1, the color is different, white roses and red roses can be seen from the name. White roses have white flowers in color. Red roses, on the other hand, have red flowers.
2, different flower language. The flower language of white roses is purity, romance, courtship flower, and I'm good enough for you. The flower language of red roses is I love you, passionate love, and hope to flood with passionate love with you.
3, white roses, angiosperm family, a kind of rose. Red roses in daily life is a series of roses in the genus Rosa large flowers showy cultivars collectively, these cultivars in plant taxonomy should be called as the moon season or rose. True red roses do not exist. The cut red rose is really a moonflower.
Expanded information:
White roses like sunshine, more cold, drought-resistant, preferring ventilated cool climate, suitable for the growth of the temperature of 15-25 degrees. Rose adaptability is strong, the soil requirements are not strict, in fertile neutral or slightly acidic light loam grows well, bloom more. Botanical white roses are more hardy than white moonflower.
Red roses like full sun, cold, drought, like well-drained, loose and fertile loam or light loam, in clay loam soil grows poorly, poor flowering. It should be planted in a well-ventilated place far away from the wall to prevent sunlight reflection, burn buds, affecting the flowering.