Many women enter menopause, the speed of bone loss accelerated, did not pay attention to calcium, osteoporosis will be more serious, then menopausal women how to replenish calcium is better? On this issue, pay attention to follow the principle of calcium supplementation for menopausal women, grasp the good words will help the better absorption of calcium, slow down the progress of osteoporosis.
First, you can properly supplement soy isoflavones.
After menopause, the body's hormone levels decline faster, so it is easy to cause a lot of calcium loss, and at this time to supplement the appropriate estrogen can enhance the absorption of calcium, for women to supplement the soy isoflavones is a more effective way to combine the women's own physical condition, the appropriate supplement.
Second, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.
Many vegetables and fruits are rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, and some contain a large amount of potassium and magnesium, which has a good effect on the body's acid-base balance, and can promote the absorption of calcium, reduce calcium loss, for menopausal women to say very helpful.
Third, you can drink more pure milk.
Milk calcium content is very high, after consumption in the intestinal absorption, 3 to 5 hours to complete, and ultimately from the blood into the urine, the night after going to sleep on an empty stomach urinary calcium, so almost completely absorbed, so the menopause calcium should be arranged to drink before going to bed, but also has a very good effect on improving sleep. Pure milk can drink 250 milliliters a day, long-term adherence will find the effect of calcium is very obvious.
Menopausal women calcium, the above introduction of these three principles is actually very simple, and a little more attention in daily life, can make the body calcium to get a certain amount of replenishment, slow down the progress of osteoporosis, women into menopause should pay attention to protect themselves, and timely replenishment of calcium. However, you should also pay attention to calcium supplementation, it is best not to empty stomach, otherwise it will affect the absorption, it is best to be in the time after meals.