What are the risks to the elderly and children after the outbreak is unsealed

1. Some people say that children and the elderly are susceptible to the new coronavirus, is that true?

All people who do not have specific immunity to the new coronavirus are called susceptible, that is, regardless of gender or age. It's just that there may be a slight difference in the incidence of the disease due to the differences in their resistance, but they are all susceptible.

2. Do children and the elderly have a higher risk of infection? Do they need special protection?

For the elderly and children, resistance is weaker and they are more susceptible to infection by pathogens, so the further away they are from the various ways and means of getting infected, the better.

So, the first thing you should do is to stop drinking tea and other gathering activities, and square dancing!

Something (grocery shopping) to go out, wear a good mask, see the three aunts and six aunts, neighbors with the boss of the food seller less blowing a few words of water, everyone to maintain a distance of one meter first! The first thing you need to do is to keep your eyes on the road, and keep your eyes on the road, and keep your eyes on the road!

So, how should children and the elderly

be protected during the epidemic?

Home with children, how to protect during the epidemic?

1. How to choose a mask for children?

In general, children under 1 year old are not suitable for wearing masks.

The mask will cause more or less breathing problems for the child, and children too young to express their feelings can easily lead to a situation where the child is obviously already suffering and the adults don't even know it yet.

Protecting children from viruses is the first priority, and parents should check their children's breathing to make sure they are comfortable with wearing a mask when they are out and about for children over the age of one.

While N95 has the best protection against viruses, it also has the worst breathability and is not suitable for children. General children's anti-foam masks have a certain protective effect, cotton, sponge masks barrier is not good, the same is not recommended for children to use. Masks on sale in the market, according to age is mainly divided into 1 to 3 years old and more than 4 years old two choices, parents should choose according to the age of the baby size of the mask.

It's worth noting that if a child is sick, unusually irritable or unusually quiet, it's best not to wear a mask, so as not to make it difficult for parents and doctors to observe the child's condition.

The best way for your child to avoid infection is still to avoid going out and having direct contact with people during this time, with masks as a last resort.

2. Can I take my child out for a walk? How do I protect my children when I go out?

With good protection, yes.

In areas where the outbreak is not serious, give your child good mask and glove protection. The location of the event is recommended to avoid crowds and choose a place with fewer people and good ventilation.

But be careful not to touch anything outside and pay attention to mouth and nose hygiene. When you see someone you know, don't take off your mask, and we recommend keeping a distance of more than 1 meter to say hello, and don't get too close to talk.

If you have to go out, try to take a taxi or drive yourself, take less buses, subways and other crowded public **** transportation, if the distance is close, walking is the best choice.

Adults and children should wear masks, to ensure timely replacement at the same time, do not touch the outside of the mask with your hands, so as to avoid the transfer of germs to the hands.

Bring disinfectant products such as hand sanitizer with you to disinfect the outside world in a timely manner after your child has touched it, and try to avoid your child from eating their hands, rubbing their eyes and nose before disinfecting it thoroughly.

At the same time, after returning home, pay attention to help the child wash his hands, for the child to change clothes and pants, adults should also change together, to avoid contact with the germs will be passed on to the child.

3. What should I pay attention to in my child's diet during the epidemic?

On how to eliminate the new coronavirus, academician Li Lanjuan, a member of the National Health Commission's high-level expert group, said the virus itself has little resistance to the outside world, and the coronavirus dies in 30 minutes at 56 degrees Celsius.

So it's important to cook food thoroughly, especially meat and eggs.

Also, since the new coronavirus can be transmitted through saliva, never give your child anything that an adult has eaten or blow directly on your mouth to cool your child's food, as these processes may inadvertently transmit the virus to your child.

If conditions permit, it's best for the whole family to practice meal sharing to avoid cross-infection.

How do I protect my elderly family members during an outbreak?

