[卜成] boxing <英:boxing>
[卜架] broker <英:broker>
[流行] popularity] popularity, popularity <日:人気>
[刁士] the equalizing of a score before the final set of a match, such as a tennis match. Also used as doushi or diao shi <Eng: deuce>
[Li Xing Chicken] Lai Heng Chicken <Eng: Leghorn>
Three paintings
[Sandwich] Sandwich, slice of bread with a sandwich <Eng: sandwich>
[Salmon] Salmon, cannabis (mahi-mahi) salmon <Eng: salmon>
[Cognac] Brandy from Cognac, France, French brandy, Cognac <Eng: cognac>
[ShiGuo] Score <Eng: score>
[ShiLuoGuo] Colored billiard ball, snooker (billiards). Also called snooker <Eng: snooker>
[snooker] (fluorescent) lightener. Also called starter <E: starter>
[stan] 1. stamp 2. print, stamping <E: stamp>
[stan furnace] steam boiler <E: steam boiler>
[stan] back-up, standby <E: spare>
[stan] a device which is used in the production of a product. p>[士啤呔] Spare tire. It is often used to describe the flab of a person's waist and abdomen <English: spare tire>
[士钵恤] sweatshirt <English: sport shirt>
[士的] walking stick, crutch <English: stick>
[士的球] stir-fried diced beef <English: steel cube>
[士的球] stir-fried diced beef <English: steel cube>
[士的球] stir-fried beef <English: steel cube> gt;
[storeroom] store, store, grocery <Eng: store>
[storeroom] storeroom <Eng: storeroom>
[storeroom] strawberry <Eng: strawberry>
[stbana] wrench, wrench, wrenching pliers < ;E: spanner>
[silat] shellac <E: shellac>
[shanai] potassium cyanide <E: potassium cyanide>
[fork] To charge. Usage examples: fork electricity, fork appliances <E: charge>
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[Six Sigma] Six Sigma <E: Six Sigma>
[Tenarisu] Thinner, solvent <E: thinner>
[Tempura] Japanese food made by deep-frying slices of fish, shrimp, bell peppers, bamboo shoots, etc. in batter. etc. dipped in batter and deep-fried <Japanese: tempura>
[oblique] check <English: check>
[parted lip] function, action, activity <English: function>
[mousse] see [mousse]
[pico] overwatered doughnut (a doughnut boiled in boiling water and baked) <Eng: bagel>
[bikini] bikini swimsuit <Eng: bikini>
[ruler] To check, inspect. Usage examples: ruler <Eng: check>
[ba] Obstacle, barricade, railing. Usage examples: gate-bar (a railing at an entrance or exit) <Eng: barrier>
[bus] A public ****ing automobile, a passenger car. Also spelled ba <Eng: bus>
[Basteurized] Sterilized by the ba(st) method of disinfection, sterilized by heat sterilization <Eng: pasteurized>
[Ba-la-da] Bro. Also bater <Eng: brother>
[Paraffin] Paraffin wax <Eng: paraffin>
[Parisian cap] A beret (a kind of flat penny cap) <Eng: barret>
[Bacon] One hundredth of a percent, a hundredth of a point. Example: thirty percent <English: percent>
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[Tamago tofu] Egg tofu (steamed by adding an egg to unconsolidated tofu) <Japanese: tamago tofu>
[Korazaki] Deep-fried meatballs, croquettes <French: croquette>
[[Cologne] Cologne <English: cologne>
[[Cologne] Cologne <English: barret>
[Cologne] Cologne <English: barret>
[[Cologne] Cologne Cologne] Cologne perfume <Eng: Cologne water>
[Bubo] Combination of Bourgeois and Bohemian <Eng: bobo>
[Plum] Plum, plum, prune <Eng: plum>
[Buffy ] buffet <Eng: buffet>
[pudding] pudding (a Western snack made with milk, eggs, fruit, etc.) <Eng: pudding>
[hit bluemill] (dc) generator <Eng: dynamo>
[hitting the order] beloved <Eng: darling>
[beatby] Derby racehorse (a race for three-year-olds only, named for its origins in Derby, England). Also played <Eng: Derby>
[card] (train) carriage. Usage examples: meal card, freight card <Eng: car>
[cassette] cartridge <Eng: cassette>
[cass] 1. cast <Eng: cast> 2. rank, grade; top quality, high class, tasteful <Eng: class>
[cara] Colored <Eng: colour>
[carat] coat, short coat <Eng: car coat>
[cartoon] animated film, caricature <Eng: cartoon>
[kabab] grilled marinated meat kebab <Eng: kebab>
[kabadien] Wadatan <Eng: gabardine>
[Shrock] See [shrock]
[Lat] Varnish <Eng: lacquer>
[Lost] (Camera) Shutter. Also chambered <Eng: shutter>
[Xian] Cent. Also cents <Eng: cent>
[tafia] Tafia, a rum produced in the West Indies <Eng: tafia / taffia>
[tamagotchi] (electronic toy) Pet egg, naughty egg <J: tamagotchi>
[tom yum kung] ( Thai) Hot and Sour Shrimp Soup <Thai: ? >
[Tonkatsu] (Thai) Fried doughnut rings. Also known as a dodo <Eng: doughnut>
[Slaw] seal <Eng: seal>
[Milkshake] Milk ice cream <Eng: milk shake>
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[An ounce] Ounce, Eng.
