Lin Huiyin I say that you are the April day on earth; the laughter ringing lights up the four winds; the lightness of the spirit dances intertwined and changes in the light splendor of spring. You are the clouds and smoke in the early days of April, dusk blowing with the softness of the wind, stars flashing unintentionally, drizzle sprinkled in front of the flowers. That light, that graceful, you are, fresh and elegant hundred flowers of the crown you wear, you are naive, solemn, you are the full moon night after night. After the snow melted that piece of goose yellow, you like; ... Expand You are the April day on earth - a loving tribute Lin Huiyin I say you are the April day on earth; laughing and ringing lights up the four winds; lightness dances and changes in the light splendor of spring. You are the clouds and smoke in the April morning sky, dusk blowing with the softness of the wind, stars flashing unintentionally, drizzle sprinkled in front of the flowers. That light, that graceful, you are, fresh and elegant hundred flowers of the crown you wear, you are naive, solemn, you are the full moon night after night. After the snow melted that piece of goose yellow, you like; fresh first buds of green, you are; tender joy, the water light floating in your dream looking forward to the white lotus. You are the blossoming of tree after tree, the swallow murmuring between the beams,--you are love, warmth, and hope; you are the April day on earth! (From Xuewen, Volume 1, Issue 1 (April 5, 1934)) Note: In some published books, in the sentence "Laughing laughter lights up the four winds", the word "laughter" is written as "sound", which is a mistake. Background: You are the April Sky on Earth is a classic poem by Lin Huiyin, originally published in Xuewen, Volume 1, Issue 1 (April 5, 1934), in which she wrote "You are the April Sky on Earth," a classic poem by Lin Huiyin. The time of writing is unknown. There are two theories as to the intent of this poem: one is that it was written in memory of Xu Zhimo, and the other is that it was written for the birth of her son. In this regard, his son Liang Congzhu said in "Suddenly the April Sky on Earth", "My father once told me that You are the April Sky on Earth was composed for me by my mother in the joy of my birth, but my mother herself never spoke to me about it."