Reading Notes for What Technology Wants ~ Technium i.e. everything that springs from human consciousness

Today we move on to this book, What Technology Wants, written in 2010, one of KK's trilogy. In this book, Kevin Kelly uses an anthropomorphic device to compare technology to a personified image . In fact, the world is driven by technology "behind the scenes".

The future will be a time when technology rules the world. So, listening to what technology wants has become a guide to better living in the world. If you want to be more responsive, you should know what technology wants.

We used to think of it as productivity. It's a way to change the world. But now Kevin Kelly says that technology is, in fact, a personified individual. He is like a child, has a growth process, has needs, has a character, and more importantly, he has a clear mission. This mission is, with the entire world of matter, to build a more complex life, towards the ultimate law of the universe.

The title of the book is "What Technology Wants". kk is expressing a very strong point of view through this sentence, that is, technology is a personality, that is, it is in demand. kk believes that the concept of technology, or too small, so he has created a new term called technium, which is also known as English technium. This book, in fact, is a biography of the main character of "technium".

In the natural world, the following things, are the childhood "technium":

- In the grasslands of Africa, there is a 3-meter-high termite nest, like an inverted ice cream cone.

-- A chimpanzee, used to eat ants from a twig.

--A primitive man's bow and arrow.

--The concept of "running away from a lion" in the minds of primitive people.

--The complete technology of "drilling wood for fire".


So the technological elements of childhood are, ostensibly, the black technology used by the animals. But in reality, the technological element, in fact, is the way in which atoms are composed, which can be combined into a bow and arrow, or into an ant's nest. It is, in essence, actually information.

13.8 billion years ago, the moment the universe was born, the technological element was born, because from that moment on, the atoms in the universe began to combine into a variety of elements, and the most primitive amount of information, was created.

From 13.8 billion years ago, to roughly 50,000 years ago, this is the juvenile stage of the technological elements. The manifestations were some simple means of making a living for animals.

Roughly around 50,000 years ago, the technological element became a juvenile. Marking the time was this: language emerged in human society. Philosopher Daniel Dennett said, "The invention of language was so exhilarating, so important, that Homo sapiens accomplished a huge jump, leaving the rest of the species on Earth far behind." Language is also a technological element because, in essence, language is also information , nothing more than an agreed upon frequency of vibration of the vocal cords and a specific mouth shape. Language, that is, was the most advanced of the technological elements of the time, and when mankind had language, he conquered all other animals. Language has the following benefits:

Conveys information , for example: 3 sheep came to the lake, 20 enemies came. Many things can be expressed clearly. Language has spawned our thinking. Without the rational structure of language, there is no way we humans could not organize our mental activities. Language allows us to retain some summarized valuable knowledge, for example, to beat the snake, into a mnemonic, others memorize and execute on it, the survival skills of the whole tribe is improved.

Language, allows humans to unite and form primary societies and nations. With societies and nations, this in turn spawned the emergence of more technological elements. For example: the fence, the hoe, and the feudal system, the **** and system, the county system. All these technological elements, despite their different manifestations, function in a similar way: a strong fence keeps 20 sheep from straying, while a good political maneuver keeps millions of citizens of an empire from straying. Whoever masters the more advanced elements of technology will be able to live better, and even outwit the rest of the tribe.

The history of mankind is a history of competition over who has mastered the more advanced elements of technology. From 50,000 years ago to roughly the 18th century, this was the "adolescent stage" of technology.

Around the 18th century, mankind ushered in the development of science and technology, and the element of technology from a teenager, jumped into a young man. 18th century the beginning of the development of science and technology, mankind ushered in is the explosion of development. The most persuasive data about mankind's technological progress is: the average life expectancy of Americans from from 1900 47 years old, to 75 years old in 1994.

With the rise of technology, the element of technology began to show a certain "inevitability," suggesting that the element of technology, with a clear mission, wanted to guide mankind in a general direction that was destined.

The most famous example of necessity: around 1674, Isaac Newton and the mathematician Leibniz, independently of each other, created calculus.

