Qingdao Shibei District what dance learning classes

Yanjun Sports Dance School 83808787 No. 26 Songshan Road (2, 8, 221, 212, 222 Huayang Road 205, 604 Guangrao Road) Children, adult Latin dance; international ballroom dance

Qingdao Art School Yixing Art Specialized School Qingdao City, the Association of Chinese and Foreign Dance Exchanges Classes are held in the following places: Calligraphy: School of the Arts (No. 12 Dandong Road) (1, 25, 307, 221, 367 Dalian Road station) Eight Grand Gap Children's Art School (Mingyuexia Road, No. 1) 83053149 Open children, adults, and dance classes Dance, Ballet, Latin Dance, Modern Dance, Xinjiang Dance, Korean Dance, Vocal Music (Solo, Chorus), etc.