[ango] one more, play (sing) again <Eng: encore>
[mili] millimetre <Eng: millimeter>
[stylistic] a swing dance <Eng: shake>
[gis] courage, boldness <Eng: guts>
[custard powder] milk custard (frozen) powder <Eng: custard powder>
[custard beat] milk custard (frozen) <Eng: custard>
[gillet] schnitzel, schnitzel <Eng: cutlet>
[giff] buggy, jeep & lt;E: jeep>
[Dixie Snakeberry] An apple from the United States, known as a snakeberry <E: Delicious>
[Digoxin] Isohydroxymandelic acid toxin <E: digoxin>
[Sirloin] Upper loin of a cow, steak <E: sirloin>
[Sirloin] Upper loin of a cow, steak <E: slices of beef, steak>
[xylophone] xylophone <Eng: xylophone>
[sidor] Also sidos. See [french dos]
[ash] Fuse. Also as watchers <Eng: fuse>
[Tolis] Torus, corporate association <Eng: trust>
[Tulin] Trumpet. Also spitlinbi <Eng: trumpet>
[Cookie] crumpet <Eng: cookie, cooky>
[Cookies] coke <Eng: coke>
[Hoppi] glad, happy <Eng: happy>
[Chocolate] Chocolate <E: chocolate>
[toast] See [dos]
[toast] Sliced bread, toast <E: toast>
[toaster] Bread oven, toaster oven <E: toaster>
[saxophone] Saxophone < ;E: saxophone>
[sateen] satin <E: satin>
[margin] See [mazen]
[margin] 1. a margin, deposit; earning <E: margin> 2. a trader <E: merchant>
[margin Ting] sales <Eng: marketing>
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[Shashi] Severe acute respiratory syndrome. Also Shashi <Eng: SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)>
[Sha] (Japanese) Sake <Jp: saké>
[Salad] Cold lettuce, salad, and salad <Eng: salad>
[Shashi] See also [shash].
