What are the lyrics of the song "Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful". Square Dance

The lyrics "Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful" are from the dance song of He Yueqiu Square Dance "Beautiful". Now I uploaded this song to share with you.

The song "Beautiful"

Composer: Jin Ming?

Composed by: Feng Xiaoquan

Sung by: Feng Xiaoquan, Zeng Gege


What are you waiting for

Come if you want to sing

Keep up with the rhythm of love

Departing towards happiness

Happiness will blossom all the time

Four Seas are one family

Hearts close to each other and hold hands

Songs are floating in the sky


I used to care about popularity

Like a bee it cares about nectar

Songs that go online and get the hits they want

It's like a child's game

But stars turn to steam

No one is ever number one

No one can ever be number one

God is nothing but a flicker

True beauty is being beautiful in your own way

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful......