Where does Zanglong Village belong to

Zhanlong Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Shiqiao Town, Lixian County, Longnan City, Gansu Province, with an urban-rural classification code of 220 for villages. The zoning code is 621226102210, and the first 6 digits of the resident's identity card number is 621226. The postal code is 746000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0939, and the license plate number is Gan K. Zhanlong Village is adjacent to Yaoyu Village, Tianping Village, Gaoji Village, Wangping Village, Liuzhuang Village, Liuyang Village, Ganyu Village, Yongshan Village, Guchan Village, Lubanshi Village, Fanba Village, Futou Village, Xiehe Village, and Sunjiawan Village. Adjacent.

Zhanlong village near the Wang Renyu Shinto monument, high temple head ruins, Shigouping ruins, Gansu Qin Culture Museum, Qishan Wuhou Ancestral Hall and other tourist attractions, there are Lixian apples, Lixian rhubarb, goat maw vegetables, eight pan pear, wine persimmons and other specialties. Chopping Dragon Village Tourist Guide Wang Renyu Shinto monument

Wang Renyu Shinto monument Wang Renyu, word De Chariot, the Five Dynasties Qinzhou Changdao people, whose hometown is in today's Lixian Shiqiao Town Chopping Dragon Bay Village. Five generations of famous politicians, literati, the latter Zhou Dynasty into the position of Prince Shaobao, died of illness after the imperial edict of the Prince Shaoshi. Born in the first year of Tang Xi Zong Guangming (880 years), after the Zhou Xiande three years (956 years) died of illness Kai