Please give me the complete Chinese version of Harry Potter. The character names should be Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Albus Dumbledore, etc. I don’t want this version of Hermione.

Character names in Chinese and English:

Harry Potter Harry James Potter

Ron Billius Weasley

Her Hermione Jane Granger

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore


Gilderoy Lockhart

Minerva McGonagall

Severus Snape

Remus John Lupin




Tom Marvolo Riddle< /p>

Rubeus Hagrid

Professor Quirrel

Professor Sprout

Madam Hooch


Sibyll Trelawney

Sirius Black

Regulus Arcturus Black

Peter Pettigrew Peter Pettigrew

Professor Flitwick

Cedric Diggory

Viktor Krum

< p>Filch

Fleur Delacour

Mad-eye Moody (Alastor Moody)

Barty Crouch

Ludo Bagman

Cornelius Fudge

Luna Lovegood Luna Lovegood

Bill Weasley

Charlie Weasley

Fred WeasleyFred Weasley

George Weasley

Ginny Weasley

Percy Weasley

Arthur WeasleyAurthor Weasley


Molly Weasley

Vernon Dursley

Petunia Dursley

Dulled Dudley Dursley

Cho Chang

Lavender Brown

Parvati Patil

Draco Malfoy

Igor Karkaroff

Madam Maxime

Padma Padma Patil

Oliver Wood



Vincent Crabbe

bupi Pomfrey

Lee Jordan

Angelina Angelina Johnson

Seamus Finnigan

Dean ThomasDean Thomas

Neville Longbottom

Er Ernie Mcmillan

Colin Creevey

Dennis Creevey

James Potter (the father of Harry Potter ) James Potter

Lily Potter (Mother of Harry Potter) Lily Potter (Lily Evans)

Katie Bell

Penelop Clearwater

Alicia Spinnet

Professor Binns

Madam Pince

Mr Ollivander

Madam Malkin

Nicolas Flamel


< p>Fat Friar

Moaning Murtle

Bloody Baron (Ghost of Slytherin) Bloody Baron

Almost headless Nearly Headless Nick

Grey Lady (Helena Ravenclaw) Rita Skeeter

Professor Sinistra

Professor Grubbly plank

Pansy Parkinson

Bertha Jorkins

Roger Davis

Godric Gryffindor

Helga Hufflepuff Helga Hufflepuff

Rowena Ravenclaw

Salazar Slytherin

Moon Face (Remus Lupin) Moony

Prongs (James Potter) Prongs

Padfoot (Sirius Black) Padfoot

Wormtail (Peter Pettigrew) Wormtail





Arago Aragog





Han Hannah Abbott

Millicent Bulstrode

Justin Finch-Fletchley




Markus Flint

Lucius Malfoy

Narcissa Malfoy


Bay En Bane


Sir Cadogan

Amos Diggory

Niffa Dora TonksNymphadora Tonks

Rufus Scrimgeour

Bellatrix Lestrange

Bay Bellatrix Black


Baty Crouch

[Edit this paragraph] Harry Potter series Introduction to the translator of the series

Ma Ainong (1964-) studied English at the Department of Foreign Languages, Nanjing University, from 1982 to 1986, and received a bachelor's degree in literature. From 1986 to 1990, he studied at Nanjing Medical College (now Nanjing Medical University) From 1990 to 1993, he studied for a master's degree in the English Department of Beijing Foreign Studies University, specializing in translation theory and practice. From 1993 to the present, he has served as an editor in the foreign language editing office of People's Literature Publishing House, and was appointed as an associate editor in 2000. He has been engaged in translation work for nearly 20 years and has translated more than 20 books, including best-sellers and classic literary works for adults, as well as excellent children's literature full of childlike interest and beautiful writing.

Ma Aixin (1974-) graduated from Beijing Foreign Studies University and worked at the International Translation and Publishing Company. He is famous for cooperating with his sister Ma Ainong to translate the "Harry Potter" series of novels. After Ma Aixin finished translating "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", he went to the United States to study, so for the subsequent books, one of the sisters was in China and the other was in the United States, translating across the border. They often each translate a part first, and then communicate via email and phone calls to achieve unity of language and style.