[sardine] sardine <Eng: sardine>
[satsang] police officer, sergeant <Eng: sergeant>
[sandpaper] diploma, certificate <Eng: certificate>
[cold] 1. Wool, camel's hair; woolen sweater, sweater . Usage examples: cold shirt <French: laine> 2. (a) circle. Usage examples: hit a cold (go around in circles) <English: round>
[tuna] Tuna, tuna <English: tuna>
[mang] (computer) monitor <English: monitor>
[cheese] Yogurt, cheese, cheese <English: cheese>
[cracker] cracker <Eng: cracker>
[carter] cherry <Eng: cherry>
[carter] driver and conductor on a public ****car <J: carter>
[fussh] posture, gesture <Eng: pose>
< p>[fushi] postcard <Eng: post card>[no] foul <Eng: foul>
[fuluok] a success; carelessness, sloppiness. Also fluck <Eng: fluke>
[batch] 1. a pie, a pie. Usage examples: apple pie <Eng: pie> 2. (Italian style) baked pie <Eng: pizza>
[quicklao] folder, document, file, dossier. Also used as quicklao <Eng: file>
[Quicklime] Fiber, chemical fiber cloth <Eng: fiber, fibre>
[See also pill] Quinine <Eng: quinine>
[Tweed] Vanilla. Also used as mixed liner, cloud liner <Eng: vanilla>
[tie] 1. tie, bow tie <Eng: tie> 2. tire, tire <Eng: tyre, tyre>
[bar] bar <Eng: bar>
[bar king] bar bartender <Eng: bar king>
[Gu Gu] Cocoa. Also goo <Eng: cocoa>
[slump] slump, slump, stagnation <Jp: slump>
[free cure] to chop (mince, winnow, decapitate) mince <Eng: mince>
[free wong] a tender slice of meat (from the loin of a cow) <Eng: mignon>
[ Cream] Cream, cream <Eng: cream>
[Ago] A dance performed in nightclubs. Also known as aiguille <French: à gogo / à go-go>
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[French toast] Slices of bread dipped in milk and egg and lightly fried. Often abbreviated to cidos, cido <Eng: French toast>
[Park] Park (a car, airplane, etc.) <Eng: park>
[Puff] (cream) muffin <Eng: puff>
[Baking powder] Baking powder, baking powder <Eng: powder>
[bob] ball <Eng: ball>
[bob-shirt] jersey, sweatshirt <Eng: ball shirt>
[bos] boss, superior, foreman <Eng: boss>
[bordeaux] ballroom <Eng: ball room>
[[bordeaux] stout <Eng: bordeaux>
[[bordeaux] stout <Eng: stout>
[[bordeaux] beer boda] stout <Eng: porter>
[bocce] float cork, float valve <Eng: ball cock>
[bobble bowl] sneaker <Eng: ball boot>
[nightcold] thrift, sale of used goods. The name is derived from the fact that the auctioneer shouts out the price of the goods. These goods are also known as "cold goods". Usage examples: night cold store, night cold business < Eng: yelling; said to be derived from Portuguese leil?o, which was first introduced into Malay as lelang, and then into Cantonese from Southern Fujian>
[Table Shi] See [ash Shi]
[Fen] fund. Usage: fen guy (investment fund manager) <Eng: fund>
[florisling] Mineral grease, vaseline <Eng: vaseline>
[florishen] A look, a manner, a pattern. Also as flower <Eng: fashion>
[flower-ordered paper] Summons, warrant <Eng: warrant>
[peanut slut] Fashion show <Eng: fashion show>
[baffle] See [baffle]
[baffle] Frozen cake, ice-cream <Fa. : parfait>
[qis] case, event <Eng: case>
[boycott] boycott, joint boycott <Eng: boycott>
[amoeba] amoeba, amoebae <La: amoeba>
[aspirin & lt;German: Aspirin>
[sub-snake] sir, teacher <Eng: sir>
[sub-serpent] Asian <Eng: Asian>
[tattoo] tattooed <Jp: tattooed>
[sashimi] raw fish <Jp: sashimi>
[kiwi fruit] (Chinese) kiwi fruit <Eng: kiwi fruit>
[omelette] omelette, scrambled egg <Eng: omelette, omelette>
[la kee] library (拉:英文library的省译; 记:表记, icon, commonly used in the names of stores and business names, and used as a "suffix" by Hong Kong people). As it is often used in the names of shops and firms, Hong Kong people use it as a "suffix", combined with the names of stores and so on (or their provincial names) to refer to places that are familiar to both parties) <English: library>
