嗷待哺, 哀哀父母, 哀哀欲绝, 昂昂自若, 步步登高 步步高升, 比比皆然, 比皆是, 班班可考,步步莲花 步步为营,彬禮有礼, 楚楚不凡, 刺刺不休,侈侈不休 楚楚动人, 察察而明,楚楚可爱, 楚楚可可怜, Chu Chu 可人 rashly, frowny, hastily, hastily, hastily, hastily, hastily, hastily, hastily, hastily, hastily, hastily, hastily, hastily, 蹇蹇匪躬, 九九归一 汲汲顾影, 九九归原, 斤 斤计, 斤 斤量, 岌岌岌恌 津津乐道, 赳赳武夫, 寂萬无闻, 井井有法, 井井有方 炯炯神,济济一一堂, 井井有条, 津津味, 井井有秩序 井井有绪, 斤 斤 斤自守, 眷眷心, 侃侃而谈, 款款之谈 Quite a lot of words, Quite a lot of words, Quite a lot of words, Quite a lot of words, Quite a lot of things, Quite a lot of things, Empty, Mouth-to-Mouth obstreperous,恋恋不舍,荦大,荦大,落落大方,荦大者 落落寡合,碌碌碌碌寡合,历历可辨,历历可见,了了可见 历历可考,历历,历历,寥寥,落落难合,恋恋难舍 朗朗乾坤,累累如珠,朗琅上口,朗朗上口,栗栗危恐 怕 寥寥少无几,碌碌無能,碌碌无奇,碌碌无為,碌碌无闻 历历在耳在,历历在目目, 绵绵不断、绵绵不绝、闷闷不乐 绵绵瓜瓞、脉脉含情、面面俱到、面面皆到、面面俱圆 芒聙聹芒聙聺 sea of bitterness, boundless sea of bitterness, trailing sunshine and lush, face to face, silence 芒聙聺 silence芒聙聹聹聹聹聹聺聹聹聺聺聹聺聺 The heart of the matter is in the heart of the matter, the people of the district, the pillows of the fist, everyone knows Rang full of families, everyone is in danger, endless, endless, good good from the long Shi Shi Shi, colorful, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, Clean up Help help help help help relax relax
Sarcastic sarcastic sarcastic humiliate humiliate humiliate lively lively lively happy happy happy thinking thinking thinking