What are the innate abilities of

Man? comes into this world, his possible ? for which he or she was born has already been defined. For example, within a few months of birth, infants can see, categorize, and recognize visual and auditory messages. They seem to be able to determine the spatial location of a sound, to give a three-dimensional representation to a visual message, and to recognize the senses in their own right. representations of a visual message, and can apply relevant messages from various sensory channels to the same external object. They also seem to be able to determine the spatial location of a sound, to give a triple representation to a visual message, and to apply relevant messages from each sensory channel to the same external object. These innate abilities are also manifested in the generalization of the "human being". understanding of the human being. Infants must learn that we are different from other organisms. We learn to recognize the differences between us and other creatures and quickly find "people" of our own kind. When we find our own kind, the first thing we do is to communicate with them. The first thing we do is to communicate with them, simply by using gestures. Just by using gestures, but preferably also by using words. The reason why language can be used is that it has to be in the human brain. The reason for this must be sought in the structure of the human brain and not in the external environment. is to be found in the external environment. The environment simply enables the original language to unfold. already set language to unfold. That's all. Human beings are capable of learning an infinite number of things. to learn an infinite number of things. But what are these abilities? Within the limits of the culture we were born into. Within the limits of the culture we were born into. Young blind children master language as well as normal children, and it can be as painful as learning a foreign language as an adult. as painfully as adults learning a foreign language. They are not at all behind normal children, and it is clear that vision is not as important as it is in normal children. It is clear that vision is a key factor in the acquisition of language. is a determining factor in language acquisition.

To confirm these innate abilities To confirm these innate abilities, it is important to observe newborns, who have the least amount of contact with their environment. The original? Infants have enough spatial visualization in the first few months to recognize the depths of their surroundings. They have enough spatial vision in the first few months to be able to recognize depths and avoid dropping objects. They also have the ability to avoid falling off cliffs. Cliffs. This experiment caused quite a shock, and infants were no longer considered a blank sheet of paper. were no longer considered to be a blank sheet of paper. It used to be thought that speech, reasoning, face recognition The perception of language, pushing, face recognition and sounds were considered to be the most important. The perception of sounds. are derived from an identical, simple learning mechanism are now being seriously challenged.

In addition, in various experiments on "language," a key to what makes a person "human" has been found to be the ability to speak the language, and prior to World War I, psychologists in many countries tried to teach the human mind to speak the language. Prior to World War I, scientists in many countries tried to teach orangutans to learn human language. Before World War I, psychologists in many countries tried to teach orangutans human language, from the way they lived to the way they were taught. They tried to teach the orangutans human language in the same way as human children, but the result was a failure. But they failed. When the children began to speak normally, the orangutans could not keep up with the humans. The book's point about language is that although animals and humans? have some complex cognitive abilities? , but the biggest difference between humans and animals? same lies in the human cortical mechanisms that allow us to have the ability to speak.

Human beings are born with the capacity for language, which is the key to what makes them stand out from other creatures as "human beings". Language is a form of abstract thinking. Possessing it proves that man is capable of abstract thinking. He knows how to think, to communicate, and to use it? build? society, and even to transmit culture. Language is a tool for thinking. Language is the cornerstone of human progress and evolution.

Human babies carry within them the gene that determines ability. Language is a program in that gene, part of our "human" nature, innate, not learned. In addition to being ****ty, this ability is also individualized, i.e., each person? is unique. can and should not be raised to be a ? idealized person or a universal stable state.

The relationship between these human abilities and future learning, environment and culture. Human abilities are written in the baby at birth. He will initiate different programs at different times, he has his own laws and initiating mechanisms. When a baby is first born, his world is already organized. It relies on an abstract representation that is born? s own, through which the visual, auditory, and tactile senses of ? It is a stimulus for the senses of sight, sound, and touch. It relies on an abstract representation that is born and through which visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli can be connected. Experiments have shown that seven-month-old infants can distinguish between a group of three and a group of one. groups of three and groups of one, and that children can do arithmetic in infancy.

