegro, molto rubato ad lib. 58 download

muse for dance of tracia, dance of the muses, composed by Herbert Lindholm, Finland. suite for solo flute, suitable for solo flute. flute solo. allegro non troppo: fast but not too fast, rubato: notes of random length 53 download

variationer over svensk folkmelodi, a Finnish folk song for solo flute. Moderato: middle 36 download

Koher Romantic etude for flute

Op.66 Koher Romantic etude Op.66 Doc.Size

( Kb )

Swing swing 39 Doc.Size

Swing 39 download

Doll Waltz doll waltz 46 download

Joke joke 42 download

Consoling consoling 35 download

Finger practice fingers practice 41 download

Spring near the fountain 41 download

Under the moonlight 43 download

Puckering line 38 download

Octave octachord 45 download<

Swallows 47 download

Hopeful but can't 45 download

Hands and hands 43 download

Farewell valediction 39 download

Double tu play 41 download

Spinning wheel spinning wheel 49 download

Modern songs modern songs 31 download

Tremolo & mark on 39 download

Trembling & marking on 39 download

Wind wind 48 download

Insects dance 39 download

Pigeons 45 download

Beaches seashore 53 download

Cuckoo & nightingale cuckoo & philomel 48 download

Spanish rhapsody Espanol capriccio 51 download

Garch dance Garch dance 43 download

Russian dance Muscovite dance 46 download

French flute mail order sheet music information provided by Ms. Hao Xuewen Details>>

Flute & Guitar Flute & Guitar Doc.Size

( Kb )

Impromptu Tango Libertango 686 download

Sicilian Dance J.S. Bach 467 download

Rondo C.P.E. Bach 915 download

Turkish March W.A. Mozart 918 download

Tell Tambourine Dance F.J. Gosek 586 download

Polanca Niccolò. Paganini 1780 download

Variations on a Theme of Rossini Frédéric Chopin 934 download

Original Ragas Scott Jopson 844 download

First Class

G Major Scales and Arpeggios

Exercises: Gariboldi Lesson 2 Joseph Bodin de Boismortier Lesson 14

Wilhelm popp Lesson 5 Gariboldi Lesson 4

Chinese Pieces: 1. Tianxinshun 2. Xiaobai

Foreign Pieces: 1. Ode to Joy (Beethoven) 2. Songs of the Four Seasons (Araki Toyosho)

Second Level

F Major Scales and Arpeggios

Practice Pieces: K?hler Beginner's Course Lesson 26, Golbaudy, Lesson 22

K?hler Beginner's Course Lesson 28, Golbaudy. Lesson 25

Chinese Pieces: 1. August Osmanthus Flowers Bloom Everywhere 2. Su Wu Shepherds Goats

Foreign Pieces: 1. Jingle Bells (Pierpont) 2.

Golbaudy Lesson 21 Kohler Beginner's Course Lesson 39

Chinese Pieces: 1. Liu Yang River 2. Thirty Mile Shop

Foreign Pieces: 1. Humor (Dvorak) 2. Gavotte (Gossek)

Fourth Grade

B-flat Major Scales and Arpeggios

Practice Pieces: Golbaudy Fifty-seven, Lesson 58 E-Kohler Lesson 37

E-Kohler Lesson 57 G-Gariboldi Lesson 4

Chinese Pieces: 1. Chasing the Moon with Colored Clouds 2. Shepherd's Maiden

Foreign Pieces; 1. Minuet in G Major (Beethoven's Piece) 2. Etude (Bach's Piece)

Fifth Level

A Major Scales and arpeggios

Exercises: 20 small exercises for the Golbaudy flute Lesson 1

Twenty small exercises for the Golbaudy flute Lesson 2

Twenty small exercises for the Golbaudy flute Lesson 3

Twenty small exercises for the Golbaudy flute Lesson 4

Chinese music: 1, the good south of the Yangtze River, 2, the shepherd's children's piccolo, 3, the evening of the fisherman's boat. 4、Psychedelic Thoughts

Foreign Pieces:1、Dance of the Goats (A Oneg) 2、Walking Scale (Mozart) 3、Sonata in E-flat Major, 1st and 2nd Movements (Bach) 4、Hendel's Sonata No.5 (Handel)

Sixth Grade

Scales and Arpeggios

Practice Pieces: K?hler's Practice Pieces for Flute Op-33, Book 2, Lesson 2

K?hler's flute practice pieces Op-33 Book 2 Lesson 1

Chinese Pieces: 1. The Cart 2. The Village Flute

Foreign Pieces: 1. Sonata No. 3 in G major, 1st and 2nd Movements (Handel) 2. Sarabande, 3rd Movement

Seven Levels

Scales and Arpeggios

Practice Pieces: K?hler's flute practice pieces Op-33 Book 2 Lesson Lesson 3

Koehler's flute practice pieces Op-33 Book 2 Lesson 4

Chinese pieces: 1, Love Song 2, Grassland Pastoral

Foreign pieces: 1, Sonata in E minor (Bach) 2, Minor Concerto (C Schaminaard)

Level VIII

Scales and Arpeggios

Exercises: Koehler's flute practice pieces Op 33 Book II Lesson 7

Koehler Flute Exercises Op-33 Book II Lesson 9

Chinese music: 1, New Spring Music 2, Xinjiang Spring

Foreign music: 1, Romance in F major (Beethoven) 2, Concerto in G major (Mozart)

Grade 9

Scales and arpeggios

Exercises: Koehler Exercises for Flute OP33, Book 2, Lesson 12

Chinese piece: Spring Dawn

Foreign piece: Poulenc Sonata

Grade 10

Chromatic Scale

Exercises for Flute: K?hler's Exercises for Flute Op-33, Book 2, Lesson 11

Chinese piece: Sunshine on the Heavenly Mountains

Foreign piece: Concerto in D major

Concertos for flute, Book 2, Lesson 11

Foreign piece: Concerto in G major