Are there any songs that have the name of a country or city in the title?
Norwegian Forest, Tears of Venice, Old Indian Turtle Dove, Istanbul, One Night in Beijing, Prague Square, Madrid Uncharted, No Tears in Moscow, Shanghai Girl (Zhang Xinzhe's), Osaka Castle Girl, I Love Beijing Tiananmen, Night in the Suburbs of Moscow (Black Duck's), Ningxia, Mudanjiang River, Liu Yang River 2008, Shanghai 1943, Chinese Words, Night in Shanghai, Asia's Heroes, Pearl of the Orient, Shanghai Bund, The Tower of Paris (Hu Yanbin's), Under Mount Fuji (Eason Chan's). Pearl of the Orient, Shanghai Bund, Paris Tower (Hu Yanbin's), Under Mount Fuji (Eason Chan's), ...... en, think so tired ah ~ ~ enough not ~ ~