Unexpectedly, Wang gave birth to a son in the second year, three sons in four years and a concubine. A few years later, Lu You visited Shenyuan Garden and happened to meet Mr. and Mrs. Tang Wan in the garden. With the consent of her husband Zhao Shicheng, Tang Wan personally proposed a toast to Lu You. After Lu You drank it, he wrote the poem "Hairpin Phoenix" in Shenyuan, and then he left.
After a meeting in Shen Yuan, Tang Wan was heartbroken. After returning to China, I pondered Lu You's ci repeatedly, then wrote the same qupai ci, and soon died of dissatisfaction. Until his later years, Lu You often remembered the past and wrote many touching poems.
Extended data:
Lu You and Tang Wan met in Shenyuan Garden and wrote "Hairpin Phoenix", which has been passed down through the ages.
Original poem: red crisp hands, yellow wine, spring willow in the city. The east wind is evil, and the feelings are thin. A sad mood, a cable that I haven't seen for years. No, no, no. Spring is the same, people are empty, and tears are red and sad. Peach blossom falls, idle pool pavilion. Although Meng Shan is here, it is hard to trust Jin Shu. Mo, Mo, Mo!
Red and crisp hands, holding a cup full of yellow rice wine. Spring is rippling all over the city, but you are as far away as a palace wall. How hateful the spring breeze is and how thin the joy is blown. A full glass of wine is like a sad mood, and life after leaving for a few years is very bleak. No, no, no!
The spring is still bright, but people have lost weight in vain. Tears washed away the carmine on his face and soaked all the thin silk handkerchiefs. Peach blossoms in Man Chun fall on silent and empty ponds and pavilions. The vows of eternal love are still there, but the brocade letter can no longer be delivered. Mo, Mo, Mo!