At this time, most children are in a sensitive period. They will think that my things are mine. Why do they share it with others? At this time, parents should not force their children, because it is likely to hurt their self-esteem. Parents can share it with others in front of their children and let them know that sharing is actually very happy and their children are very possessive. They are all self-centered at an early age, so there is nothing selfish and selfless.
Of course, not every child is unwilling to share toys with other children. Some children are willing to share their things with others under the early guidance of their parents. However, at this time, other parents had better not say that this unwilling child is selfish. This is a kind of moral kidnapping, which is likely to have a shadow on children's psychology. The world of children is completely different from that of adults. Don't judge a child by the standards of adults.
Children don't want to share their toys because they are in the process of forming "self" and "others", and they are still self-centered, so don't arbitrarily say that a child who doesn't want to share is selfish, and they have not yet risen to the selfish level.