[Edit this paragraph] Character name meaning

1. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore Dumbledore: Albus means white in Latin, because Dumbledore was the white wizard who opposed the Dark Lord Voldemort. According to Rowling, Dumbledore means "buzzing bees". Percival means warrior and piercing the curtain. Obviously, Dumbledore was a warrior who fought bravely against the forces of darkness! The "Piercing the Curtain" is intriguing because the curtain is a symbol of the separation between life and death in Western culture. Does piercing the boundary between life and death mean that Dumbledore has the ability to transcend life and death like the Phoenix? There is no unified interpretation of Wulfric's meaning. Some people analyze that it is composed of two words: Wulf (wolf) and Ric (power). But some people think that the word comes from the hero Beowulf in the Norwegian epic, who defeated the monster Grendel twice. The most glorious victory Dumbledore achieved in his life was his victory over Grindelwald in 1945. Some people think that the name Woolfrick was used by Ms. Rowling, who studied classics at the University of Exeter, to use the Norwegian epic to refer to Dumbledore's great achievements in opposing black magic and to highlight his magical power. Brian comes from Irish and means "strength and virtue". It is also used to refer to Irish men. This word highly summarizes the two aspects of Dumbledore's "greatness" - ability and virtue. It is also likely to hint at Dumbledore's Irish ancestry.

2. Hermione Granger: Judging from the pronunciation, it is derived from the name of Hermes, the famous messenger of the gods on Mount Olympus in Greece. The popular "hermeneutics" in the field of philosophy today was originally derived from the name of Hermes. No wonder Hermione is famous for her agility and wisdom in the novel, and many difficult riddles can be easily solved with her hands.

In the story, she is born as a Muggle, but she has a genius brain and amazing perseverance, and she can complete the school affairs

3. Severus Snape : Severus means severe in Latin, which is quite consistent with Snape's character. But in fact, Snape is just the name of a small village in England. Snape is only one letter different from the word snake in English! No wonder Snape was Head of Slytherin. But please remember, never make any absolute judgments about Snape before watching "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows". You need to re-appreciate this person.

4. Minerva McGonagall: The usual translation is Minerva, the goddess of wisdom in Roman mythology, which is equivalent to the goddess Athena in Greek mythology. It was the headmaster of Gryffindor who taught transfiguration at the wizarding school.

5. Remus John Lupin: Lupine comes from the Latin root LUP, which means wolf - LUPINE is "a wolf-like person", and LUPUS is "Jackal". It is said that residents of the Normandy region of France sometimes call werewolves "LUPIN"! Remus is even more interesting. This is the name of one of the twins who was fed by a she-wolf in Roman legend, a cute little wolf cub! Although he is a werewolf, he is very gentle to students. He was once in the third grade It was time to teach Harry how to use the Patronus Charm (Calling the Guardian)

6. Sirius Black: Of course, SIRIUS is Sirius, and Black is "black". After he transformed, he turned into a big black dog. The godfather of Harry Potter, he was a good friend with Harry's father and finally died at the hands of his cousin

7. Peter Pettigrew: The name Peter is too common, it seems nothing special. significance. Pettigrew means "very small", and the name can also be broken down into PET I GREW, which almost means "I became a pet"!

8. Argus Filch: Filch means the English verb "to steal", and Argus is the giant monster with one hundred eyes in Greek mythology. Mr. Filch often secretly observes students' behavior.

9. Rubeus Hagrid (Ribus Hagrid): According to Rowling, HAGRID is the Old English word for "a bad night" or "a bad night." Hagrid often has trouble sleeping because of drinking

10. Alastor Moody: ALASTOR is the devil in charge of revenge in Greek mythology, and Moody in English means emotional. The meaning of change.

11. Professor Binns: BINNS is pronounced very close to BEEN, which is the past participle form of the verb BE in English. This professor is already a ghost, and indeed the past tense!

12. Tom Marvolo Riddle: RIDDLE means "riddle" in English. When I see this The name tells you that Rowling is going to play a word game.

13. Lord Voldemort: VOLDEMORT is derived from the French VOLE DE MORT, which means "flight of death" or "flying away from death". No wonder Comrade Lao Fu thinks about immortality all day long. The word "Voldemort" was changed from Tom Marvolo Riddle, but the order of the letters was changed. Voldemort's past, Tom. Riddle always disliked his own name Tom, thinking it was too common, so he changed the letters, from Tom Marvolo Riddle (Tom. Riddle) became I am Lord Voldemort to show his difference.

14. Vernon Dursley: Vernon is Rowling’s most hated name. There is a city called Durslay near Gwent, England, where Rowling was born.

15. Dudley Dursley: DUDLEY is derived from the British slang DUD, which means a very boring person.

16. Petunia Dursley: PETUNIA means morning glory, and her sister. Harry's mother Lily's name means lily. Morning glories symbolize anger and hatred, while lilies symbolize purity.

