Help, several Japanese dialog translations


If you reach A level or above, you can play for free (ランク=rank)


真豪爽的游戏啊......(意译,太っ腹是 "度量大 " meaning, ゲーム=game)


Relatively, various information such as medical reports had to be sent to maker (メーカー在这里应该指某人,データ=data)


Your rank is?

S2. だから, tada.

S2 (level), so it's free (the "free if you reach A level" mentioned above)

Sono nanda.......actually, yoku ojin ga renewed くなって思ってたの.

That's right... In fact, I guess spending money is a bottomless pit (paraphrasing, the original meaning is "the money will continue better")

The conference で優胜すると赏金も出るんだ。 The first thing you need to do is to get the money out of your pocket, and you'll be able to do it in a few minutes.

The prize money will be given out if you win at the convention.

This is why I came here after my part-time job to take a look

2, それよりさ, 幕张まで付き合ってもらわなくてもよかったんだけど......//プ>

In other words, I don't need to accompany you to the curtain to see if you're going to be able to make it.

It's okay...

On the other hand, it's okay if you don't have to accompany me to the curtain call...

On the other hand, it's okay if you don't have to accompany me to the curtain call....

It's okay (paraphrased), grandma asked me to take good care of you

Aaah. もうこれからはゲームばっかやってられねえからな。 Lastly, I want to win the game.

Ah~. I can't stand playing games all the time from now on. (

3. The last win is the end of the game, so let's get it over with (meaning "summarize")




(Though) I didn't mean to say it that way (a smoother translation would be "I didn't mean it that way")

そうかい。 I'm not sure if the conference's levee is low enough for me to get the gaffer's license," he said.

Yeah? I ah, I'm disappointed that the conference is so low (レベル=level)



おまけに, "Negako wa negako! "なんつーサムい负け惜しみを言いやがって...ホントに盛り下がるぜ.

Not only that, but you're also defiantly saying that "a loss is a loss"'s not fun. ...そんなつもりで言ったんじゃねえ。

So that's why...I didn't mean that

Fan. まァ, 残念だったな. Her daughter's front deaii所を見せられなくてよ.

Hmph. (Never mind) What a shame. I didn't do a good job in front of "her" (meaning "I didn't show her a good side")

Hodakananda said "食い下がってくるねぇ. やっぱ、负けて悔しいんだろ?

No matter what you say, you won't stop. I'm sure you're not happy about losing, right?

Constructed わねえぜ?

This is the first time I've been in a fight with you, and I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.

It's okay? It's okay to fight again later

Tadashi, レベルを上げてきな。 I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that, but I'm going to be able to do it.

But, level up (meaning "you have to be better than you are now"). You don't even deserve to be my opponent right now(meaning)

Ma, ゲームで良かったと思いな. ...あばよ、家に归って、キャンキャン泣きな。

Never mind, (you just think) "Good thing it's a game" (meaning "You should be thankful that it's a game). ...Goodbye, go home and cry

4, まだ見舞いには行ってねえんだが....................大大事をとってしばらく入院するらしい.

Although I haven't visited yet...(but) I heard that I've been hospitalized for rest and recuperation
