The music of a group of people dancing in two groups in Jitterbug is called "tremor", the magic music and dance instantly circled numerous points.
Jittery split dancing video steps: beauty book home page, there is a production button at the bottom, click to enter, select the video keying function, start making split video. The first step in the production, you need to first import the video into the software, and then click on the upper right checkmark, a key to key the video, the beauty of the book is a good point is that you do not need a green screen, import any background video can be keyed. Keying a good household, click on the bottom left corner of the task box to add a split, split plus a good adjustment of a suitable layout, you can also mirror flip video, always want what kind of, can be ranked out. Line up a good start editing the background, the software has a lot of cool background material, if you want to use the original video to do the background, it is also possible, the background is set up, click on the upper right hook synthesis. Synthesized after the release page, click Save to Local, the video to your album, then you can directly upload the video to the short video platform.