There are many kinds of Yushu Zhuo Dance, the contents of which are mainly the glorification of hometowns and natural sceneries, and at the same time, they reflect a wide range of aspects of social life. A complete performance is divided into three parts: the prelude, which is dedicated to the gods and buddhas; the main part, which expresses a wide range of contents; and the finale, which is a blessing of good fortune.
Yushu Zhuo Dance can be divided into two kinds: "Qu Zhuo" with strong religious color and "Meng Zhuo" with strong secularity according to the difference of lyrics, performance function and purpose, performance forms and styles, and performers, etc.
Yushu Zhuo Dance has been widely performed in China and other countries. The "Quzhuo", i.e. religious Zhuo, is mainly circulated in Xinzhai of Yushu County. Xinzhai is regarded as a sacred place by the Tibetans, and the rich and long-lasting "Quzhuo" of Xinzhai is also known far and wide. "Qu" means "law" in Tibetan and has three meanings: norms, scriptures and knowledge. "Quzhuo" means "Buddha dance", also known as "religious Zhuo". "Quzhuo" has been passed down from generation to generation and has been preserved to this day, which is precisely where the valuable value of "Quzhuo" lies. "Meng Zhuo", "Meng" Tibetan meaning "masses, the masses", meaning "mass dance", the local customary name of the "Zhuo Dance". Yushu Zhuo dance according to the function can be divided into secularity of the ordinary Zhuo dance and religious color is very strong "law" Zhuo (Tibetan called "Qu" Zhuo) two categories, the overall structure from slow to fast two parts of the composition, in the form of song and dance performances.
The Yushu Zhuo Dance mainly centers around the fluttering of the sleeves, and often involves dozens or hundreds of people*** with the performers. The dancers' sleeves are very long, all dragged on the ground, the men's dance sleeve flinging amplitude is large, the movement is beautiful and elegant, the arm rotates freely, and the movement route is varied. The leg movement is also large, with the arm of the sleeve flap need to lift the leg, lift the leg, turn around and other large-scale jumps, movement route to the arc-based, body coordination and cooperation.
The whole dance has a distinctive rhythm and magnificent momentum, which fully reveals the masculine and handsome beauty of male dance. The women's dance movements are soft and smooth, and the sleeve and foot movements are basically similar to the men's dance, but with a smaller amplitude, showing the soft and beautiful and gentle and dignified characteristics of women.