The waist is not good, can dance belly dance?

Belly dancing is not suitable for a bad back.

Belly dance is mainly the exercise of abdominal muscles and waist and back muscles. The exercise of these two major muscle groups is a double-edged sword for people with a bad back. Moderate exercise can slow down the degeneration of the intervertebral discs, but too much and there will be damage to the discs.

Belly dance, is a dance form with Arab flavor, originated in the Middle East, and in the Middle East and Pakistan, India, Iran and other areas affected by Arab culture has made great progress, the late 19th century into Europe and the United States, so far all over the world, has become a more well-known international dance. Belly dance is a more female dance, which is characterized by dancers with the rapid rhythm of changing thousands of swinging hips and abdomen, beautiful dance, many changes, and more show the Arabian style, known as mysterious. In recent years, belly dance is also a popular way to lose weight around the world as a favorite way for women.