[Lash] Last, end. Also lash <Eng: last>
[lasu] Coal-phenol soap solution, lysol, lysal <Eng: lysol>
[lashen] License, licence <Eng: license>
[lasu] Library <Eng: library>
[rakuo ] 1. life, living <Eng: life> 2. living, animate; animated; live broadcast <Eng: live>
[rally] autocross <Eng: rally>
[brandy] brandy wine <Eng: brandy>
[flick] Order (unit of paper quantity) <Eng: ream>
[drag fat] Creamy candy, toffee <Eng: toffee>
[patna] See [pi?a]
[pizzas] Positions <Eng: place>
[pizzeria] (Italian-style) baked pies <Eng: pizza>
[Beatles] (Brit.) A band of crustaceans. Also known as the Beatles <Eng: Beatles>
[Goojam] Jam <Eng: jam>
[Greens] (of a golf course) the end-playing area (the area within thirty yards of a hole) <Eng: green>
[Goo] A cushion, cushion, or cushion. Also coo-chen <Eng: cushion>
[gully] Strenuous labor, drudgery. Also cooley, cooley <Eng: coolie>
[coo-daddy] cocktail <Eng: cocktail>
[mink] Sable <Eng: mink>
[] 1. (Police) Patrol. Usage examples: line, double (double patrol) 2. (music) beat. Example: 甩 (to keep up with the beat, the beat is wrong) <Eng: beat>
[it保] label <Eng: label>
[咖哩啡] Extra, extras. Also cranberry <E: carefree>
[kimbali] cranberry, cranberry, cranberry <E: cranberry>
[物语] tale, legend <J: 物语>
[迫力] brake, brakes, locks. Also as brake <Eng: brake>
[cab] Taxi, cab <Eng: taxi>
[disco] Nightclub, discotheque. Also as disco <Eng: disco>
[discotheque] nightclub, discotheque <Eng: discotheque>
[indeed cool] polyester; polyester fabric, indeed good <Eng: dacron>
[fattie] to fail to pass the test, also abbreviated as fat <Eng: fail>
[Chowder] chowder <Eng: chowder>
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[Chattering] (in soccer) Offside. Also babbling west <English: offside>
[paisport] A passport. also as gossip <Eng: passport>
[party] gathering <Eng: party>
[pai na] partner, partner. Also as patna <Eng: partner>
[room beat] See [lost beat]
[shirt] 1. a shirt. Usage examples: t-shirt <Eng: shirt> 2. (Basketball) Shooting. Usage examples: 恤波 <Eng: shoot>
[恤发] to put one's hair in waves <Eng: set>
[迷你] a very small person of the same class, a miniature, a small person. Usage examples: mini-skirt, mini-mooncake <Eng: mini>
[kamasutra] spare change <Eng: change>
[jumbo jet] jumbo jet airliner <Eng: jumbo jet>
[kashmere] cashmere, cashmere fabric, cashmere, cashmere <Eng: cashmere>
[kash] cash, cash <Eng: cash>
[kashmere] see [kashmere]
[kodak] order; order; order; order; order <Eng: order>
[kor] oral test, oral <E: oral>
[Cha-cha] (of South American origin) cha-cha dance <E: cha-cha>
[Whiskey] Waste cotton gauze <E: waste>
[Whiskeycomb] Whisky and soda <E: whisky soda's provincial translation>< /p>
[wi] wire, wire rope <Eng: wire>
[wafer] thin crispy cake <Eng: wafer>
[criz] mesh weaving, through-flowering cloth, lace, trimmings. Also lace <E: lace>
[pump] See [betel]
[pump handle] (car) bumper <E: bumper>
[mortgage] A mortgage, especially a loan from a bank for the purchase of a house using the title of the property as collateral <E: mortgage>
[shiatsu] To press or knock against with the fingers (palms) of the hand. Shiatsu] A method of health care treatment in which the fingers (palms) are pressed or tapped <Japanese: 指圧>
[咩揸] Major. Also known as Chad <English: major>
[baa] Madam, lady, wife, miss. Also as baa pou <Eng: madam>
[mic] 1. microphone, microphone <Eng: mic> 2. mile, mile <Eng: mile>
[mike peak] microphone, microphone <Eng: microphone>
[mike meter] parking meter <Eng: (parking) meter>
[miken] streptomycin <Eng: streptomycin>
[miken] bromide paper, photographic paper <Eng: bromide paper>
[wala-wallah] a Hong Kong boat used for ferrying people across the harbour <Eng: wallah- wallah, walla-walla>
