? In Hunan there is a pair of farmers couple, these two couples ah, spend their own money to repair a square, the total **** spent almost 180,000 yuan.
In this square above is really everything, not only has a basketball court, fitness and leisure place, and there is also a bookstore, and now this place has become a leisure place of the village.
Such a thing is really a good thing for people, not only can they enjoy such a leisure place, but also let the whole village can follow to enjoy.
The couple's pattern is really oversized to do such a thing.
The old people and children have a place where they can relax and have fun, and this couple built such a square in front of their house, not only can they go out and have fun, but also benefit the villagers, and this square is almost more than 600 square meters.
And these two farmers couple is also together to do small work, do more than twenty years, and this square is also their family work together *** with efforts to do out, the total *** spent more than 110 days on the completion of this square, is really worthy of praise.
? These two couples to use their own savings to build this square, the villagers sometimes come here in the evening after dinner to relax and play, take a break and chat.
In fact, the two couples such a practice is also for their own construction of a retirement place, in their old age also have such a place of leisure, and the couple after spending 18 million, in fact, owed more than 10 thousand.
? This square in addition to these places to play, there are toilets, and resting places, sometimes people dance outside, dance in this square, and then in the cold days can also build a house inside to rest.
We all praise this couple, the villagers every time to this couple is actually smiling, will not feel that the villagers always come to feel impatient ah, such emotions, I think this couple's approach is indeed worthy of praise, and now there are few people who can have such a broad mindedness, their own repair of the plaza, so that we all come to relax.