1. What bad habits are dangerous for the elderly during an epidemic?

(1) Eating wild game or freshly killed live poultry. The new coronavirus is transmitted by wild animals, and some elderly people may eat wild foods or freshly killed live poultry for the so-called "tonic" or "nutritional value," which can greatly increase the likelihood of infection.

The elderly must be reminded not to touch or eat wild animals, and not to kill chickens or other animals themselves. Always buy meat that has been handled in a compliant manner, and, cook it before eating it.

(2) Like to go out and interact with people in close proximity. Pneumonia is mainly spread by respiratory droplets, but can also be spread by contact. So be sure to go to public **** occasions less often.

Elderly people are accustomed to offline socializing and often go to crowded places for activities, such as square dancing and mahjong playing. These scenarios are very dangerous and must be avoided or switched to online communication at special times.

(3) Frequent meeting with relatives or attending get-togethers. During New Year's holidays, older people value the custom of visiting relatives more, which can also greatly increase the risk of infection, and several cases of family clustering have been identified across the country that require vigilance.

Elderly people should be reasonably discouraged and brought to their attention, and they can be taught to use the telephone or video function.

(4) It must not be a fluke! Everyone is equal before the virus, don't be blindly confident!

2. How to choose a mask for the elderly?

Recommended to prioritize the use of medical surgical masks, the second choice of medical care masks.

It is not recommended that the elderly use protective masks such as N95 or KN95. The respiratory resistance of these masks is very high, and after wearing them for a long time, the elderly are prone to chest tightness, shortness of breath, breathlessness and other symptoms, which may even lead to heart failure in severe cases.

3. How to protect the elderly when they go out?

(1) Understand the health of friends and relatives.

For example, whether there are signs of infection, whether they have traveled to an infected area within half a month, and whether they have been in contact with infected or suspected cases within half a month.

The novel coronavirus has been determined to be human-to-human, with some degree of community transmission, and is transmissible during the incubation period. Therefore, if a friend or relative has any of these conditions, it is important to make every effort to discourage and avoid any face-to-face contact.

(2) Outdoor protective measures, focusing on these 7 points

It is recommended to reduce the frequency of going out, non-essential matters, it is best to stay at home;

When outside, be sure to wear a mask correctly the whole time;

Try not to choose the public **** transportation, it is best to walk, ride a bicycle or self-drive travel;

It is recommended to select the

It is recommended to choose a less crowded and well-ventilated place to avoid crowds, such as going to the park or walking outdoors with a good mask;

When you see someone you know, it is recommended to keep a distance of more than 1 meter to say hello, and do not get too close or talk loudly.

When you go grocery shopping, it is recommended that you go to a regular supermarket with good disinfection measures.

After returning home, you should discard your mask, wash your clothes, and thoroughly wash your hands and take a shower, preferably with careful disinfection.

(3) When gathering for a meal, be sure to use separate sterilized tableware, and during the meal, adopt a separate meal system or use communal chopsticks.

(4) After returning, wash clothes and body surfaces in time and disinfect them properly, meanwhile, closely observe the physical condition of the elderly.

3. What do the elderly need to pay attention to in terms of diet during the epidemic?

(1) Don't touch wild animals or kill live poultry!

(2) Meat and eggs purchased at regular locations can be safely eaten after being cooked.

(3) Don't believe rumors and take food or medicine indiscriminately. The new coronavirus is being infected by humans for the first time, and related drugs and vaccines are still being developed; there are no other preventive drugs or vaccines available.

Elderly people should pay special attention to never believe rumors and take medicines at their own discretion to avoid other adverse consequences.

So the question arises,

What if a child or an elderly person is unwell?

How to get medical attention during an epidemic to ensure safety?

1. For minor ailments that are not urgent, ask for online consultation first

If you are just unwell, it is recommended that a family member assists you with online consultation first or go to a community hospital.

This reduces the risk of infection from traveling to a major hospital and eases the burden on the healthcare system at this particular time.