17. Draco Malfoy: MALFOY is a change from the French MAL FOI, which means bad faith. This family are all Death Eaters and believe in black magic. And Draco. DRACO means dragon and snake in Latin, and dragon is associated with Satan in the West. Draco is also the name of an extremely cruel legislator in ancient Athens.

18. Lucius Malfoy: LUCIUS is very close to LUCIFER, just like Draco. Lucius was also the name of a very cruel legislator in ancient Athens.

19. Narcissa Malfoy: NARCISSA comes from the character in Greek mythology, that is, the young man who has a narcissistic complex and falls in love with his own shadow in the water. Narcissa means daffodil and represents narcissism.

20. Fluffy: Fluffy is Hagrid’s three-headed dog. Fluffy means “furry”.

21. Hedwig: It is the name of a German saint in the 12th or 13th century who delivered messages to people in the city.

22. Godric Gryffindor: Gryffin is a griffin-headed winged beast in Greek mythology. In French, dor means "made of gold". "Gryffindor" refers to the griffin-headed winged beast. God means "God", and -ric is the suffix meaning "jurisdiction, domain". Godric means "the abode of God". The symbol of Gryffindor is the lion

23. Salazar Slytherin: Slytherin comes from the English word "Slitheting", a parody of crawling forward like a snake. . The symbol of Slytherin is the snake.

24. Rowena Ravenclaw: RAVENCLAW, the literal translation is raven's paw. The symbol of Ravenclaw House is the hawk.

25. Helga Hufflepuff: Hufflepuff, derived from the English Huff and Puff. Both words are related to blowing. Huff as a noun also means angry, while the symbol of Hufflepuff House is Badger. Badger as a verb also means to pester, annoy, and clamor. There is a strong relationship with anger.

26. Muggle: MUGGLE is derived from the English slang MUG, which means fool.

27. Luna Lovegood: Luna also means moon in French, which means moon god. It is easy to think of her purity and beauty, as well as a hint of mystery. . Lovegood, although a bit far-fetched, still means love and good things. Putting the two names together, you can imagine that she is a very lovable girl. But in fact, the root word Luna also means "crazy", and Lunatic means "crazy", which is in line with the character of this child.

28. Sibyll Trelawney: Sibyll is the title of the prophetess in Greek and Roman mythology who was inspired by the sun god Apollo to write languages.

29. Fleur Delacour: Fleur Delacour is French. The literal translation means flowers in the palace, and by extension it refers to noble women.

30. Rita Skeeter: The word skeeter is related to the verbs "scamper," "scatter," and "creep" that belong to beetles.

[Edit this paragraph] Important Things in Chinese and English

(Curse/spell/charm) Curse

(Magic Wands) Magic Wand

< p>(Elder Wand)Elder Wand (Destiny Wand) (one of the Deathly Hallows)

(Cloak of Invisibility)Invisibility Cloak (one of the Deathly Hallows)

(Resurrection Stone ) Resurrection Stone (one of the Deathly Hallows)

(Horcrux) Horcrux

(Philosopher's Stone or Sorcerer's Stone) Philosopher's Stone

(the Mirror of Erised ) Mirror of Erised

(Marauder's Map) Marauder's Map

(Time Turner) Time Turner

(Sorting hat) Sorting Hat

(Cloak/cape) Cloak, cloak

(Parchment) Parchment

(Quill) Quill

(Pensieve) Pensieve

(Robe) Robe

(Howler) Howler Letter - A letter that people often use when they are angry.

(Broomstick) Broom

(Silver Arrow) Silver Arrow, an earlier style broomstick

(Cleansweep 7) Sweep 7 stars, a slow model broom

(Nimbus 2000) Nimbus 2000, a newer broomstick

(Firebolt) Firebolt, the latest and best broomstick

(Daily Prophet ) Daily Prophet, a newspaper in the wizarding world

(the Quibbler) To sing the devil

(Hogwarts Express) Hogwarts Express train (uses a mysterious substance as fuel and will spray purple Flame)

(Knight Bus)Knight Bus-----The bus you least want to ride in.

(Portkey) Portkey

(Floo Powder) Floo powder, used to travel quickly in the fireplace (you need to accurately say the destination to get to the right place)

< p>(Vanishing Cabinet)Vanishing Cabinet, transporting people from one place to another

(The Hand of Glory)Hand of Glory

(Wizarding Wireless Network) Floo Network

(Pocket Sneakoscope) A looking glass that will glow and spin when an untrustworthy person approaches.