During that period of history, a large number of scientists made the same scientific breakthroughs within a few years, or even months, in different parts of the world. Such as the thermometer, by 6 different inventors in different parts of the world. Such as the telegraph being invented by 5 people, over and over again, in a very short period of time. Such as the observation of sunspots by 4 independent observers, including Galileo, all in the same year (1611). If 3 different geniuses discovered decimals. Such as two scientists each independently predicted the existence of the eighth planet, Neptune, in 1846.

The most telling example: during World War II, six different scientific organizations around the globe, once in complete isolation from each other's information, independently worked on the - four-factor formula to be used in nuclear weapons. This is scientific inevitability. The whole world is moving forward according to a subtle protocol and necessity.

There is also inevitability in the evolution of human tools. In the original book there are two photographs, one taken in the Americas and one in Southeast Asia. The length and shape of the blowpipe, the principle is exactly the same. The tails of the arrows are coated with poisonous juice, the postures when firing the darts are the same, and, in both cases, the aim is adjusted by rotating the launching end of the tube.

In two isolated corners of the world, blowgun tubes were both invented, like a pair of twins lost for years. The eye it evolved six times over the course of life on Earth. In vertebrates, some octopuses, snails, marine annelids, jellyfish, and spiders, this extraordinary optical structure, similar to a "biological camera", is found, with similar functions.

It should be no coincidence that life wants to produce eyes, and that life wants to see the world, because it always repeats this invention, like flipping a coin 6 million times, all heads up. No matter how many times you reboot the universe, the result should be pretty much the same every time. Nobel laureate, biologist George Wald, then told his students, "It's worth it to get your biology and chemistry right here on Earth, because in the future you'll be able to pass biochemistry exams held outside the galaxy, too."

The technological element, the rules by which the world operates, has a clear direction, clear steps and a strong will to bring all beings who are willing to obey the rules of the game, to his ultimate mission. Kk says that human autonomy in this inevitable process is like driving a fixed-route bus line. Along the way how this bus drives, whether it goes faster or slower, the creature can say for himself. But some important stops, for example, like the evolution of the spine, the production of language, the evolution of the eye, the discovery of nuclear power, the evolution of the Internet, these important stops need to be stopped.

How to deal with the technological elements, there are three general directions in front of us a***:

1. Fierce resistance

2. Sluggish acceptance

3. Positive embrace

A Harvard-educated doctor of mathematics wrote an anti-technology manifesto in which he wanted to fight technology and awaken mankind. He lived in a simple cabin in the forest and made mail bombs, but the purpose was not to kill people, but to let mankind see his anti-technology manifesto, he sent out 16 bombs in one ****, killing 3 people and injuring 23 others. His "anti-technology manifesto" was published in the New York Times and the Washington Post, calling for people to go back to their idyllic lives without electricity and tools.

Instead of awakening the people who were asleep, the bomber's stupidity was revealed. In the end the bomber was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole. Why was the bomber stupid?1. No one wants to live with you in the stone age.2. Violence forces people and no one will listen.3. Even if you can convince some people to go with you, there are bound to be some who will continue to chase technology, and then those people will be the mainstream of the world.

The Amish are a religious sect living in the northern part of the United States who believe in simple living and reject excessive modernization. Riding in horse-drawn carriages, eating food grown by themselves, and wearing the most traditional clothes. The Amish believe that horse-drawn carriages are fine to ride in, but they are also an element of technology; the wheels, bearings, and horse-training techniques are all centuries old and high-tech.

The Amish also use solar-powered generators, use electric fans, and go out and do the train, but don't fly because airplanes seem too modern. The Amish only accept phone booths. When the Amish use a cell phone, they have to hide in a closed room so that it feels like they are in a phone booth.

The Amish live by three words - lie to yourself. They only accept technology that has been invented for a while, that is more old-fashioned, and it's called - delayed acceptance of technology. If you live that kind of life, one should be lonely or lonely, except that others are lonely in fancy apartments with air conditioners blowing, while you are lonely in a thatched hut. Our pain and confusion is not really the fault of technology.

