1.Auspicious Ganz
2.Naju Potjang
3.Good Time
4. Rikaze Potluck
And the more recent ones:
5. Gonzalez Meadow and I:
/ programs/view/rg4S6NTNXrE/
6. Five Cups of Wine:
7. Four Seasons of Good Fortune
8. Faraway Sun
9. Gesang Sheep Chola (only found the audio)
10. Hainan Potzhuang (it is an album, which seems to have 9 songs, here is a recommendation for you! p>c,
There are also some old ones that I didn't find on the internet, I have them on my computer, mostly audio, if you need them you can give me an email and I'll send them to you.
And then there are some often jump but I still don't know the name also didn't download to the, huh.
I am from the Central University for Nationalities, and I often go to Beijing Normal University and Beijing Jiaotong University to dance potshang, basically these, hehehe!