(Cauldron) Crucible

(Phial) (liquid) medicine bottle

(Scales) Balance

(Ton-Tongue Toffees) Fat Tongue Toffees

(Boggart) Boggart, the shape will change, it will become the thing you fear most. (Can be resisted with the spell "Funny")

(Triwizard Tournament) Triwizard Tournament

(Rememberball) memory ball, when you forget something, it will turn red to remind you


(the Goblet of Fire) Goblet of Fire, a tool for the selected warriors in the Triwizard Tournament

Magic Chinese-English comparison:

(Alchemy) Alchemy

(Animagi) Animagus, the magic of transforming into animals (requires registration with the Ministry of Magic)

(Apparating) Phantom transfer/appearance (the key point is "3D")

< p> (Avada Kedavra) Avada Kedavra, an illegal black curse, one of the Unforgivable Curses. (Spraying a green light)

(Cruciatus Curse) Cruciatus Curse, an illegal black curse, one of the unforgivable curses.

(Imperious Curse) Imperious Curse, an illegal black curse, one of the unforgivable curses.

(Dark Magic) Black Magic

(Dark Mark) Dark Mark, a skull in the air, used when someone is killed

(Disapparate) Apparition

(Divination) Divination

(Fidelius Charm) Fidelius Charm

(Four Point Spell) Directional Spell, making the tip of the wand point north


(Impediment Curse) Obstacle Curse, slow down and stop intruders.

(Leprechaun Gold) disappears for several hours

(Occlumency) Occlumency

(Parseltongue) Parseltongue

(Patronus) Patronus Curse, to combat dementors

(Polyjuice Potion), a potion that can turn one person into another person

(Reductor Curse), In order to open a way, break the solid body

(Shield Charm) Iron Armor Charm, the temporary partition wall deflects the small magic charm

(Side-Along-Apparition) The follower appears

< p>(Splinched) Split, the wizard leaves part of his body behind when he phantoms

(Transfiguration) Transfiguration

(Unbreakable Vow) Unbreakable Vow

(Morsmordre) The bones reappeared, showing the Dark Mark

(Unforgivable Curses) The Unforgivable Curses (Cruciatus Curse, Soul-Impering Curse, Avada Kedavra Curse)

Spells in Chinese and English:

(Note that the spells in these original works are actually expressed in Latin rather than English)

Accio***Flying Spell

< p>Aguamenti clear water like a spring

Alohomora Alaho Cave opens

Aparecium emerges suddenly

Avada Kedavra Avada Kedavra

Avis Cave inimicum

Cave inimicum The protection spell cast on the tent in "Haha 7" should be the "enemy trap"

Colloportus Quick Confinement

Comfundo The confusion spell in "Haha 7" is translated as "confusion"

Crucio, cut out the bones

Deletrius, disappear without a trace

Densaugeo, incisor match stick

Diffindo split into pieces


Dissendium left and right separation

Enervate quick recovery

Engorgio quick Change quickly

Evanesco disappears without a trace

Expecto Patronum Call to God's Guard

Expulso Flying Sand and Stones

Expelliarmus Expelliarmus

Ferula aweila

Finite the end

Finite incantatem the spell to stop

Flagrate the mark appears

Furnunculus fire roasted Hot

Geminio duplicates in pairs

Homenum revelio The spell that shows humans (Homo sapiens is the scientific name of human beings) in "Ha 7", the human form appears

Impedimenta Lots of obstacles

Imperio, soul leaving body

Impervius, invulnerable to water and fire (originally waterproof and moisture-proof)

Incarcerous, rapid confinement

Incendio flame Bear

Liberacorpus Golden Bell Falling to the Ground (the counter-spell of the Upside Down Golden Bell)

Legilimens Legilimency

Levicorpus Upside Down Golden Bell

Locomotor ···Move

Locomotor Mortis freezes the legs and stops dead

Lumos fluorescent flashes

Metelojinx recanto Mr. Weasley used it to stop him in "Haha 7" The rain in a certain office of the Ministry of Magic is translated as "the cloud curse is withdrawn"

Mobiliarbus Apparition<


Mobilicorpus Apparition

Morsmordre Corpse Reappearance

Nox Nox (fluorescence counterspell)

Obliviate forget everything< /p>

Orchideus in bloom


Peskipiksi Pesternomi Peskipiksi Pesternomi (the spell Lockhart cast on the elf, it has no use No, with a slight change it can be translated as

"Don't bother me, nasty little elf")

Petrificus totalus, all petrified

Point Me, show me the way

Portus Mentos

Prior Incantato Flashback Curse

Protego Armor Protection

Protego totalum protects everything ("Ha" 7》The protection spell cast on the tent)