Human abilities are limited by the development and maturation of the body. Some abilities are implicit when the body is not yet mature,? such as the infant's "walking? reflex" in infants: it disappears after about eight weeks, and the walking reflex is inhibited for the first one week. It is inhibited because the infant's skeleton is not yet hard enough to bear his weight, so the reflex disappears. Therefore, the disappearance of the reflex is intended to protect the child from having to walk until he is physically able to do so. The purpose is to protect the child from having to walk until his body is ready. before walking. The researchers put the baby in water and the baby had the walking reflex again. Behind our eyes, there is a place in the brain dedicated to inhibiting behavior. This place does not develop until the age of 20, so it is not possible for a child to have full control over his behavior until the age of 20. 16-year-old Yak Jiaxin's intentional homicide is not unrelated to the fact that this piece has not matured. Then again, every parent will have been troubled by the child to clean up the toys, which is also related to the child's ability is not yet arrived. Before his ability has not yet arrived. No matter how many times you say, no matter how many times you punish him, next time, still do not know to clean up. In response to the above, what parents can do is acceptance. Accept his characteristics at this stage. Be positive by always leading your child to put away together. Let him feel that cleaning up toys is more interesting than playing with toys.

Once the genes for a person's ability are activated, the environment, if not cooperative, can cause irreversible trauma to the person's ability. An example of this is an infant's ability to see, if the infant is not allowed to see light for the first seven days of life. That child will then permanently lose the ability to see. This also reminds us that there is a critical period for the conversion of implicit abilities into explicit abilities, which is also known as the "sensitive period" according to Montessori. There is some information that shows that infants' vocabulary counts are higher than those of other children. shows that babies' vocabulary counts? It is shown that infants' vocabulary counts begin to increase geometrically around the age of ? About half a year old began to geometric increase, this is the so-called "vocabulary explosion" sensitive period, the sensitive period to grasp the right, the child's ability to develop better and more prominent. Because when the sensitive period comes, the child will actively connect the relevant neurons in the body. If the child's behavior is impeded (due to parental discipline), he loses the opportunity to connect these neurons, and the function is lost. If a person is born with the ability to master language, he can do so if you give him the environment. If you give him a multilingual environment, he will master multiple languages. Otherwise, his language function will be lost. For example, if a "wolf child" returns to society, because he has passed the sensitive period, he will not be able to master the language even if he is taught afterwards. This is the same as teaching a chimpanzee to learn human language, as mentioned earlier. You can't master language in a situation where you don't have the ability to do so, or where you miss the sensitivity period for the ability to do so.

Various experiments have shown that there is a direct causal relationship between the outgrowth of human ability and the initiation of the ability gene. If he does not start, any education is futile. Such as babies walk, children clean up toys, when they have not yet started, parents are shouting every day, the child will not play with toys to clean up. Nor will he take a step forward. Therefore, learning is most effective when the ability is activated. Therefore learning must be timely. Any uprooting of education will only be counterproductive. Because when the ability is activated, the person has a sense of need, the sense of need will make the person actively learn, and at the same time, the act of learning itself will lead to neuronal connections and neural network construction. Passive learning does not lead to connections between neurons. Its circuits do not cause a chain reaction of other neurons. That is, it will not result in long-lasting memories, associations, or creativity. Therefore, if a child does not want to practice the piano, and when the parents keep forcing him to practice. The child will not be able to learn the piano. On the contrary, it will have an aversion to playing the piano.

The environment also plays a role in the development of ability. A? indispensable role: it triggers, selects, and regulates a variety of innate mechanisms. chemicalize a variety of innate mechanisms, but the environment is absolutely? It is possible to alter an organism's genetic program. For example, a multilingual environment can trigger the initiation of a child's language skills. It will make this part of the neurons connect more, the synapses will be more numerous and the neural network will be denser. However, the total human capacity is conserved, and a particularly strong capacity in this area will inevitably result in a relatively weaker capacity in the other area. Einstein, for example, was particularly strong in spatial ability and weak in language; he was dyslexic. The conservation of abilities and different combinations provide the theoretical basis for each person to be unique and for each person to be respected.

There is also a close relationship between human ability and social culture. Research in the last 30 years has shown that the more an organism evolves, the more innate special abilities it possesses? and the mind. traits, and this mind? The more the organism evolves, the more it possesses innate special abilities and mental qualities, and this mental qualities are will be affected by the current culture and individual differences, but is influenced by the cultural accumulation and environment of previous human societies. Environmental differences and cultural accretion and genetic differences lead to differences between races. But although cultural and environmental differences? are large, the general mechanism that produces ? for that general mechanism is ? There is a difference because of environment or culture. There is no difference between environment and culture. The science of the world is not a matter of the environment or culture. For science to develop it must analyze phenomena into simple, coherent elements that? is lost in the complexity and colorfulness of reality.

The innate ability of human beings to understand that each person comes into the world as a unique person. The human mission is to become who you are, to develop and perfect yourself and fulfill your mission, and ultimately to achieve fulfillment and happiness.