[card] A card. Usage examples: credit card, card <Eng: card>
[starbath] (kitchen) sink <Eng: sink>
[bye bye] see you later <Eng: bye bye>
[coven] foreman, foreman <Eng: foreman>
[kossoo] Nightclub show performance <Eng: floor show>
[Bento] Box lunch <Jpn: べんとう (弁当)>
[Fly] Ticket <Eng: fare>
[Fishee] Facial face, countenance <Eng: face>
[Fyver] (favorite) person or thing <Eng: favo(u)rite>
tens Painting
[heroin] heroin <Eng: heroin>
[plum] 1. to intoxicate (with pleasure, excitement, comfort, carnality). Usage examples: plum. 2. to be amused, happy, comfortable, and psyched. Usage examples: a plum; a plum love song. 3. like. Usage examples: really plum you <English: numb>
[plum] number, number. Also plum <E: number>
[rum] 1. first, number one 2. foreman <E: number one>
[rum] second, number two <E: number two>
[rum] rum, a sugar liquor made from sugar cane juice <E: rum>
[Rum] fee, charge <Japanese: 料金>
[班] band. Usage examples: clip class (organize a band) <Eng: band>
[Ban] pancake. Also pancake <Eng: pancake>
[horse-killing] massage <Eng: massage>
[tea-boiling] Trouble, hurtfulness <Eng: trouble>
[burying the fairy] Mycobacterium (fungus) <Eng: -mycin>
[all dumping] See. [winter dump]
[lien] linen <Eng: linen>
[gossy soda] caustic soda, sodium hydroxide <Eng: caustic soda>
[golfer] golf ball <Eng: golf>
[gorofon] trichloromethane, chloroform <Eng. : chloroform>
[Port wine] A red wine native to Portugal. Also made as pot wine, pot wine <Eng: port>
[yanko] uncle <Eng: uncle>
[yanti] aunt <Eng: auntie>
[time-marked] fashionable, pretty <Eng: smart>
[tanned] to sign, to sign <Eng: sign>
[晒士] Size, feet. Also as 士 <Eng: size>
[tick] Hook number, check number; tick <Eng: tick>
[goo] See [gugu]
[dad] Cocktail. Also satay <Eng: cocktail>
[bone] A quarter of an hour, a quarter. Example: a bone (a quarter of an hour) <Eng: quarter>
[bone wing] Short for bone wing fin, a large, thick-needled shark's fin from South America <Eng: great>
[mosquito] (silver) yuan <Eng: money>
[special buy] special sale, cheap sale <J: special 売>
[Guinness] (Irish-produced) stout <E: Guinness>
[dad] father <E: daddy>
[udon] a type of Japanese noodle, cut noodle <J: うどん (饂饨)>
[sauna] a steam bath, Finnish bath <. E: sauna>
[chak] see [baa hold]
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[mitsumi skirt] a skirt that is ankle-length < E: maxiskirt>
[mishna] see [tai]
[beacons] a program in which a radio or television station answers calls from listeners or viewers < E: phone in>
[chiffon] A cake made very fluffy by the addition of frothy egg whites <Eng: chiffon cake>
[sorbet] Frozen booze-flavored juice, frozen sherbet, sorbet. Also made as sorbet <English: sherbet or French: sorbet>
[sherka] cigar smoke <English: cigar>
[sherka toxin] ichthyotoxin, ciguatoxin <English: ciguatoxin>
[salsa] salsa dance <English: salsa> ;
[ki] gay <Eng: gay>
[comb] Plug. Usage examples: plug comb, universal comb <Eng: socket>
[comb Todd] See [comb hu ci]
[comb beat] Soda, soda <Eng: soda>
[comb hu] Comfort. Also sparse <Eng: soft>
[comb hu ci] soufflé. Also combed as Tod Toddler, sparse <French: soufflé>
[combed] sofa <English: sofa>
[] tire, tyre <English: tire, tyre>
[broomstick] person in charge of someone, a supervisor <English: supervisor>
[curry] jelly <Eng: jelly>
[lash] See [lash]
[snake fruit] See [dirigible snake fruit]
[snake-snake-pig] a phonetic translation of the acronym Social Service Group <Eng: SSG>
[beer] a pair, vice, double <Eng: ssg>
[beer] a pair of people, vice, double < Eng: ssg>
[beer] a pair of people, vice, double;
[beer] a pair of people, vice, double, double, double, double, double, or double, double, or double. <Eng: pair>