Quietus whispers

Reducio shrinks quickly

Reducto shatters into pieces

Relashio force Relaxation

Reparo is restored as before

Repello Muggletum The Muggle expulsion spell in "Haha 7" is translated as "Muggle shield"

Rictusempra grins and cheers< /p>

Riddikulus is funny

Salvio hexia The protection spell cast on the tent in "Ha 7" has no reliable explanation and should be "safe guard"

Scourgify cleanup A new one

Sectumsempra, a god without a shadow

Serpensortia, an own mistake

Silencio, silent

Sonorus, a loud voice

Stupefy fainted

Tarantallegra Tarantela dance

Unplottable unplottable

Waddiwasi Waddiwasi

Wingardium Leviosa levitation spell (Wingardium Leviosa)

Glisseo slideway is mediocre

Duro phantom slate

Muffliato closed earplugs

Langlock Lock tongue and throat seal

Oppugno Thousand Bullets

Tergeo Whirlwind Sweep

Potion in Chinese and English:

< p>(Amortentia) Love Potion

(Felix Felicis) Fuling Potion

(Mandrake Restorative) Mandrake Restorative

(Polyjuice Potion) Compound Decoction

(Veritaserum) Veritaserum

(Wolfsbane potion) Wolfsbane Potion

Chinese-English translation and explanation:

(Aurors) Aurors (personnel who specialize in catching dark wizards)

(Bonder) Witnesses

(Champions) Warriors, representing the school in the Triwizard Tournament

(Death Eaters) Death Eaters (Followers of Voldemort)

(Mudblood) Mudblood, a contemptuous name for wizards born into Muggle families (non-pure blood)

(Muggles) Muggles, non-magical people

(Squib) Squib, was born in a wizarding family, but has no magical ability.

(wizard/which) Wizard


Galleons, gold coins

Sickles, silver coins , 17 Silver Sickles=1 Gold Galleons

(Knutes) Knuts, copper coins, 29 Copper Knuts=1 Silver Sickles


Gobstones: A magic game similar to pinball in which stones spray liquid onto the face of the loser.

Quidditch: A game with four balls and three circles, similar to football. Among them:

Quaffle: a red ball that has the same function as a basketball.

Chaser: Throw it through the circle and you get 10 points;

Keeper: Responsible for blocking the ball from the opponent;

Bludges: Two black balls collide with players;

Beater: Will hit bludgers, attack opponent players, and protect own players;

Golden Snitch: a golden ball. When the seeker gets the ball, the game ends. The seeker who gets the ball adds 150 points;

Wizard Chess: Rules and International It is similar to chess, but the master can control his chess pieces with words, and the chess pieces can fight each other.

Chamber Music (Chenber Music): Music played in smaller venues, Dumbledore’s favorite

Tenpin bowling: Dumbledore’s favorite







History of Magic

Defense Against the Dark Arts

Care of Magical Creatures

Flying< /p>


the Study of Ancient Runes


Muggle Studies


Magical creatures:









< p>zombie








Norwegian Ridgeback

Chinese Fireball< /p>

Swedish Short-Snout

Hungarian Horntail

Common Welsh Green

hippogviffHypogviff Winged Beast


manti-core Griffon

Blast-Ended Skrewt

< p>flobberworm

the Whomping Willow



ghoul Ghoul

Irish Leprechaun Irish Leprechaun



the Ministry of Magic

St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injurises

Improver Use of Magic Office

the Leaky Cauldron< /p>

Auror Headquarters

Eeglops Owl Emporium

Misure of Muggle Artefacts Office

Flourish and Blotts

Gringotts' Wizarding Bank

Knockturn Alley

Diagon Alley


Malkin's Robes for All OccasionsMadame Malkin's Robes Shop

Azkaban (Wizard Prison)

Beauxbatons Academy of Magic Beauxbatons Academy of Magic

Duemstrang InstituteDumstrang School

Hogworts School of Witchcraft and WizardryHogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

the Chamber of Secrets

HogsmeadeHogsmeade Germany

Three Broomsticks

the Hog's Head

Honey Dukes

the Room of Requirement Room of Requirement

the Shrieking Shack

the common room

the Dark Forest

the Burrow

Godric's Hollow (the first six books are translated as Godric's Hollow)

Number Twelve Grimmauld Place 12 Grimmauld Place


Mars Bars

Bettie Bott's Every Flavor Beans

Drooble's Best Blowing Gum


Cauldron Cake

Chocolate Frog

Licorice Wand
