Whenever I meet a smiling child like, I can't help but stop and tease. All people, parents and young people alike, should love a laughing child.
The laughter of children is always very pure and full of sunshine. When we describe the purity of a person's heart, do we often use the phrase "he smiled like a child" to describe it?
Children who like to laugh have a high IQ and are physically healthy. Children also smile when their parents laugh a lot and play sports.
Medical experts from the University of Washington systematically studied the relationship between age and intelligence in the United States and concluded that smiling children are smarter. They found that smart kids laughed at an earlier age out in the world, more often than the average child.
They concluded that laughter is good for children's brain development, and that happy emotions help them to accept new things and knowledge more easily, and can greatly improve children's intellectual development.
In this regard, raising a child who likes to laugh is equivalent to raising smart children. Of course, this conclusion is not absolute. It just means that most children who like to laugh are smart.
Children who like to laugh are not only highly intelligent, but also have great personalities. Many experts say that children in youngsters are like to laugh and when they grow up they also have a pleasant personality and emotional stability. On the contrary, if the children are serious and dull when they are young, they can easily become socially difficult when they are socially difficult.
Children who like to laugh are healthier. According to Dr. Henri Loeb, a French physician, laughter is "a method of exercise similar to pedaling." When a person laughs, the muscles of facial expression move and the chest and abdominal muscles are involved in **** vibration, which moves and massages various organs. Therefore, children who like to laugh have stronger substances.
However, cultivating laughter is not difficult. On the contrary, it is very, very simple. That is, his parents must like to laugh, or his primary caregiver must like to laugh.
My neighbor's grandmother loved to laugh so much that her laughter was contagious. I often hear her delightful laughter around the house. Her grandchildren also like to laugh a lot and the chubby one looks good. Whenever grandma brought a baby there would be a circle of people looking at the little guy and smiling.
On the contrary, the child in the other family looks dull because his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law both have a bad relationship and his grandmother is bringing the child sighing and sighing. When he comes home, the child's mother doesn't have a good face.
The two children clearly show this despite their size. I don't know if there is any ****iness to this, but family atmosphere does affect a child's smile.
Children who like to laugh have healthy IQs and bodies. Kids also have to laugh when their parents laugh a lot and love sports. I think in two families that like to laugh, the grandmother likes to square dance and the father loves sports, and his eldest son is also a very athletic child. In the family that doesn't like to laugh, the family falls into a relatively quiet role.
Can a family that loves sports easily raise a child who likes to laugh?
Children who love to laugh have high IQs and are healthy. Parents often laugh about their love of sports, and kids must love to laugh, too.
I once read an article written by a Chinese mother in the United States. After analyzing the situation of children in China and the United States, she raised a question: Why do American children laugh more than Chinese children?
Her findings apply not only to small babies, but also to elementary school children. In her article, she says that not only does she feel this way, but so do many of her friends. Two of her children are purebred, but they were born and raised in the United States. As a result, when she brought her children back to China, many people said they were foreign children.
She asked why, but almost everyone couldn't explain it clearly and attributed it to "temperament. Temperament is really hard to explain in words, after all, only one can feed the other!
With the development of society and the flow of information, we all know that American high school students are also very sad, their academic work is also very heavy, and because of their special interests, they are more than Chinese high school students. But why do they laugh more than our kids?