[beer] punch; press <Eng: press>
[beerchen] whistle <Eng: blast>
[beerchen] baby, child <Eng: baby>
[beerchen] ball bearing. Also used as a beer <E: bearing>
[pear] A foreign pear (from the USA and Australia) <E: pear>
[poker] A pair of cards with the same points, a general term for playing cards <E: pair>
[khak] 1. a person of the Gorkha people (the main inhabitants of Nepal) 2. a member of the Nepalese army in the British (or Indian) army. or Indian) army of Nepalese origin <Eng: Gurkha>
[crash] A cynical youth dissatisfied with social reality <Eng: punk>
[bowl of wine] See [port wine]
[bungee jumping] Bouncing high, bungee jumping <Eng: bungee jumping>
[bungo jumping] A high jump, bungee jumping <Eng: bungee jumping>
[bungo jumping] A jump that is not a bungo jump, but one in which the person is bungled. p>
[fu-lok] See [fu-lok]
[gad-oil] lubricant <Eng: grease>
[ginseng] A hostage who is kidnapped for ransom. Examples: meat ginseng (meat ticket), biao ginseng (kidnap ticket) <E: ransom>
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[tonic water] a kind of water used for mixing drinks <E: tonic water>
[cut chopsticks] (disposable) sanitary chopsticks <J: cut chopsticks>
[cut price] a discount, reduction in price <J: cut chopsticks>
[cut price] the price of something, or the price of a product. lt; Japanese: 割引>
[yun nanna] see [nanna]
[washabe] yamaguchi, wasabi; yamaguchi puree, wasabi puree (an accompaniment to sashimi) < Japanese: わさび(yamaguchi)>
[firim] film, floppy film < English: film>
[halberd] cake < English: cake>
[polaroid] 1. clutch <Eng: clutch> 2. handle, knob <Eng: gripe>
[] elevator, elevator. Also used as hunt <Eng: lift>
[force] See [force]
[wield] Confrontation, competition. Usage examples: not enough to fight, not enough to fight <Eng: fight>
[bona] a form of lottery <Eng: tombola>
[blackcurrant] black currants <Eng: black currants>
[yaji zhu] artichoke, artichoke. Also known as raven-bamboo <Eng: (globe) artichoke>
[tip] Tip; hint <Eng: tips>
[kai-mai-la] Camera, photographic camera; to open a shot <Eng: camera>
[curry] Level <Eng: provincial translation of level>< /p>
[lis] See [criz]
[ki] crane, jack, jack < Eng: jack>
[hose] Hose, hosepipe. Usage examples: throat reel, hose <Eng: hose>
[] 1. box, bag. Usage examples: official , leather <Eng: case> 2. also as " cap ". Duck-tongued cap <Eng: cap>
[juice] Originally tomato salsa (a condiment made with ketchup and soy sauce, etc.), now Worcester sauce (Worcestershire chili sauce, UK) <Eng: ketchup>
[bag] Felt tote or travel bag <Eng: carpetbag>
[bag] Felt tote or travel bag <Eng: carrierbag>
[bag] Felt tote, travel bag, travel bag, travel bag, travel bag, or travel bag. gt;
[f] to keep fit <Eng: keep fit>
[fannish sh*t] a fanatic, an admirer, a follower. Also spelled shit, as: male shit, female shit, fat girl shit. Also fans <Eng: fans>
[no material] free, without money <Jp: no material>
[georgette] georgette <F: crêpe georgette>
[gruel] a joke <Eng: joke>
[shu hu] see [comb hu]
[shu hu] see [comb hu]
[shu hu] see [comb hu]
[shu hu] see [comb hu] see [comb hu] see [comb hu] see [comb hu] see [comb hu] see [comb hu] see [comb hu]
[fang] a person who is an enthusiast. p>
[shu hu ci] See [comb hu ci]
[shu li] Sorry. Also lock you <Eng: sorry>
[Guitar] Guitar, six-stringed <Eng: guitar>
Thirteen paintings
[Ditch] To pursue a woman. Usage examples: ditch woman <Eng: court>
[wen] See [轀]
[wenna] victor, winner <Eng: winner>
[sekramai] cyclohexyl(base)sulfamate, saccharin <Eng: cyclamate>
[xindi] sundae (topped with ice cream topped with fruit, nuts, or juice, etc.) <Eng: sundae>
[Smokey] inch, inches <Eng: inch>
[Swiss] condiment; sauce <Eng: sauce>
[Pourquoi] (Basketball) jump ball <Eng: jump ball>
