Depression in old age, is a common psychological disease of the elderly, the consequences of depression in the elderly is extremely serious, and may even be life-threatening. Therefore, our elderly friends should do a good job of depression prevention, once found suffering from depression, to receive timely treatment.
(1) Cultivate a wide range of interests
We older people should use our brains and learn more. Learning can slow down the aging of the psyche and delay the aging of the brain, so although people leave retirement, learning can not be terminated, every day more brain, to maintain the flexibility of the brain function, can make a person's spirit invigorated. Elderly people learn health care knowledge, but also to guide their own better life, to prevent the occurrence of disease.
(2) Correction of eating habits
At old age, some bad eating habits should be corrected in time. In particular, attention should be paid to nutrition, can eat easily digestible vegetables, fruits, fish, should not eat food containing too much fat.
Loss of appetite in the elderly, eating less, affecting the inhalation of potassium ions, when the blood potassium is too low will produce emotional depression. Therefore, when the elderly lose appetite, they must pay attention to potassium supplementation. If high blood pressure and take blood pressure, antihypertensive spirit and other drugs, time is too long can also lead to depression, should pay attention to the timely replacement of drugs, to prevent the problem before it occurs.
We should also eat more calcium-containing foods, such as soybeans and soy products, jujubes, leeks, celery, garlic, fish, shrimp, sesame seeds, rock sugar, honey, walnuts, milk and so on. Avoid eating alcohol and coffee and other foods. If you use your brain excessively before meals, emotional excitement and anger during meals, and use your brain and hard work labor immediately after meals, they are not conducive to the disappearance of the disease.
(3) pay attention to the living life
We enter the old age, although retired, but also pay attention to the regularity of life, appropriate participation in the ability to some social work, play their own ability. This will enable our elderly to appreciate the value of their own existence, spiritual support. And because of the maintenance of high energy, from the work of life to get pleasure, feel the old age life is full, happy.
(4) close to nature
Real life, the elderly should pay special attention to open-minded, optimistic and comfortable. Physical conditions allow the case to participate in some tourism activities, broaden their horizons. The beautiful scenery of nature can make the elderly mood cheerful and open. At the same time can also do some planting flowers, fish, birds, fishing, chess and other things to increase the interest of life, open-minded.
(5) to avoid mental stimulation
Our elderly due to the pace of physiological aging, once stimulated by negative emotions, we must actively get rid of it. Such as anger and family conflicts, at this time, we can listen to music, theater, walking and other ways to ease the mood; if the body fatigue, interest in reducing the need to rest immediately.
Once a negative emotion occurs, do not panic, you can eat chocolate and other favorite snacks, first to ease the anxiety, but also through shopping, exercise and other ways of decompression they are accustomed to relax the mood, but not overly dependent.
(6) More communication with others
Elderly people tend to feel lonely and isolated after retirement, and those who usually lack hobbies and interests are more prone to rumination when they encounter unsatisfactory things. Different situations of the elderly, if more participation in some community activities, not only can expand the circle of friends, and many elderly people can find partners with the same interests, not only to enrich the content of life, but also through mutual exchanges, mutual enlightenment, so that the elderly physical and mental health development, and effectively prevent the emergence of depression.
Therefore, in old age, especially when encountering unpleasant things, we should widely communicate with friends and relatives, say their own pain, looking for their help. At the same time should be open-minded, sincere and frank, open-minded, generous, lenient and fraternal, so that they have a good state of mind. Make a few more friends who have nothing to say, and your happiness will increase and your sadness will decrease.
When encountering troublesome things, it is best to find a person to talk about the depression of the heart, never put everything in the heart, with other friends to share their respective happiness and pain, in order to be comfortable. Therefore, the elderly to participate in group activities, more friends, enrich the life, but also through mutual communication, mutual enlightenment, so that the elderly physical and mental health development, effective prevention of depression in old age.
(7) Appropriate to do some housework
In daily life, the elderly can be in the situation of the ability to assist their children to do some household chores, such as cleaning up the room, shopping for groceries, teaching grandchildren, etc., we must know that the elderly is not the burden of the family, their rich life experience is the most valuable asset of the family.
(8) not overly concerned about health
The elderly to care about their own health and family health this is not wrong, but must not focus all the energy on health, many elderly mental illness is often so "research" out, the more you think about it, the more you feel uncomfortable, and can easily fall into A vicious circle, so that they see all the diseases in life, no longer care about those beautiful things, so how can not be depressed?
(9) Drawing on daylight therapy
In the winter and rainy seasons, the elderly are most vulnerable to depression. This is related to the dysregulation of pineal hormone secretion in their pituitary gland, which leads to changes in the rhythm of the biological clock. Therefore, utilizing indoor lighting in winter or rainy weather can significantly improve the symptoms of depression in the elderly.
(10) the use of massage points method
Simple massage stress method, the operation is as follows: the right hand middle finger tip on the left palm - Laogong point, and then the left hand middle finger tip on the right palm, close your eyes, exclude all the distractions in the heart, the tips of the two fingers pressed for two minutes.
Also, massage the "body column" and "shoulder well" two points. "Body column" is located in the back of the third thoracic vertebrae below, in order to make the neck and back straight. When acupressure chest, one side of the slow exhalation side pressure for 6 seconds, so repeat 20 times.
Applying the same pressure on the back of the neck root and shoulders in the center of the "shoulder well", it can remove the tension in the shoulders, so that through the body relaxation, to achieve the purpose of relaxation of the spirit of the tense at all times.
(11) Sleep deprivation therapy
This is a kind of short sleep deprivation therapy. The specific method is that we stay awake on the day of treatment, if necessary, can take a lunch break of 30 minutes to 60 minutes, overnight sleep; the next day during the day to continue to stay awake, and not allowed to take a lunch break, until the night sleep, as a treatment, treatment twice a week, 8 to 10 times for a course of treatment. Of course, if the elderly and accompanied by serious physical illness, the treatment is prohibited.
(12) Use of medication
There are many types of antidepressants for the treatment of geriatric depression, such as tricyclic doxepin, amitriptyline, and tetracyclic meprin. However, these antidepressants must be chosen by the physician according to the patient's condition, and the patient should take them according to the doctor's instructions and not increase or decrease the dosage at will.