The af-sdx16-85mm f/3.5-5.6g edvr lens is a standard zoom lens with balanced performance and comprehensive performance. This lens is characterized by Gao Fancha, high definition and slight barrel distortion at the wide-angle end. The change of the telephoto end battery has been difficult to detect. However, the improvement of image quality is limited and the cost performance is too low. Compared with the configuration of the dog head, it is luxurious and belongs to the fighter in the dog head. The biggest defect of this lens is the design of two lens barrels, which has poor durability. If there are no special requirements for Gao Fancha, 18-55VR lens is enough.
If you have a preference for wide angle, you can consider Tuli's AF116 mm f/2.8, but the new Tuli11/6 mm f/2.8 ProdX II will be listed soon. If medium telephoto is preferred, Nikon AF-S VR 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G IF-ED and Longteng SP Di 70-300mm f/4-5.6 VC USD(A005) are better choices. AF-S VR 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G IF-ED lens, which is known as "the bull's head of the poor", and the damping function of VR II can meet the needs of hand-held shooting most of the time. The focal length imaging quality between 70-200mm is not inferior to that of any medium-long focal length zoom lens in Nikon's gold ring lens, and the control of light loss in four corners is the same as that of bamboo gun.
Personal suggestion: d 5100+af-svr70-300mm f/4.5-5.6g if-ed. I have used this configuration for more than two years, and I feel quite good. 18-55 for landscape photography, 70-300 for flowers and plants, and close-ups will do. Ordinary macros can also be used.