[碌士] notes <英:notes>
[照烧] 红烧 <日:照焼>
[畸士] see [其士]
[艾滋病] AIDS, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome <英:AIDS>
[愛哥哥] see [阿哥哥]
[钵酒] see [砵酒]
[bow tie] bow tie, necktie <Eng: bow tie>
[ma hit] mother <Eng: mother>
[mammy] mother <Eng: mammy>
[mamasan] a female forewoman or proprietor of an entertainment venue. Also mamasan <J: mamasan>
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[slimming] Weight loss <J: slimming>
[mousse] See [mousse]
[mousse] Miss <E: miss>
[bingo] A sweet mixture of juices, spices, teas, and wine <E: pint>
[bingo] A sweet mixture of juices, spices, teas, and wine <E: pint>
[bingo] A sweet mixture of juices, spices, and tea, and wine <E: pint>
[pingo] A drink made by a woman in an amusement park. lt;English: punch>
[bingo] banker. Also binka <Eng: banker>
[waffle] Egg-and-milk bake-off <Eng: waffle>
[wok] Purchase warrant, warrant. Also called wheel <E: warrant>
[volley] (tennis, soccer) a blocking blow, a flying blow, a flying kick <E: volley>
[mazen] an interpreter and clerk in a store who is specialized in dealing with foreigners. Also used as a matron <Eng: merchant>
[mazen] See [moshi]
[mazen] to book. Usage: book a room, book a place <E: book>
[Carnival] Mardi Gras <E: carnival>
[Vaporize] to disappear, to vanish <J: vapourize>
[Sushi] a kind of Japanese confectionery <J: sushi>
[Chanshi] to exchange (for change). Usage examples: chang money <English: change>
[mark] 1. trademark, card. Usage examples: mark (trademark; appearance), miscellaneous mark (miscellaneous cards) 2. (in ball games) nail (a person) <Eng: mark>
[shi] See [sunshi]
[vitamin] Vitamins <Eng: vitamin>
fifteen paintings
[modo] A model. Also modo <Eng: model>
[moda] engine, motor <Eng: motor>
[mousse] custard. Also mousse, mousse, funky <Eng: mousse>
[Mod] Fashionable <Eng: modern>
[Portrait] Photograph, photograph <Jpn: photo>
[Sell Fyvor] My (favorite) person or thing <Eng: my favo(u)rite> p>
[wheel] See [nest wheel]
[tart] 1. to start (a machine) <Eng: start> 2. a fruit tart, a small baked pie. Usage examples: egg tart <Eng: tart>
[eurosi] (soccer) out of bounds <Eng: outside>
[euro] the euro <Eng: euro>
[crow's feet bamboo] See [ya's feet bamboo]
[shrimp lick] an actor who needs to rework a piece due to an error in a recording or videotaping session <. 英:hard luck>
[Kick the Rabbit] [踢死兔] Men's tailless semi-formal evening dress, evening dress, tailless tuxedo. Also as kicking dead set < English: tuxedo>
[babblehead] See [babblehead]
[] mold. Usage examples: hair <English: mold, mold>
[music and anger] rock and roll <English: rock and roll, rock 'n' roll>
decapixel painting
[radical] gigabyte, billion <English: giga->
[camelid] Alpaca, alpaca, alpaca. Humpback camel <Eng: llama>
[Yan comb] insurance <Eng: insure>
[Yanhu scales sand] Influenza <Eng: influenza>
[Jaeger] coat, jacket <Eng: jacket>
Seventeen paintings
[Felt] Gin <Eng: gin>
[轀] A vehicle used for both passengers and cargo. Usage: cargo, gin. Also used as warm <Eng: van>
[Yogurt] Yogurt, yogurt <Eng: yogurt / yoghurt>
[Yowen] Walkman, small record player <Eng: walkman>
Eighteen paintings
[Penne] Small round loaf of bread. Also used as a pump <Eng: bun>
[转勤族] A person who moves or changes jobs often <日: 転勤>
[锁你] See [疏利]
[猎] See []
20 画
[骚] To show off, to perform <英:show>
[骚哥厘] To show off one's ability. Also sao goli <Eng: show qualification>
[Sufli] See [梳乎厘]
[齡] A provincial term for bowling. Usage examples: 碌龄 (to play bowling) <English: bowling>
[] A cooking vessel such as a pan, basin, or jar with a flat bottom. Usage examples: rice <Eng: pan>
21 paintings
[radium] laser <Eng: laser>
[teppanyaki] Teppanyaki (铁板烧), a type of grilled meat, <日: 鉄板焼>
[听尼士] tennis ball <英:tennis>