It is the choice of the vast majority of us to accept technology into our lives in a big way. Some people may say that the technological elements are so developed, I do not know what will become something terrible. Will artificial intelligence replace humans, or wipe them out?

As human internet technology connects every human being together, there will be the next escalation of the technological element. It will be above our heads, forming a global brain. What it is thinking and what it will do, we humans may not be able to understand. It is the true master of the future Earth.

Kk doesn't think the global brain will wipe us out, because that's too earthy, and only the more rudimentary stages of animals and humans do that. Answer to the question, "What does technology want?" The technology element, wants, all together, an infinite game.

What is an infinite game, is that no one will destroy anyone, but in a more and more complex, more and more free system, we have long-term interaction, long-term benign game, with a few years the Chinese are more familiar with the words, is that we play together. What the technology element wants is a free and prosperous platform for unlimited gaming, like a happy, large-scale square dance for all people to participate in.

In the end, we still have to define what the technology element is, and what its relationship with humanity is.

The concept of technological elements is not easy to explain, because its connotation is too broad, it is:

1. black technology used by animals

2. all kinds of technological tools

3. human culture, law, political system

Any effective information that helps to accelerate the world towards the ultimate goal of running towards the river, all of them are technological elements. elements. What is our relationship to the technological elements?

1. The technology element is our assistant.

2. It is our babysitter , and it helps us defeat other creatures.

3. We are also the parents of the techno-elementals , and in the eyes of the techno-elementals, we are the mysterious glands that float around them and create them.

4. The relationship between humans and the techno-elementals is described by a concept familiar to the Chinese, the handler.

The handler is so important that he decides all the details.

The handler is not important at all, because this is a big thing, it is a big trend, if you do not want to do it, there are plenty of people to do it.

Even if human civilization destroys itself, the technological element will eventually reach its goal. It's just that the world is a little slower, and the credit for that fixing doesn't belong to humans anymore. I believe that the vast majority of me, will go with the times and go as a dutiful scribe.

In the future, human beings will live a very leisurely life, all the physical work do not have to do, want to eat anything, everyone is pursuing the spiritual world. We rarely get sick because our genes are modified at birth, and people will probably be able to live forever, as long as there are no accidents.

All kinds of robots help us mine, generate electricity, and gather all kinds of resources we want. Whenever we humans find a planet that might be habitable, we launch, nanobots, at it, and those robots stay on that planet, slowly modifying that planet, waiting for Earthlings to colonize it. The Creator wants us to explore the universe and fill it up. What is the ultimate purpose of the technological element going to be? Let's knock on the Creator's door together when we've filled up the entire universe.

The technological elements are the heroes of this world, and the wonderfulness of humanity will ultimately be to build the foundation for the technological elements, but it's an honorable job. And it's also our duty as humans.

People who go with the flow will have a good time.

The future of humanity will be happier and happier.

The technological element and us are not in opposition.

1. The technological element is mumbling, he needs someone to help it voice its needs.

2. The primitive man's brain was missing a string, and it was language that helped him attach it.

3. Science and technology are the greatest tools for making new things. For a culture, science is indeed the more brilliant method of learning.

4. Looking at billions of long years, it looks as if evolution wants to create certain constructs because it always repeats the invention.

5. This practice of bans has proven to be futile, "bans are essentially moratoriums". What is due to appear will surely appear, and what is popular will surely be popular.

6. "Modern technology is a holistic system; all its elements are independent of each other. You cannot remove the 'bad' parts and keep only the 'good' parts."

7. The elements of evolution, life, thought and technology are all infinite games. They are gaming to keep the game going and to keep all the gamers involved for as long as possible.

8. The things we love most in life -- including life itself -- are infinite games.

9. The greatest and longest journey of mankind so far, however, is not the long walk from cluster matter to self-conscious biology, but the long journey that is about to unfold.